trump's concentration camps for kids

What facts?
Maybe someone should have close look at this turd, it's been kinda putrid smelling around here. Contributes nothing but social disruption and insults to other members, a newbie who works multiple threads and acts like a snake. An antisocial element with no point of view to speak of, a pointless exercise in hate for him and a waste of time. He was practice writing for me and some fun, but sad too.
"Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fools who follows him?"
A study in human nature and I don't follow anybody, but cruse the threads being a pain in the ass where I find and interest

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing"

Are you and evil man or a good one?
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A study in human nature and I don't follow anybody, but cruse the threads being a pain in the ass where I find and interest

"The thing only necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing"

Are you and evil man or a good one?


LOL reality is cause and effect not whatever instinctive animal emotion you feel child.

FYI I was referring to Trump and the morons who follow him, not you buddy try shrooms for that out of control ego of yours.
I was referring to Trump and the morons who follow him, not you buddy try shrooms for that out of control ego of yours
I like yer response, got me thinking too. I hope my response to you got you thinking as well. Look at the thread title, what do you think of that? Disgusting isn't it, positively evil... You also might consider working on yer social skills too... Gives us Canadians a bad rap, we're suppose to be polite.
reality is cause and effect not whatever instinctive animal emotion you feel child.
I'm bored and feel like philosophizing fer a spell

Causation is not really a recent discovery, the Buddha spoke of it 2500 years ago and was a remarkably modern logical mind in a time of superstition. The Latin root word to move or stir was emovere, the root word of motive and emotion, to move the emotions which move us to action. The Buddhist view is a bit different, in this school emotions are seen to color or filter reality and influence our perceptions and thus our thoughts and then our actions. Both views are correct and there is merit in both views, both deal with our motives intentions and actions.

Do you know what really motivates your thoughts, words and actions?
Are you crystal clear on your intentions and emotions?
Do you know the source of your causation?
Why are you on this thread?

Our emotional states affect our perception of reality profoundly, if we are driven by fear, hatred and greed it negatively affects our thoughts words and actions.

I hope I have shown you dignity and respect and have answered your concerns and issues fully.
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