Awsome dome RK. I like the honeycomb style.
Hey kitty! Haven't dropped in in a while but that oil dome is SWEET! Are you making whole oil bubblers now? I can probably use a few new dishes. N dabbers too. I haven't made any oil in like 6 months so I have a bunch of trim stashed up n gonna make a few runs soon. Gonna go back thru and look at pics!
Woodster! Glad your still around...... You know with bubblers, its such a complex little item, yet so simple at the same time. I'm not good at *sellable* bubblers yet, perhaps soon. Dishes, dabbers, domes, slides, those I've got covered!
Ahhhh!!! My pipe is getting made soon! No slyme for this one but still, AHHHH!
It might.......
loving my dish, its full of oil! the way it was made to be

Good man! Please throw away that rasta jar. I hate seeing it in your pics.
I dont think I've talked about Uranium much at all, but here goes! Before Uranium wasnt regulated, it was put in glass as it has a similar COE. (40 vs 33). It hasnt been made for over a half century now, and is extremely hard to find. Its the most intense glow possible in glass. There is none better, and at $400/pound, it better be the best!
So, here's some of it on a dome and a slide for Gastanker......... (Dish is being made today, and a dabber to match the set as a freebie, hard to make a 3pc set and not make it a 4pc set!). The colors are Aurora with Sublime honeycombs, twisted to pattern, lots of sublime mibs and the Uranium Honeycomb Millis.
By the way, its evident in the photos, but a Droid Phone and black lighting makes things hard to photograph.