robert 14617
Well-Known Member
Funny how everything you say is somebody else's propaganda.
No it's not
Funny how everything you say is somebody else's propaganda.
And you sound like a fascist to seem like a dumb idiotic child to me
I thought you were Australian?
Democracy is about people having a voice in how they are governed.
Fascists demonstrate so they can take that right taken from everybody else.
Naive child.
you sound like a fascist to me.
Silencing someones voice is fascist as well.
No it's not
name the top three most fascist policies i stand for
Im Australian.
You definitely have no idea who I have voted for. You think you do. But you couldn't be more wrong.
I thought you were Australian?
We're talking about Mexico dude.....
Not Australia, or the USA.
Right now USA is holding Mexican children hostage like property.
You think this is fair?
All of you are doing this as a country. Because it was allowed to happen.
It's not as if I care whether you are Australian, Mexican or a US citizen.
Sounds like you can't make up your mind.
You ought to look up the definition of democracy and have a look where you fit in.
I believe in a democracy. Because I generally believe the majority forms the right decisions.
Where do you stand on democracy exactly?
I'm still trying to figure you out.
You definitely have no idea who I have voted for. You think you do. But you couldn't be more wrong.
Funny how Clinton was the one who signed this action into existence and 8 years obama he let it stand ,but all of a sudden it's Trump who is the bad guy
Not to mention Hitler, Stalin, Mousseline were socialists.
I think you are confused about the difference between totalitarian government and political-economic ideologies. Fascism isn't Marxist-Leninist communism though both are totalitarian . In any case, democracy is the opposite of totalitarian government. One can't have free and fair elections in a totalitarian government. Or at least there never has been.Democracy is where i stand. Thats my ideology.
Free speech is at the core of democracy. Its even written in the American constitution. Not speaking as an American, of course. But does that mean i dont get a say if other foreigners are being held captive on your home soil?
The minute someones voice is silenced, is fascist. Bigotry is a fascist principal.
Where's the Mexicans say in all this?
Last I heard USA was trying to build a wall to make a fascist statement, and taking Mexican children as prisoners.
Its a slap in the face for democracy, that Trump got in.
Shouldnt the whole world have a say in humanitarian crisis like these?
I believe Trump is all about Trump. Dont you?
He doesn't want a "USA". He wants Trump rule.(just my opinion of coarse)
The reason i say the "left" are fascists is because of communism, and socialism. I believe these two really push the boundary for fascism sometimes. Especially communism.
Not to mention Hitler, Stalin, Mousseline were socialists.
tell your mom to text next times she needs a face full of cum...
Ummmm no.I think you are confused about the difference between totalitarian government and political-economic ideologies. Fascism isn't Marxist-Leninist communism though both are totalitarian . In any case, democracy is the opposite of totalitarian government. One can't have free and fair elections in a totalitarian government. Or at least there never has been.
Democracy is not dead in the US. We are in upheaval. Fascists are trying to take control of this country. I believe the answer to fascsts trying to take control is vocal opposition that matches Fascist violence. We have greater numbers and the fascists can't prevail so long as the police and courts are not totally controlled by the fascist minority. Trump and his followers are trying to do just that, which is why we are in upheaval right now.
Rather than go on about your made-up ideas about political theory, I ask you what non-violent forms of opposition to fascism has been shown to stop the fascists from taking control? What pacifist means of stopping fascism do you suggest?
Yes they were.No they weren't
I agree to a point...when nazi's assemble in this country they should have the shit beat out of them.
Ummmm no.
You better check your facts.
Starting with what democracy is.....
Seems to me you're having trouble accepting democracy.
Last I checked a democracy has laws in place to deal with nasty people?
Maybe you don't like the democracy you're part of?
Maybe you should peacefully protest your political views?
you must of been homeschooled...
National socialists were socialist just like my buffalo wings come from the wings of a buffaloYes they were.
You don't believe in good socialists and bad ones?
What's your opinion on "National Socialism" and what it means?
Or the "National Socialist Party" and what it was / is?
you must of been homeschooled...
National socialists were socialist just like my buffalo wings come from the wings of a buffalo
you're very stupid, even for a fucking idiotYou want a definition of segregation?
Get Left = Good, Right = Bad, and Centred = Both, out of your head.
Creating classifications is fascist.
Well they followed a set of rules. They follow an "ideology".