Trying again. Pro mix hp, 3 purple pope seeds from night owl. Any help appreciated.

Could always get a mixing pump to run every so often.
Yea that was actually suggested on another website. I don’t really want to get and hook up one at the moment and don’t really feel like it is needed. I am hoping that mixing it every once in a while will be good enough. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Day 36: starting to get a little worried about the mycelium on the promix hp. Is there a point when i should be concerned that there is too much or that the autopot is working properly. IMG_0413.jpegIMG_0414.jpegIMG_0415.jpeg
DAY 38: the plants seem to be okay. They are starting to get a little pale. I am assuming it is because the nutrients are settling due to me not mixing it for a while. Also i was reading that with the autopot the ph should be around 5.7 because they say that it drifts upwards due to multiple factors. I am going to give them a day or 2 to empty the reservoir a little more and than i might empty and give the reservoir a little bit of a clean and try to get the ph to around 5.7. IMG_0419.jpeg
DAY 41: looks like the plants are doing okay they definitely need a change in nutes. I haven’t done anything with the reservoir for a while now. Just cleaned it and going to refill it with water at a ph of approximately 5.7.IMG_0425.jpeg
Was lazy and finally refilled the reservoir. The plants are looking a little droopy. Not really sure why. Did some defoliation on 2 of the plants and raised the lights to the top of my tent. If they don’t stop getting taller i am going to have to start to tie them down or something.IMG_0426.jpeg
DAY 42: the plants seem to be praying hard today. Seems like i am getting some deficiencies. I see the leaves getting paler. Not quite sure why. IMG_0427.jpeg
Just checked. PPM is at a low 347. Not really sure why as i followed fastbuds feeding chart for inert soil. Maybe i shoukd go back to the hydro chart but halve the numbers as the PPM was was approximately 1200 at full feeding. I am going to try and get it to be between 750-950 due to fastbuds info as I believe i am still near the beginning of the flowering cycle. These are the webpages i am using feeding charts suggested PPM and PH levels.
I am not really sure if i should trust fastbuds info. I was looking at their PPM suggestion and it is saying it should get higher near the end of flowering. Looking at the hydroponic feeding chart they start to drop the amount of nutrients by week 3 of flowering which is contradictory? It is also weird to me as the inert soil chart says you should increase nutrients like their PPM suggests. Why would there be a difference between the inert soil and hydroponic chart? Also why would the PPM be so low if using the inert soil chart instead of the hydroponic?
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DAY 43: did a little defoliation and added more nutes to the reservoir. It is still low but it hurts my back to add more and stir so i am going to wait for a couple days than refill the reservoir with water that is slightly above the correct PPM to try and get things on track. The PPM is currently approximately 550.IMG_0427.jpeg
DAY 44: looks like they are yellowing even more. Not really sure if the ph of the pro mix hp is correct. I have heard that when the dolomite lime runs out the mix becomes acidic. Maybe i should try upping the ph of my water. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked of they are hungry though with the PPM being under.IMG_0428.jpeg