trump's concentration camps for kids

i'll believe your story of a door-to-door rapist when you turn yourself into federal authorities for your felonies, sweetie

Felonies? That is plural, I admit that I consume medical marijuana within the local state rules which I understand federal law doesn’t share. Is there another one that you accuse me of?
Felonies? That is plural, I admit that I consume medical marijuana within the local state rules which I understand federal law doesn’t share. Is there another one that you accuse me of?
keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either
To give you more of the picture I lived in Dillon Valley in a mostly Latino Apartment complex.

I lived across the hall from a one bedroom apartment that housed 6 people, 4 of which were undocumented. One of the undocumented people was the evil disgusting excuse for a human being that climbed over the partition wall separating our balconies, he then managed to open my slider(that I had reported to management that morning was broke) he then went into my bedroom where I was sleeping (it was 3AM) he had his pants down penis exposed and said “I Fuck You, I Fuck You” I screamed and grabbed my cellphone that was next to my bed, pressed emergency call and it called 911. Kicking and screaming while on the phone. I fought him off (I’m not a little girl) and he ran out of the apartment. When the cops came I saw the poor undocumented girl from across the hall bloody lip and sobbing. I didn’t know until the trial what had happened to her, it was heartbreaking..... The whole situation was horrible to go through and then to find out that girl was just sent back to her country without justice is just sad.

I completely agree that rape happens from those here legally and illegally. My point was this man had been arrested multiple times for crimes of rape, assault and burglary each time being deported and coming back to our country to do it again.

If the girl would have went through the process properly and been documented she could have gotten help to overcome what happened to her instead of being sent to where her life was bad enough for her to want to leave in the first place.
didja hear about the one where this teenage girl was going back to her car which was parked in a multi-story parking garage and she saw a white van that hadn't been there when she parked her car?

Anyway, she was pretty sure a rapist was in that van and she ran away. It was probably the same guy you fought off. I mean it can't be a coincidence can it?

She's OK, in case you were wondering.
Jesus seems like a decent guy, a civil disobedient anarchist, who preached live and let live. He probably could have gotten laid more, but it might have felt weird for him to exclaim "oh god" that one time he banged the hooker, and his dad appeared.

I've bought a lot of houses. Usually I've been happiest when I found a sucker to buy it for twice what I had in it.

I've never agreed to pay a violent third party anything. I have aquiesced under duress though. Property tax is an oxymoron, because it combines two dissimilar concepts into one. It's wordsmithing and only a person with the cranial capacity of a Jumbo Shrimp would fall for it as a legitimate and rational thing.

wow ive never heard you speak this way.
You figure it out. People more apologize for you at this point. “Bucks ok but......”
you seem like the most disrespected,hated member of this forum.i hear the only re
felony cunting
i am actually the most liked member on this site

name one person on my list who likes you
you are the most disrespected,hated member of this forum from what ive seen in my short time here.i hear the only reason you dont get banned is because your brother in law is a mod,you are hated everywhere

but its your life,if you choose to be hated so be it
you seem like the most disrespected,hated member of this forum.i hear the only re

you are the most disrespected,hated member of this forum from what ive seen in my short time here.i hear the only reason you dont get banned is because your brother in law is a mod,you are hated everywhere

but its your life,if you choose to be hated so be it
welcome new member