• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!


Well-Known Member
I thought that was really weird you wrote in latin while on salvia. So I put it into a latin translator for fun:

vestri amicus est non vestri habeo
sit unus quisnam peto verum

"Aspcio your male friend is not yours to have he is one quidnam to make for truth"




"THIS WILL BE YOUR Only Warning To look at"

If I could have an experience like this with salvia I would be beyond happy. But all my experiences were fucking lame. I have tried salvia 3 times now, and all of them were barely level 2 experiences. However, my buddy had some crazy vision that an army was marching to get him. And I was like dude, why didn't I see anything! wtf.


Active Member
WHOA! SHXT!!! i cant explain it better than hearing my friends laughing, feeling as if i was takin out of my body and to a place like a forest and feeling like my body was chopped up, the trippy colors on the couch i was on made me paranoid as fucc and felt like couch was gonna eat me or sumthin..


Well-Known Member
Illegal now in Illinios, put in same list as cocain and heroine? Well I guess i am lucky stocked up and have what I consider a lifetime supply in glass vials, about 4 oz. wont sell em either,"

Dont worrie, i dont think u will be gettin many knocks for that shit anytime soon. :mrgreen: Salvia is Wack! Its fucked up and there is a reason its legal in most states! Because the trip is not enjoyable at all. Its the same reason Datura is still legal, because the high isnt enjoyable in any way, shape or form! Fuck salvia! Ohh yea! i would consider 4 zips a life time supply! It would take me my entire life to consume that much salvia!!! I can consume a qp of herb in under a month smoking casually:blsmoke: It would take me two weeks to Finnish off a g of salvia. And that would only be under forced circumstances.


Active Member
Illegal now in Illinios, put in same list as cocain and heroine? Well I guess i am lucky stocked up and have what I consider a lifetime supply in glass vials, about 4 oz. wont sell em either,"

Dont worrie, i dont think u will be gettin many knocks for that shit anytime soon. :mrgreen: Salvia is Wack! Its fucked up and there is a reason its legal in most states! Because the trip is not enjoyable at all. Its the same reason Datura is still legal, because the high isnt enjoyable in any way, shape or form! Fuck salvia! Ohh yea! i would consider 4 zips a life time supply! It would take me my entire life to consume that much salvia!!! I can consume a qp of herb in under a month smoking casually:blsmoke: It would take me two weeks to Finnish off a g of salvia. And that would only be under forced circumstances.
I am with you on that, In IL it turn illegal as of jan.1st2008 got about 4 oz varying from 20x unstadaedized (from a good source, more loke 30x)up to 80x standardized, I only need a one hitter full and hold it in for as long as poss. and thats it, only do it onnce every 3-4 mos. it brings me back to my heavy LSD years, only for 10 minutes. I too have enough to last a lifetime.


Active Member
yeah i was doing everythign at bonnaroo and i guess im pretty psychotic if you ask me but it felt like my blanket was a rug, i think i drooled and looked tot he right and it multiplied out to the right and came back inwards to my rug then i was still in my blanket(rug) sitting in the chair...the wandering lady kinda spooked me from then on but she was cool shit. ROCK ON DIE HARD HIPPIES


Well-Known Member
well actually today was my first real experience and i was actually goin to start a thread right now....weird....well anyways i bought an ounce of regular leaves and made big bank and finally got my gram of 20x crude extract in the mail today....alright first of all i was fucking excited and loaded up my bong right when i got it. i was with a friend who has never even done normal salvia so he was kinda sketchy about doin it so i hit my bong.....i filled the chamber then cleared it it was a big hit mind you...so i felt sober and handed the bong to my frien i was laying on my bed on my elbow and i looked down at my blankets and it fucking blew my mind...it was not enjoyable to say the least was stuck in a trance and i couldnt figure out what the fuck was going on...to say the least i was fucking overwhelmed and unlike every other drug ive done where there is always a part of me that says "its only the drugs" it was completely gone i had no grip on reality and it was fucked up....so after i sobered up we skated for a bit and decided to go in the woods and smoke some more which i freaked out for about 3 min then we laughed our asses off the rest of the high...so salvia is a very STRONG fuckin drug and always be mentally prepared with good surroundings then youll have a semi-fun experience


Active Member

Tripped yesterday.

