TRUMPS* Secret Police

Yeah to be honest racism isn't massive in the UK having lived there not to say it doesn't exist. I found there was more hatred between the nations of GB ie england Ireland Scotland Wales. Like seriously some of them hate themselves. Werid sick British behaviours and traits.

You obviously get small groups anti muslims but I didn't see anti blacks, but you get that everywhere and unfortunately you can't stop there mad way of thinking like the far right nearly beat Angela mearkle a few years back. We all know what happens when Germany gets a right wing nutter in charge.......

Again this comes back to education the lesser educated, they see there city blown up by an extremist muslim and then sees Muslims as terrorists. Educating these individuals will change there mind.....eventually, just shouting racist or abuse does nothing but ignite the fires.
I also live in the UK
Structural racism is the norm
You don’t see it because you choose not to.
I also live in the UK
Structural racism is the norm
You don’t see it because you choose not to.
Really I saw more anti English than anything else during my time in Wales and scotland. Down West in Devon I saw they were very proud to be Celtic not British. Not cops kneeling on people neck because they were black.
Back 10 years ago it was more affordable. Now it's astronomically priced and will only ever continue to increase making it less avaliable to the average joe people on low incomes. If that's not becoming less avalible to the economically challenged then I dont know what is.

Look at the statistics regarding inner city deprived areas and the education levels and spending compare that to more well of areas and see the disparities in educational equality. Further supporting my argument of of education becoming more elitist. Having worked in inner city, suburban and rural facilities the contrast is stark.
Sweeping comments and nothing but 'go look up the facts' to get me to chase my tail for hours. No thank you. If you have some facts post them, otherwise you are just ignoring what I had said.

But I guess it is because you are looking at one cherry picked stat and admitting that if that one stat is not the only one that matters you don't actually know what you are talking about.

But to answer the only point you are gas-lighting here, those inner city schools are forced to try to teach these kids in vastly outdated buildings packing students into a few schools while white kids are spread out across schools in virtually every city (at least any I have ever been to) in far newer buildings that were build after white flight from the cities filled with lead pipes and paint (and many other environmental toxic pollutants) that have been proven to hurt child development.

Money is a direct cause it's effects everything. From people's behaviours when inheriting or gaining large amounts. It effects the quality of your education and where you are educated, your health money and health have a correlation including the type of health care you have, your social standing is measured by wealth both socially and for nation statistical purposes.

Education is the way out however when it's underfunded at grass roots and overly charged at the latter end how can you still say the more economically adept households don't do better
What you said was education attainment is becoming 'more elitist'. It is not, scholarships, federal loans and grants, community scholarships, etc all have made a good college education far more acheivable and much less 'elitist'.

And getting a college education is still the greatest generator of wealth our nation has. Unfortunately arguments like you are spouting give cover to the racist agenda to underfund these schools located in outdated and overpopulated buildings.
I see your point of avalibilty compare to the 20's however look over the past decade and watch the trend of average student debt due to increases in fees, loans and interest rates.

Given it's current trend University will eventually be middle class only due to cost and possibly even eventually pricing out the lower end of the middle class.
I actually got a education from a American university in the last decade, and know that it is not as clean cut as what you are saying here. You are ignoring the ways that our country has made universities available to anyone who puts in the time and effort to do the work for a degree.

It doesn't make it much easier for people to overcome all the roadblocks growing up in the cities of our country place in front of them, but it is still easier (at least pre-Trump, who knows what extra shit he has caused schools with his shit handling of the pandemic) to get a full education now than at any point in history of our country as a whole for everyone in our society.
Now I've spent some time in Poland that place is racists. They throw bananas at black football players and chant malpa I think it is which I'm sure in monkey.

In Spain where I currently am alot of the Spanish hate everybody. Especially ex pat Brit's. Same old argument, coming here buying up our property etc. The Spanish government can be ruthless to expat home owners I've heard a few tails.
Now I've spent some time in Poland that place is racists. They throw bananas at black football players and chant malpa I think it is which I'm sure in monkey.

In Spain where I currently am alot of the Spanish hate everybody. Especially ex pat Brit's. Same old argument, coming here buying up our property etc. The Spanish government can be ruthless to expat home owners I've heard a few tails.
That is how it worked here, except we genocided the previous residents and enslaved other races while building America. The racist agenda has been trying to keep our minority communities from building up the wealth ever since. But it doesn't mean that (once again Trump has taken us back and it is unclear how much we have lost due to him yet) we are not still in a far better place today than at any point in our nation's history.

We just still have a lot of work fixing the inequalities caused by the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has purposefully imposed in our society. Unfortunately we all are under attack by the Russian military, Chinese cultists, and homegrown terrorists at the moment and it is hard for us to all see straight. And it is not just them, and not just us that are getting hit. Its worth understanding this and how it is impacting everyone around you.
We just still have a lot of work fixing the inequalities caused by the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has purposefully imposed in our society. Unfortunately we all are under attack by the Russian military, Chinese cultists, and homegrown terrorists at the moment and it is hard for us to all see straight. And it is not just them, and not just us that are getting hit. Its worth understanding this and how it is impacting everyone around you.
They exploit existing social divisions and injustice, the more you have the more trouble you will have, works like that everywhere, no justice, no peace. This must also be taken into the context of history and law however if we are to adhere to our liberal and constitutional principles and balance things properly. When the British ended slavery, they compensated the owners not the slaves, the owners had the power and seats in parliament, first parliamentary reform came, it was a process like in America, only earlier. Likewise in America, if the lesson of history is any thing to go by, reform comes first, it is bottom up driven, but top down applied.

