truth or all false?

no mite problem just studying
This is what is good about having a site like RIU and all you posters that are paying attention to what is going on ( Good Job Couchlock 420 ) , because most people would see only “ Spider Mite Control “ and end up making everyone sick . Keep up the good work , your paying attention will help us all .

[h=1]Avid 0.15EC- Spider Mite Control - 8 oz [/h]by Avid
4.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (9 customer reviews) | Like (7)

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Hmm. That's interesting. Are you referring to Hypoapsis particularly? Obviously harmful mites reproduce fine.

Yes, spider mites can tolerate and reproduce ok in a 12/12 environment. Predator mites on the other hand are a bit more sensitive and need more light to be reproductive.

I'm sure there is information here at RIU about it.
i use -

ionized water. super cheap and easy to build. no mites i have ever seen can live through it. for sure kills mites.

Prevention is the best cure for mites is what i've found. You won't find poisons in our buds though. Our idea of prevention doesn't have anything to do with a bug sprayer and poisons. It's everything to do with making sure you don't contaminate the grow by bringing in unwanted creatures.

Always wear clean clothes into the grow. Change your shoes before entering your grow. Shower before entering your grow if you have been out and about. Keep a quarantine area set up if you take in new clones.

I do spray new clones / cuttings for prevention just because but i use organic products. I'm also very careful about who i get my cuts from now days. I say cuts because it's easier to bring in pests through soil and other mediums. Start from cuts and you have eliminated at least some of the risk.

You won't believe how many growers have bugs and how dearly it can cost you if you aren't taking precautions. Figure out who knows how to deal with bugs by the most organic methods possible. Oly get clones from ma few select growers.

I can't say i've never used avid cause shit happens no matter how hard you try. I would NEVER spray avid on a flowering plant or a plant that would be going into flower soon. But I do use it on veg plants when necessary and administer it properly with full gear and high quality respirator. Think it was 3 years ago last time I had to spray it. Avid and floromite kill mites like nothing else i've used. I hate using those products but if you use them properly and never spray flowers it's responsible imo.

Avid and floromite are also great products for spraying down an area prior to growing in it. But spray twice just like you would do if you were treating plants.

The other thing to remember about these miticides is to never use the same spray more than twice in a row. Use twice then switch to another brand. Spraying 3 times creates mites that are resistant to poisons and miticides. It's irresponsible and doesn't do your plants any good either. This is how folks have created the "Super Mite". I've had 'em and can tell you they aren't the same ole mite we used to deal with. If you don't have some serious artillery you are gonna get smoked.. I keep a little Avid, Floromite and Forbid around just in case. Hate using them but when i do, I use them responsibly and don't poison my soil or flowers.....

Have to say I don't have a lot of trust in smoking or ingesting other growers buds for several reasons but this poison thing is a biggie.
You forgot to add pets...i dont kno how many times ive seen pics of tents/rooms watever the grow space with a cat in and out......good luck EVER getting rid of bugs if u condone this...