Me and two friends bought half a gram for $50 at the head shop. We were all excited and wanted to trip out and like "Naw, I'm not scared, I'm excited as shit I'm ready."

Hell no. Now it's kind of funny but in the moment...damn.

My friend went first, he's been hitting weed longer than us and we watched him hit out of a pipe with a torch lighter, 1/6 of a gram (1/3 of the half we bought). He sits back almost immediately, talks a little like "Whoa it's like.." then he was gone. He kept trying to stand and I was like "Sit back and enjoy, man," like I knew what was going on or something.

Once he started being more coherent I loaded up excited as hell. I just remember I exhaled as much as I could, emptying my lungs, and then lit it and toked. Toked as deep as I could, puffed a little back out, and then sucked in again as much as I could.

I don't know who took the pipe away.

It was as if I didn't exist. And it wasn't that I "felt" that way, it's that not existing was the only thing I ever knew. I had no memory, no feeling, no sensation. Eventually I started feeling really weird, but again I had no idea who I was, what I was, where, nothing. Nothing f*cking existed.

Then a visual, and this visual was the only thing I knew. You know how on a picture book? You open a page and there is a character, but as soon as you flip the page, that character stops "existing" and you're on the next page. I felt as if somebody was killing me every second, but everytime I was about to die I was becoming the next one in line, the next character, next page.

But the visual was just flipping pages, but it was like a sliver of a face, but I didn't recognize it as a face. Slowly I started climbing back, I tried harder and harder to fight and exist and not have the page turned on me but it was impossible. I nearly gave up so many times but something kept telling me it was wrong.

Like if I gave up it was over and I just kept trying then suddenly I could see. I didn't know what the f*ck that meant though. I didn't know I was human or anything just that I had a thought process. No memory, nothing. I could see I looked around the room and started seeing my friends and there was nothing no recognition.

It was terrible frightening, I wanted to quit so many times but then I just kept holding on like it would be better.

That was the main trip. Eventually I was reminded that I had hit salvia and then I understood that I was feeling weird...but I didn't know what normal was I just understood that I was going to keep coming back.

Like 30 minutes later I was "sober" but felt so unnatural. I kept saying "I didn't exist," "I wasn't human."

Salvia scared the sh*t out of me, but now I'm interested. I know I'll try it again, but I don't know when and for what purpose. Coming back to reality was weird like I just wanted "to be sober again, I want to wake up tomorrow and be back to normal."

I'm back. Thankfully, sh*t, haha.


Well-Known Member
I have only done it once, and will never do it again. I loved acid and shrooms back in the day, but this shit, man, all I could think was I want a cigarette but I can't move!

So I pack my bubbler with some 20x, no one was at my house. I take a giant hit, set the pipe down, and lay in my bed. I was staring at my ceiling fan for like 10sec, then BAM!!
Everything sounded like it does when you do nitrous, I was spinning with the fan, and my body was in "slices" like a mobile you would make in 1st grade. My body stretched out in that spiral shape and kept spinning with the fan. This is when I wanted my cigarette, but knew I couldn't get them.
The whole time I knew I was just tripping, I wasn't scared by any means. I was thinking this is pretty cool, but this is the longest 5 min ever! It was like an intense acid peak that only lasts like 5 min. But on acid I was a lot more functional. Well, most of the time, lol.
It was a good experience to have, but not one I will ever have again. So all in all, I'm glad I tried it, it was a trip, and now I never have to do it again.

magic alex

Active Member
ive smoked salvia about 10 times over the past 2 years. alot of people dont like it and yeah, it feels wierd but i love where it takes me. further than acid than shrooms than anything ive done (havnt done dmt so idk bout that).

