Trying Home made hash for first time


Well-Known Member
Just finished making my first home made hash, it's drying right now, i'll be smoking it in like 30mins to let you guys know how it was, (like anyone cares anyways, just bored)


Well-Known Member
i dont see why not? i seen them do that bar burning thingy. lol. where they heat
the bar/rod and push it into the hash and bowl and hit it from a bong.


Well-Known Member
ok, so looks like ill be trying that later when i can find the lower half of my body!!! im freaking ripped right now


Well-Known Member
bahahaha! so my wife walks in the room and see my beautiful freshly filled bottle of my finest urin, and she like, wth babe, you cant walk fucking 10 feet to guessing she said bathroom but i'v done toned her out by this point..and im freaking stoned so its hard to even make out what she was saying..anyways, the story ends with her taking my bottle of pee and desposing of it for me...thanks babe, love you...xoxo and stuff


Active Member
Sounds like your home made went really well hatter :) :eyesmoke: I adore hash.. smoking on some polm right now, lovely stuff :joint: when my crop is ready I might try and make a little bubble if i can, i'd be so proud if i made good hash :mrgreen:


Active Member
Lol, your wife must be cool.

I like smoking honey oil out of those donkey M *eth pipes. I look like a total tweeker asking for them at the store.....little do they know. Hehehehehe.


Well-Known Member
bahahaha! so my wife walks in the room and see my beautiful freshly filled bottle of my finest urin, and she like, wth babe, you cant walk fucking 10 feet to guessing she said bathroom but i'v done toned her out by this point..and im freaking stoned so its hard to even make out what she was saying..anyways, the story ends with her taking my bottle of pee and desposing of it for me...thanks babe, love you...xoxo and stuff

wait! what?
