trump's concentration camps for kids

No it's more a generation thing. Ask your savior for pictures from the protest right down the street from his house today, and while you're at post some up of the protests in your city that you attended. Put up or stfu, you're either doing something for the cause or you're doing something only for your ego.
how old are you?
Old enough to be your fucking daddy......hey, who knows, where was your mama the night of......
so you were in your late 40s/early 50s when you complained that you were in financial disasterfor most of your life, and making minimum wage because of the jews?

that's even more sad, i suspected you to be about my age
so you were in your late 40s/early 50s when you complained that you were in financial disasterfor most of your life, and making minimum wage because of the jews?

that's even more sad, i suspected you to be about my age
You sure don't do maths well when you're approaching blackout.
you're confusing nazi death camps with concentration camps. they had both.

so when are you going to turn yourself into federal authorities and go to prison for your illegal grow?

Does your family approve of that distinction?

And after you still threaten police. When did you become a narc buck? After you failed at growing?

Or when you decided alcohol was your god?

You have gone lower than low at this point.
You sure don't do maths well when you're approaching blackout.

i'm in my mid 30s. if you are old enough to be my father, then that makes you 50-55, which would mean you were 45-50 years old when you complained about being in financial disaster and making minimum wage most of your life because of the jews
When you do, or do you not use medical marijuana? If not why are you on this site?
i grow lots of weed

i don't shout for the federal authorities to lock people in concentration camps for federal misdemeanors while i commit a federal felony though

see how fucking stupid that makes you?
Has someone told you that this is a pro weed site? You are speaking as a narc.

this is where i'd call for the feds to lock up your kid in a concentration camp over your felony grow, but then i remembered that your dick doesnt work and your wife is barren because of all the meth you guys do
i'm in my mid 30s. if you are old enough to be my father, then that makes you 50-55, which would mean you were 45-50 years old when you complained about being in financial disaster and making minimum wage most of your life because of the jews
Again, two instances , remember? I already explained different place , different time period. If you can't understand that then have another drink. I'm done explaining anything about a comment made years ago. Come up with something current and we can talk. What I'd like to talk about that's current is your psychological well being. I don't think saving a few bux and letting your ol lady do the work is really that good for you.
Again, two instances , remember? I already explained different place , different time period. If you can't understand that then have another drink. I'm done explaining anything about a comment made years ago. Come up with something current and we can talk. What I'd like to talk about that's current is your psychological well being. I don't think saving a few bux and letting your ol lady do the work is really that good for you.

nothing you say now will change what you said as a 45-50 year old man just a few years ago - that you were in financial disaster for most of your life and making minimum wage because of the jews.

i'm in my mid 30s and started in the trades around when you made that comment and easily pull 50-60 a year. i walked away from making 85 because it was too much stress.

that has to make you feel pretty pathetic
You have sunk beyond consideration.

why did you lie and say that other administrations have torn crying toddlers away from their mommas and thrown them in concentration camps?

i can't imagine anyone who claims to be a jew outright lying like that about something like concentration camps
nothing you say now will change what you said as a 45-50 year old man just a few years ago - that you were in financial disaster for most of your life and making minimum wage because of the jews.

i'm in my mid 30s and started in the trades around when you made that comment and easily pull 50-60 a year. i walked away from making 85 because it was too much stress.

that has to make you feel pretty pathetic
Same with rob byrd eh?
Seriously, nobody here including me gives a fuck about your little argument. And personally I deal with it on a daily basis and have for a few decades, fuck your stress buddy.