Why are you bringing up stuff that isn't at all relevant at the time ? This is about this POS that is taking our World apart one piece at a time, geeze I mean wtf. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, if you don't see that I really don't know what to say. Just please use some common sense as I ask for all people hoping Trump don't go to Jail.
He's a Crook and a liar,
Maybe Hillary should get on the big stage and call him. " Dumb Donald" seems he has to call everyone a name that may disagree with him or say something he doesn't like.
Do you remember grade School ? Isn't that what the bullies did to kids that couldn't fight back ?
those same people take what they want when they want. Those are not the people we want in charge, there bullies and liars.
Just do some real research on Trump and see how many times he went bankrupt,? how many times ?
How many People has he robbed, I mean have someone do work for him and stiff them for the money ?
How many little girls has he checked out ? MINORS
How many people has he killed in the process of doing business ?
He should of never got into the POTUS position.
One other stat I looked into. don't know if your a football fan or not. But there was 43 Lambeau Fields full of People that votes didn't count. that alone is sad. that is a bunch of people, Don't you think ?
that was just to put into perspective, I think about that and say holy shit........
This is the second time U.S. Citizens Votes didn't count, And what do you know it went for Republicans both times.
Anyways Good Day