Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

So you say, and yet the country continues to put the lie to your assertions.

Germany was an advanced, highly technological liberal democracy and they reached up Hitler.

You have failed to provide any evidence that America isn't already well down the very same path, for most of the very same reasons.
You don't know anything about history, it's obvious from this post.

Kindly stfu.
Nazis are marching on US soil, in plain sight...Its very clear the path the US is on.

They are here but tty suffers from histrionic meltdown syndrome.

We (antifascists) show up in counter demonstrations in Portland and elsewhere numbering 4 or 5 to their 1. It is getting rough. But not the same as Germany in the 1920's and early 30's when Hitler's brown shirts were massively funded by industrialists including Henry Ford. From there they launched assassinations of Communist leaders and eventually snuffed out the other groups opposing them.
They are here but tty suffers from histrionic meltdown syndrome.

We (antifascists) show up in counter demonstrations in Portland and elsewhere numbering 4 or 5 to their 1. It is getting rough. But not the same as Germany in the 1920's and early 30's when Hitler's brown shirts were massively funded by industrialists including Henry Ford. From there they launched assassinations of Communist leaders and eventually snuffed out the other groups opposing them.
No its not. Its just in the early stages. They even control the high court and will gain more dominance in that area soon. The right is rising not falling and has far more power coming its way. It even has a President that encourages it.
Stand strong my friend but I fear your fight has not yet started.
No its not. Its just in the early stages. They even control the high court and will gain more dominance in that area soon. The right is rising not falling and has far more power coming its way. It even has a President that encourages it.
Stand strong my friend but I fear your fight has not yet started.
I don't think you have any idea what's going on here.
I hope your right, for your sake and mine.
I've been to the demonstrations. I've seen the scuffles. Yes, the fascists are fearsome and have hurt a few of ours. We aren't the warrior types so we don't really engage we stand in their way. Eventually the cops step in and break up the demonstrations, everybody goes home. But we show up in the thousands to their half a hundred. We are locals, they come from hundreds of miles away, some from the other side of the country. Politicians have taken note of the numbers and aren't backing the fascists.

The majority is antifascist and I think that November will mark their last days of complete government control.
Why would you forbid voting once someone has did his time ?
You elect a conman and tell us it is raining as he pisses all over our country but you fear convicts who have rehabilitated?
You must fear all the church bigots ?
It's to stop black people voting.

Jeb did it when his bro needed to suppress the black vote, if I remember correctly.
I've been to the demonstrations. I've seen the scuffles. Yes, the fascists are fearsome and have hurt a few of ours. We aren't the warrior types so we don't really engage we stand in their way. Eventually the cops step in and break up the demonstrations, everybody goes home. But we show up in the thousands to their half a hundred. We are locals, they come from hundreds of miles away, some from the other side of the country. Politicians have taken note of the numbers and aren't backing the fascists.

The majority is antifascist and I think that November will mark their last days of complete government control.
My point you disagreed on was that the high court is the most conservative its been since the 1930's and with a member in their mid 80s will likely become more so. They will slowly but exponentially push the country even more to the right. As it is America is very right compared to most western countries and you do in fact have a President who supports and encourages the alt right. But hey what would I know hey?
I wouldn't bet on the primaries results just yet we have all seen what polls can show and really will have very small effect if it swings the way most of us wish. The laws of the country will lean further and further to the right and will for a generation.

Banter aside. I commend you standing up and marching and fighting the Right wave that is not only extremely public in America but throughout the world at the moment. Its here in Australia to but because voting is compulsory here gest drowned out at the ballot box, in the main.

My point you disagreed on was that the high court is the most conservative its been since the 1930's and with a member in their mid 80s will likely become more so. They will slowly but exponentially push the country even more to the right. As it is America is very right compared to most western countries and you do in fact have a President who supports and encourages the alt right. But hey what would I know hey?
I wouldn't bet on the primaries results just yet we have all seen what polls can show and really will have very small effect if it swings the way most of us wish. The laws of the country will lean further and further to the right and will for a generation.

Banter aside. I commend you standing up and marching and fighting the Right wave that is not only extremely public in America but throughout the world at the moment. Its here in Australia to but because voting is compulsory here gest drowned out at the ballot box, in the main.

There are some leaps of faith in your post.

"They will slowly but exponentially push the country even more to the right."

The above, for example. It's your opinion and not altogether wrong, just not necessarily true.
I do know that in California they allow Felons to vote. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

SB1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.

Make sure you get a poop map if you decide to go to Cali.

LA the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:

Property crime runs amok.
An online map is needed to track human feces on city streets.
Discarded syringes are common sightings.
Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.

I'm pretty sure all other states have it better. Even Florida...

Well, thanks for proving my point! :lol:

Just so you know, my point was that YOU are the ignorant one.

Also, I'm glad that you are blissful, living in Florida, and surrounded by blue hairs. You and PetFlora are evidently too stupid to pay attention, and certainly like to post about that here.

I'll bet you sit outside and wave at cars! :lol:

There are some leaps of faith in your post.

"They will slowly but exponentially push the country even more to the right."

The above, for example. It's your opinion and not altogether wrong, just not necessarily true.
So you don't expect the court to choose to hear cases it wants a right bent on? That's your opinion I suppose but kinda defeats the point of having that very powerful majority won at such political expense to not use it.

I wish you well in your fight its going to be a generational one.
I do know that in California they allow Felons to vote. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

Listen you pig fucker, just because someone has a felony, that shouldn't nullify their right to vote, even if the person is incarcerated
So you don't expect the court to choose to hear cases it wants a right bent on? That's your opinion I suppose but kinda defeats the point of having that very powerful majority won at such political expense to not use it.

I wish you well in your fight its going to be a generational one.
I tell you what, I won't say ignorant things about what's going on in Australia and you stop saying ignorant things 'bout the US.
I tell you what, I won't say ignorant things about what's going on in Australia and you stop saying ignorant things 'bout the US.
So that's a no then?
Id be very surprised if many Americans would be aware on Australian politics (according to most of them i'm a ) be nice to have a discuss on that for a change, or Brexit for that matter.
I'm glad your much more confidant than some High court reporters. Expect Abortion to once again be made harder to get. It will only effect the poor of cause but the religious fanatics love controlling the poor. They love Trump don't they for giving them the court. Huge win for him.

Push for more support and control has already started on social media which the right seem to be very strong on.

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So that's a no then?
Id be very surprised if many Americans would be aware on Australian politics (according to most of them i'm a ) be nice to have a discuss on that for a change, or Brexit for that matter.
I'm glad your much more confidant than some High court reporters. Expect Abortion to once again be made harder to get. It will only effect the poor of cause but the religious fanatics love controlling the poor. They love Trump don't they for giving them the court. Huge win for him.

Push for more support and control has already started on social media which the right seem to be very strong on.

I hear that salt water crocodiles are a threat to the safety of every person in Australia. You have my respect for facing such a terrible fate.