Trump's Disqualification Trial

Do you think Trump will be disqualified by Colorado and the SCOTUS from running in the primaries?

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I’ve heard Republicans say that with the sort of bitter inflection that suggests that that is a Bad Thing.

Perhaps the most offensive extension of this attitude came from some Florida Man (Scott, maybe) who argued Social Security beneficiaries should have to work to keep their awards.

He did not carve out disability recipients, which highlights the prejudice of today’s Heritage Foundation admirers that someone’s value is proportional to one’s paycheck. It is a totalibertarian article of faith.

“If you don’t have a paying job, please die now.”
They are antisocial greed heads unfit for office, anybody who buys their ideology can't think straight or is worried about the "other" getting something and they would rather starve themselves than let that happen! SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM is the cry from those who have no clue as to what it is or means. Many who are on social security and Medicare vote for people who would cut them off in an instant and leave them dying in a ditch, losers. Why not, they watch foxnews and they can blame the democrats, facts don't matter remember.
They are antisocial greed heads unfit for office, anybody who buys their ideology can't think straight or is worried about the "other" getting something and they would rather starve themselves than let that happen! SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM is the cry from those who have no clue as to what it is or means. Many who are on social security and Medicare vote for people who would cut them off in an instant and leave them dying in a ditch, losers. Why not, they watch foxnews and they can blame the democrats, facts don't matter remember.
I do believe they can think straight. However, they’re locked into a zero-sum belief. Any resource diverted from (white straight evangelical male) Real Americans is a loss to them. It’s unadorned social Darwinism imo, a cornerstone feature of hierarchical society since writing consisted of cave paintings.
Colorado Supreme Court to hear Trump 14th Amendment appeal
The Colorado Supreme Court agreed late Tuesday to take up a case weighing whether to bar former President Trump from the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment.

A lower court last week found that the former president engaged in insurrection by inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot but determined the constitutional prohibition on holding office after engaging in “insurrection or rebellion” did not apply to the presidency. Trump and the group of citizens seeking to remove him from the ballot have both appealed the decision. Trump in his appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court said he agreed with the latter part of the ruling keeping him on the state’s ballot but is appealing on other issues.

“But the district court nonetheless made legal and factual findings wholly unsupported in the law, and these errors demand review – especially if the Petitioners in this matter also seek review of the sole dispositive issue upon which President Trump prevailed,” Trump’s attorneys wrote.
Left-leaning group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which filed the lawsuit on behalf of four Republicans and two independent Colorado voters, asked the state’s top court to rule that the amendment does indeed apply to the presidency.

The 14th Amendment prohibits someone from holding “any office … under the United States” if they engaged in insurrection after taking an oath as “an officer of the United States” to “support” the Constitution.
Colorado District Judge Sarah Wallace said in her ruling that that language means the 14th Amendment can’t be used to prevent Trump from appearing on the ballot, regardless of whether the then-president’s actions on Jan. 6 cleared the threshold.

Wallace ruled the presidency was not an “office … under the United States” because the 14th Amendment explicitly lists all federal elected positions, except for the presidency and vice presidency. Wallace further ruled Trump was not an “officer of the United States” in the first place, referencing other constitutional provisions that distinguish the presidency from federal officers.

“Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, passed after the Civil War, excludes from federal or state office those who engaged in insurrection against the Constitution after previously taking an oath to support it,” CREW argued in its appeal brief.

The case is one of multiple 14th Amendment lawsuits against Trump proceeding across the country. A liberal activist group that filed a lawsuit in Michigan appealed its case to the state’s top court last week. Minnesota’s top court threw out another 14th Amendment lawsuit earlier this month.
Wow. Construing the Presidency not to be a Federal office on that wisp of absent language is quite the contortion.
Next week, we discuss why the Earth is flat because the Bible never mentioned a globe.
Does not the President of the United Shates hold the highest office in the land, thereby making him an officer of the United Shates? Do the originalists on the SC really believe that Sec. 3 meant anyone except Jefferson Davis could be barred from running for president?
Does not the President of the United Shates hold the highest office in the land, thereby making him an officer of the United Shates? Do the originalists on the SC really believe that Sec. 3 meant anyone except Jefferson Davis could be barred from running for president?
The primary intention of the founders was to keep a tyrant from arising and they divided powers in the government that the constitution created to avoid such a thing with the division of powers, it is inherent in the very structure of the US government. The presidency is the only realistic path to tyranny in America and Trump has trod it and looks to again. Of course, he is an office holder, he is the chief officer or CEO of the EXECUTIVE (officer) branch of the government, the one with the almost singular power to violate the 14th amendment, to say it doesn't apply to Trump or any president is absurd at best. In this case I think it was fear and intimidation, she didn't want to be the first to disqualify Trump, above her pay grade and the death threats to her and her family would never end.

Let's see what the Colorado supreme court says, is the US constitution a suicide pact or not? If Trump wins the presidency the courts and judges will be his victims too, they will get in the way of his revenge and self-pardon, so they will have to go too, as will the rule of law. He will need to spring himself from federal prison first however and if he can't self-pardon, he can't do that. He can't pardon his way out of Georgia either or the criminal charges in NY that are coming over his fraud and criminal conspiracy. It would have to be all or nothing, martial law from day one and rounding up judges and senators right after that.
I figure Donald's disqualification and financial statues will be known by the end of the year and he will be in prison by June 1st, according to pundits and his court calander. What the magats do is anybody's guess, maybe Trump will turn on the GOP, or their nominee, if he is disqualified. I do think though he is leading the hopes and dreams of much of "white" American off a cliff, they chose a moron as their champion in the culture wars. He will end up unintentionally moving liberal causes ahead by a decade or more and destroying the GOP.
I figure Donald's disqualification and financial statues will be known by the end of the year and he will be in prison by June 1st, according to pundits and his court calander. What the magats do is anybody's guess, maybe Trump will turn on the GOP, or their nominee, if he is disqualified. I do think though he is leading the hopes and dreams of much of "white" American off a cliff, they chose a moron as their champion in the culture wars. He will end up unintentionally moving liberal causes ahead by a decade or more and destroying the GOP.
Like usual, I hope you are correct.