Trying salvia tonight, help me ensure an experience


holy shit!!! to any one trying it for the first time tonight, your fuckin gonna love it.......but just for like 15 mins which blows. i dont give a shit though that is by far one of my favorite drugs bevcause as soon as i hit it everything goes in slow motion and i will laugh my ass off and sometimes i will just laugh my ass off and its fucking one of the best times and highs would def recommend it. .....and the only thing that blows is last year they banned it in florida which is where i stay.


and i wouldnt recommend driving on it either.....can get a bit crazy it aint like ridin and smokin bud.

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I had a quick question about salvia and decided to just tack it on to this thread instead of making another one. A friend of a friend recently purchased a qp of salvia for $50. What I am wondering is would smoking regular salvia (not 10x or 50x or any of that. I don't I have yet to really smoke salvia) have a different effect due to it gradually entering your body? Or if that is just dumb how much finished product could you have after extracting and making the potent stuff from a qp? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Kinda Sounds Like A Rush You'd Get After Prolonged Carbon Dioxide Exposure Or Lack Of Oxygen. But Of Course Salvinorum Would Partake In The Experience.

HNICO9, Totally Agree. Awesome Drug. Can Be One Of The Best.

4000 Doses Of Salvinorum A


Well-Known Member
THat may for some be a too simple explanation... Law/Books & Articles/Buddha Law.pdf

I wish for you to skim over some of this document...

It may become apparent that you can only see that which you are ready for, we are afterall flesh and bones now, and we have the limitations of flesh and bone until we choose to become more.
Thanks ANC ill read it in its entirety,i printed off the first half,ill get stuck into it when i have the time.


New Member
A Hundred Pages Aint Nothin'. I Read Animal Farm For The First Time In Less Than Half An Hour. I Fuckin' Love That Book To Death. AWESOME Book! It's Just Boring As Hell.


Active Member
I had a pretty neat trip on a drunk salvia/weed blend...Had some nasty heads that I ground up nice and fine, mixed it with some heavy salvia after about 6 or 7 beers. I've never felt so melted LOL. about 15-20 min incapacitated on the floor/bed. I was definately stuck in a Dali painting...


New Member
I Know The Feeling Pretty Well. But 6-7 Beers Doesnt Fuck Me Up That Well. A Few Glasses Of Bacardi 101 Superior's Real Nice.


Ultra Haze

Well-Known Member
Iv'e tried 20x a couple of times, really liked every bit, I often had like audiotary trips because I could just hear birds constantly. It's a strange drug, nothing can really describe it, you have to try it to know what it's like and even when you have you can't describe it. It's strange because you do involuntary things and you are perfectly aware of what you are doing. My friend had some and was leaning forward by all of our feet and he thought he was a shoe and we all were to and he was talking to our shoes. However its probably the funniest drug youll ever have, not even some killer weed is going to make you laugh as much as it.

The most intense experience I had from it was when we were in the woods by some bike trials and I was in a dug out hole in the ground after I smoked and it felt like I was being pulled down into the hole and I couldnt get out, but it was the funniest shit ever at the same time and in no way was it a bad trip. The "trip" lasts about 5 minutes and you feel really stoned as its coming down for about half an hour.

Fallen Buckshot

yup best/wierd extreme experiance is if you sit in a dark dimly lit room chillin mellowing out then take a big rip and lay back on the bed and let it take you on out there
i used 60x and tripped my balls off i smoked out of a water bong though so that could be why. It also helps to hold it in till your vision goes blurry then you know its started to work.


Active Member
That shit if for the birds. I had a couple friends invite me over to try it and hell of course I wanted to try it. 1 hit and I was blacked out woke up in seconds thinking I was 2 ft tall and was trying to walk on my hands but not going anywhere. Looking around the room like a scalded dog with friends laughing at me and I had no clue. It lasted all of a couple of mins and for a couple hours after that I kept the worse headache you could have imagined. Like mentioned before in this thread if you try in once you will not want to do it again if you are anything like me. If you like feeling out of body out of mind and not in control then by all means buy you a bag and burn the hell out of it, I only think you would kill 3/4 of the brain cells and limit activity for years. Vegging your plants is cool but vegging your brain is not.