Trying High Pressure Aeroponics for the first time.

Hey there, I'm a Colorado medical marijuana patient. I've been growing ebb & flow and soil for a couple of years now and I want to try something else. HPA has also interested me so I did some research and ended up buying a HPA setup from from a local Colorado company called Multiponics. It's called the tree frog and I paid 649 dollars for it, they even delivered it to me for free. I'm growing under a xxxl hood with a 1000watt hortilux hps bulb and a electronic ballest. I'm going to use Cyco nutrients and net pots with hydoton. I just got my system, and my Bubblegum clones are rooting so it will be a couple weeks til I get up and going. I'll keep you guys updated and have pics too. Happy growing...


Very nice...I am wondering how large of plant size you are planning? DSCF0103.jpg These are two root balls grown in a twenty gallon tub and the plants where going on six foot tall with 1 1/2 inch stalk at base to give you an idea how large the root systems get. The root systems like to follow the drain back and can block the drain, causing what I call load up. I use a twenty gallon reservoir and experience a water take up of four gallons a week indoors and 20ppm nutrient take up per day with 36 plants. I find aeroponics a very cool way to grow...anything!
Welcome to the family Cap! The Treefrog and Cyco combo is insane. Make sure you got a trellis in place. The crop I'm chopping out of my frog right now got almost 6 foot tall. My other advice is to only use about 30% of the recipe on the bottles. Any more and you'll burn em up. I'm pulling down 2.5 lbs from this run. If I had 2 trays I could be blowin it up I called those dudes last week. They said they would take mine as a trrade in for the new style like you have.
This is my high pressure aero pump and enclosure. The pressure gauge is filled with glycerin to dampen the vibration of the pump. Can't wait to get it up in running, just need my girls to root.


Just got my hydrogrow 336x LED in the mail today. In this pic only half the lights are on, it's really bright when it's all on and going. Can't wait to see the dank buds it's gonna grow.