but my last trip i was with a few friends and we had some 40x. i was the only one there who had done it before so they wanted me to demonstrate for them. i loaded up a bong and toked up. i took a huge hit and held it in for a little. i looked around at my firends and then started hearing this old familiar sound creeping up that i always hear when im on salvia, kind of like a psychedelic marching band playin or somthing. then i saw the salvia visuals creeping up from the horizon of my sight. its always little wierd elf like creatures all making noises, but they were moving, flowing and they took me with them. i felt a force push me on my back slowly from my sitting postion as i was encomassed by the force, by the creatures. i had forgotten i had smoked anything at this point. i felt like i was on a conveyor belt moving along. i could see time and space segmented out and moving over me in stages. i kept hearing alot of cheering and, wierd music and buzzing. i had forgotten where i was. i then looked up at the room and it seemed like a stage, i could see all my friends there but i was really confused, i knew who i was again tho but not how i had gotten where i was. my friends were all trying to talk to me, but i thought they were actors, like all the people besides jim carrys character in the truman show. i felt like i was finally about to break through 'reality' and into whatever the truth was. but for some reason i thought there was a phrase i had to say to get there. i felt like i was on a game show now. i was saying somthing and words were lighting up as i said them. but then i got to the last word and i was racing for time...i couldnt think of it though. i looked at a girl in the room and tried to ask her what the word was, she just laughed. i was floating away, i couldnt think of it. faces came from out of the wall and the different mountainous structures i was seeing all around trying to tell it to me, but their faces were being zipped back up (like zipping up some jeans or somthing) behind "reality". i was starting to some down. it was then my friend billy leans in and goes "you see this?" he was holding up the bong, "you smoked salvia alex.". i was still freaked out though, i got up and frantically tried to explain what had happened to me, but everyone just kind of stared at me. i was still buzzin pretty hard on it, i hadnt fully connected back into "reality". it was crazy.

based on my experiences i think salvia takes you to the origin of our "reality". to the place where matter is constructed. a reality factory haha.


Well-Known Member
I feel out of it for a second, then comes a weird, rough, metallic feeling.. That's the only way I can explain it.. Not euphoric at all, imo, but when it starts wearing off, I feel ok...
Makes me hot and clammy too, maybe because it's hot here, I dunno...


Well-Known Member
Never could trip off of salvia
I thought the same thing. I tried it years ago, but it was just the leaves. I thought it was weak. Me and like 4 friends smoked 2 joints in a row of it and nothing.
Then just a little while back, I got some of the 20x extract. That stuff kicked my ass. Just read my post on page 15. If you smoked the leaves, that is probably why. Also, you need to burn it hotter than weed, so a torch works much better.
Give the extract a try with a butane torch lighter, and I bet you can trip off it.


New Member
ok umm

it started off with me taking hits out of a glass pipe on my friends bed. It was my first time with a torch lighter so i waaaay over hit. I looked at my my freind who was sitting in a chair next to me and held my hit 1,2,3,...20. KABLAM!! he turns into a cartoon panda. Then he waved at me, and i sorta fell back through his bed into another universe where there where planets and i was sitting on this red moon place looking down through space through my eyes into the room where everything had turned cartoony, and my friend was still a panda. at bout this time, another person who was tripping with us flipped way out and decided to start jumping around and losing his mind. it was ruining my trip so i left my friends room and went downstairs. I was strangely sober walking and the only thing that really happened was that the stairs felt more like pillows that i could sink into. I finally made it downstairs and plopped on my friends couch and just started spacing out looking at the blank off television. while i was doing this my whole perspective rotated about 45 degrees( from this | | to this / /. And it felt like i was sitting sideways in a slanted room after a little while of that i kinda sobered up

thus ends the trip

sorry for the typos ( of which there are many)


Active Member
Last night me and three friends smoked salvia and I had, in my opinion, an incredible trip...

