Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

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Well-Known Member
Barcodes work by binary code. It has to do with the dimensions of the black lines and spaces. I believe if the bar is bigger than the space after it then its 1, if the space is bigger than the bar before it its a 0. I think.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Barcodes work by binary code. It has to do with the dimensions of the black lines and spaces. I believe if the bar is bigger than the space after it then its 1, if the space is bigger than the bar before it its a 0. I think.
Then that would be a rather short statement in binary.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i think i was really fucked up and googled bar code converter or something

& people you need to buy shit from RK. He's the shit.

I'll get some pics up tonight.... Let me just say that I was pleasantly surprised, twice!


Active Member
Hurry with those pics Sr. I have been trying to figure out what I want from my piece, that is still in the realm of possibility.

Obviously said pieces would be in a set and all of Green Lantern Motif. Possibly starting out simple with a spoon and getting a gavel and sherlock and all

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for the glass RK! It's always a pleasure opening a package from you ;).

blue dish by RK.

I love staring at this thing :p


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
WOW that's sweet! Damn! !!!

does that green one glow??? or is that just the color?

this might be my favorite, I almost dibbed on it.... but I really can't right now I need to get some more money flowing before I spend again. I already plan to buy more steel tubes and more volcano bags as it is.

I really like that green tinge/turquoise touching the blue... on the inside of the dish... really, really awesome coloring man!
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