Others also have concerns with disinformation, but they center on America, not Russia. Facebook, twitter and others are largely American companies that like fox news spew disinformation to the world including my country and we can't do much about it until you do. It has become impossible to distinguish the rhetoric of your republican politicians from Russian disinformation, because there is none, your politicians are traitors. They also sold the lives of their citizens for the price of a mean tweet, a fucking mean tweet!

Don't worry about me or other Canadians, we are not killing Americans off like flies, American racist traitors are doing that and even the Russians didn't have much to to with it, there was fertile ground to sow division and death.
They exploit existing social divisions and injustice, the more you have the more trouble you will have, works like that everywhere, no justice, no peace. This must also be taken into the context of history and law however if we are to adhere to our liberal and constitutional principles and balance things properly. When the British ended slavery, they compensated the owners not the slaves, the owners had the power and seats in parliament, first parliamentary reform came, it was a process like in America, only earlier. Likewise in America, if the lesson of history is any thing to go by, reform comes first, it is bottom up driven, but top down applied.

Others also have concerns with disinformation, but they center on America, not Russia. Facebook, twitter and others are largely American companies that like fox news spew disinformation to the world including my country and we can't do much about it until you do. It has become impossible to distinguish the rhetoric of your republican politicians from Russian disinformation, because there is none, your politicians are traitors. They also sold the lives of their citizens for the price of a mean tweet, a fucking mean tweet!

Don't worry about me or other Canadians, we are not killing Americans off like flies, American racist traitors are doing that and even the Russians didn't have much to to with it, there was fertile ground to sow division and death.
We don't know if it is only having a mean tweet that is what the Republicans sold themselves for.
We don't know if it is only having a mean tweet that is what the Republicans sold themselves for.
True, some were bought, some were bigots and some were blackmailed or the attempt was made like the chairman if the senate intelligence committee. But most were blackmailed by Trump and his cronies who are blindly following a mad man to disaster'

Those whom the Gods wish to destroy the first make mad, we are seeing madness and we will see their destruction over it. Better days ahead, Donald is done and I hope a lot of GOP senators are done too. It will be a Helluva fight, Donald is gonna take out all the stops, it's life or death literally for all involved, good luck.
Yeah to be honest racism isn't massive in the UK having lived there not to say it doesn't exist. I found there was more hatred between the nations of GB ie england Ireland Scotland Wales. Like seriously some of them hate themselves. Werid sick British behaviours and traits.

You obviously get small groups anti muslims but I didn't see anti blacks, but you get that everywhere and unfortunately you can't stop there mad way of thinking like the far right nearly beat Angela mearkle a few years back. We all know what happens when Germany gets a right wing nutter in charge.......

Again this comes back to education the lesser educated, they see there city blown up by an extremist muslim and then sees Muslims as terrorists. Educating these individuals will change there mind.....eventually, just shouting racist or abuse does nothing but ignite the fires.

small island; lots of inbreeding through the ages..there is an issue with anti muslim group, i remember this from the 1990s.

While Trump's tactics against protesters may be brazenly unconstitutional, legal scholars say they’ll be very hard for mayors and governors to stop.

While Trump's tactics against protesters may be brazenly unconstitutional, legal scholars say they’ll be very hard for mayors and governors to stop.
Why do dogs lick their dicks?
Time for another "manual" lesson, you did already pay for this information after all, who knows you might even be able to use it, I hope not though.
Since thes federal clowns didn't get any training, maybe someone will mail them these videos, they are along for the ride too and should know what they will face and their prospects for the future. The info will do them no good, Donald is calling the shots on this one, there's violence involved, so he will be fascinated, trying to manage reality.

One reason is he's stupid and thinks he can steal the election in the confusion and chaos by doing this shit.
Let's talk about the most important part of the manual for Trump....
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His numbers suck and they keep getting worse. Everything he does makes it worse for him. There's a list of mayors and governors who have told him "Don't try it here". It would be great if one of them used force to remove the secret police. Storm troopers gassed the mayor of Portland . Some push back for that by state and local government would be great.
I want to rehabilitate the word liberal, because the term has been recontextualised by the corrupt right in a decades long brainwashing campaign.
America is a liberal society, that means constitutions, laws and adhering to them, something TEMPORARILY is happening now. I am a liberal, that means I believe in and adhere to the US constitution on American matters and also to American law, but laws are of secondary importance. Would you obey the Nuremberg laws of the Nazis? How about the cannabis laws?

Yer lawyer called again pro bono, another liberal guy. Expert opinion and you need it.
Feds Assault Navy Vet Protester in Portland. Federal Overreach Violates 1st, 4th, 10th Amendments.

Federal agents are caught on video assaulting a peaceful protester who only sought a civil conversation. That protester, Navy veteran Chris David, talks about his experience being beaten by federal officers for, as he puts it, "no reason at all." Acting Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli is asked about the incident and is entirely unable to defend the actions of the federal officers. Here's how the state's should deal with this unconstitutional federal government overreach.
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The Wall of Vets have joined.

bongsmilie good..these men and women are the true patriots, not the HOMELAND SECURITY FVCKERS..i'm so glad the name HOMELAND horrifies someone else besides myself.
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who was stopping your racist junkie buddy from spewing his shit?

youre crying over imaginary persecution that never happened.
Get a life aunty buck. It’s pretty sad that this is your life day In and day out. Even your minions are getting tired of your shit. You aren’t even putting an effort anymore to constructively disagree or prove your point, you simply label anyone who disagree as a racist, homophobe or your all time favorite a Russian/Bot.
Get a life aunty buck. It’s pretty sad that this is your life day In and day out. Even your minions are getting tired of your shit. You aren’t even putting an effort anymore to constructively disagree or prove your point, you simply label anyone who disagree as a racist, homophobe or your all time favorite a Russian/Bot.
How does one constructively disagree with a dinosaur?