Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

Can some one just keep reposting this for me?

My personal has nothing to do with Hitlary being unfit for presidency.

Damn it! She almost died. Maybe next time.

Anyone who wears communist attire made of oven mitt material deserves to die.

A women with no name, her face blocked, and voice covered, LMAO. Obviously an actor. For all we know that could even be a tranny.

What is her name? was anything settled out of court? Proof?

Some proof that Trump is racist would be great also. Not wanting terrorists and illegals is not racist. Its protecting America.
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I did not hear her name in the video. at what point does she say it?

I googled her. The case has been thrown out before. Reporters that talk to her say she can't get her story straight. Why keep attending parties where your raped...

If Trump settled the rape case like Bill does his then I would believe it. Hes fighting it, we will find out in court I guess.

Is that even her real name? Sounds fake. Why is so covering her face and voice also?
blaming the victim, eh?

super awesome.

like he did with his ex-wife in 1990, and jill harth in 1997?

you are fucking retarded. to put it in the kindest possible manner.

I am not blaming the victim. If I was raped I wouldn't keep attending rape parties.

His ex wife and jill harth are not Katie Johnson, who we are discussing. Thanks for bringing them to my attention I will google them. These settlements are for rape? Can you give me some links?

When did she say her name in the video? so I can go to it.

Sounds like Buck resorts to name calling when pressured...