I would agree that you folks have royally fucked up your beautiful country, I don't think blaming Mbeki/Mandella/Zuma is the answer though. ZA was plenty fucked up before they took over.
Piss off!! ..you don't know what the fuck you talking about ..so then don't comment!
I'm not a racist I'm a realist and I live in this country and I know exactly what's going on. I don't walk around with my eyes closed and I don't let propaganda fool me! Don't just let the propaganda your media feeds you help you make say stupid things like that coz you don't live here.
I don't disagree if you are trying to make a point that "Apartheid was bad" coz I totally agree that everyone has the right to live free but freedom has got nothing to do with it because people ain't free. It's not democracy that makes the country bad either it's the corruption in politics and everything that goes with it and the role play of presidents and ministers that give the wrong impression to their people. If your president could make it as a criminal to become president then it gives the younger generations the impression that if they are criminals they could easily make it to become someone as important. The majority of people are poor so it's not difficult for them to end up as criminals!
Maybe if you have got the slightest idea about what's going on in Africa and how most of it's countries are run by their governments then maybe you would understand what I'm on about.
Before Robert Mugabe took over Zimbabwe from the "white government" the country had an economy. Now the country is fucked it does not even have enough food in stores to feed the people and if they did have enough food it will certainly cost too much. Their money is worth less than toilet paper in fact I think they even use it for toilet paper. Zimbabwe is our neighboring country and all their people are streaming into our country every day trying to escape the Mugabe regime murdering them. But now they become criminals here because they wont find jobs to survive. That's one point!
Now you have S.Africa! The crime has never been so high during the Apartheid era. In fact the country now has a crime rate higher than any other country in the world! People never lived with burglar bars and security systems around their houses feeling like prisoners in their own homes nor did they had to fear every time they leave their homes and drove down the road that they might be hijacked, robbed, murdered or even raped, never mind all this even happening while they in their homes behind bars. This is not just the complains of white people this is the complains of everyone living here.
You have no idea of how many qualified and skilled people leaving the country because they can't find jobs here because of affirmative action.
The government just don't know how to look after its people!
If your president or minister of health don't even know what AIDS is then you will also never have the government coming up with solutions for it! Our next president thinks that if you have a shower after sex with someone with AIDS it will prevent it! This is no bullshit!!
The government couldn't think into the future of supplying energy to their people so they retrenched all the highly qualified and skilled people of their jobs because of affirmative action. Now we have the problem with ESCOM our energy supplier who can't deliver because there ain't anyone who can do the job properly. Foreign investors withdraw their business out of the country because there ain't enough electricity for them to make profit and HALLO that fucks up the economy! Sorry dude but again the list goes on and on and on.. I'm not even talking about the amount of innocent farmers that has been murdered during the last 10 years! Honestly I can right a book about all this as there is so much I can tell. It's got nothing to do with racism!
If you even think you have the slightest idea of what's going on then you won't make statements that the country was fucked before these presidents of the new democracy era took over because it wasn't ..even black people admits to this.
We had an army force that stood out far above many 1st world countries around the world during the Apartheid era and the economy was stronger than it is now or what it has been for the past 14 years. Our currency now is not far off of becoming as weak as the Zim. currency. We don't even have a proper police force never mind even the proper medical aid that the people need.
Take all the white people out of the country and you will end up with a country like the rest of Africa ..corrupt, poor, full of hunger, disease and death.
Honestly it's quite easy for a person all the way from Canada to make stupid comments like that when you have never lived here. You let the media feed you with bullshit and you believe everything you read or watch on tv.
Every time a white man does something wrong to a black man the media shows the world what he has done wrong but when a black man does something wrong to a white man then no-one knows jack shit!
I dare you to swop countries with me.. you come live here and I go live in Canada then we'll see what your opinion will be after a while. Better! ..you should live in Soweto for a couple of years then we'll see what you will have left after just a couple of weeks or even days ..Nothing!
Many foreigners who come here on holiday (this you can look up as well) get robbed, raped, murdered, etc. I lived in the UK for four years and I know exactly what was said in the newspapers of so many British people who came here on holiday to whom all this has happened. Unfortunately this is not bullshit!
All this is because of corruption in politics and politicians wearing expensive suits talking bullshit no-one understands half the time. Its all about money, power, sex and bling. These people most of the time don't even know what their positions mean and therefore they don't know what there job is, so they can't deliver. They feel nothing for anyone but themselves and get richer while the poor gets poorer.
Please think twice before you make a comment because twice now I have seen you make comments to make you look cool but it's clear you know fuck-all.
I'm not stupid! I might be schmoking pot but it does not affect my memory or my intelligence nor does it make me delusional.
Feel free to pm me if you have anything more to say!