Im in this place and I am trying to help this person grab this thing. It is kind of like I am in a factory with a bunch of assembly lines but I cant seem to actually grab the object off the assembly line. I try and try and try again but the object just keep moving out of my reach. Suddenly, I have a thought. "Stop trying." Stop trying to grab it and you "will win." So, I stop. I look up and suddenly Im lifted up. Im higher, bigger, and I can see millions of other people trying to grab the object (they each have their own, but they are all the same). I look around and see these three or four people who are bigger than the millions of people below. They are watching the smaller people and talking. They are alarmed that Ive stopped trying, that Ive "figured it out." They want me to go back to trying and seem to be getting anxious and angry. But I cant go back because it is too late. I already know the big secret. All thoses people dont know they will never reach the object and they will continue to keep trying forever. I can never go back because now I know, it is not an option, so I am scared. I am scared because life will never be the same, what I knew, the grabbing, will never happen again. And its scary because it may have been better had I never known. The bigger people, the people who "know" are like in a cult or are atleast together. They are in it together. They oversee the millions of people. The object that everyone is trying to grab is really crazy. Its like a tetragraph, a continuum. I dont know what it was but some how inside it, or it represented, all the people doing the exact same thing. The object everyone is grabbing is kind of like a scaled down image of millions of people grabbing an object that is kind of like a scaled down image of millions of people grabbing an object that is....

The repetitive act of me grabbing the object is my life and stopping causes an irrevocable change. It has a lot of meanings but I will never forget my trip. Its super cheesy, but I feel kind of enlightened. Like everyone leads their life being preoccupied on things and they dont see the big picture. They need to just stop and live.


Active Member
Where to start.....
my first experiences with salvia were enjoyable. I was at a friends house with 5 of my close friends we all decide we should try it. Preparing the bong we passed around a bowl to ease us into the salvia trip hoping the mj would just mellow the trip out. While everyone was stoned we all gathered around in a circle and begain to pass the butane lighter around with the huge ass bong. i was the third in line to hit it. I held the lighter on enough to get a nice red bowl. I had doubts that it would do anything thinking it was some bs that people exaggerated about. While i saw the effects on my friends before i took my high i knew i was in for a ride... i held the hit in longer than a normal mj rip as soon as i exhaled i started to laugh as gravity begain to beat me and i felt myself falling backward laying down on the floor while the other 2 were already tripping the fuck out the other two people proceeded to take there hits. as i layed on the floor i looked up at the ceiling and it was if i flew through it and was going out of control the effects seem so powerful and my perception of time seemed to dissolve as i remember thinking this shit is lasting a long time. The sitter that was watching all of us got a kick out of our expressions on our faces. Overall it was an interesting experience and every trip is different.

Fast forward to two weeks ago and what i would like to call salvia turning on me :twisted:. Normally i am around people when i do it but for whatever reason i had the urge to smoke some which never happens more so i think it was just wanting to take a bong rip but didnt have any mj :( . I ripped a solid bh and exhaled immidatly starting to feel the effects i felt as if the walls were closing in on me and there were people within my room forming a baracade towards what would be the wall for a sober person. For me however it looked as if there were people ( although they were people more so circulare objects with arms and legs) shoulder by shoulder preventing me from going anywhere within my room and a strange sense came over me of being trapped although i knew i took a hit i totally forgot in my state of mind and was totally mind fucked. Afterwards once i came down i felt like my brain was warped and disassocaited with reality for about 5 hours until i woke up the next day. The best way i could compare the feeling of discomfort brought about by this experience i would say it was the feeling of being on shrooms with the urge for the trip to be over without the nasuea and burps from eatin them. Luckly the salvia experience only lasts 30 min or so but afterwards my mind felt warped...


Well-Known Member
I just watched some videos of people tripping on salvia. I have to say, there are really only two out of the many I have watched that were "good". when I say "good", I mean hilarious. I might try this one day. I don't think I'm mentally prepared try this yet. I'll start with shrooms or lsd (if I could find someone who has it) and then work my way to salvia. but for now, gonna stick with good old marijuana :bigjoint: