Trying to get as much help as possible


Well-Known Member
Have a 3x2x2 box on the go with a 2 light fixture, 2 clf 40w bulbs

its simply made with wood and i covered it in foil, cut 2 holes 1 for a 4" fan sending air into the box and another cut for another 4" fan sending air out.

trying to get any feedback on how this set up may or may not work, also what soil is best what size pots to use and if i could fit 2 plants in the box or only the one.

first time growing, and using rollitup so ANY feedback will help, thanks!


Well-Known Member
It'll grow you a little something, measured in grams, not ounces. And you can easily fit two plants in there.

Get yourself a store bought pre fertilized potting soil (Miracle Grow or whatever), use water only till the plants deplete the food in the soil, then feed them veg fertilizer for 10-14 days AFTER you switch to 12/12. Then feed them bloom fertilizer.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
forget about soil and go for coco, get a tray that fits in to catch water and fit as many 2.5 litr pots in as you can and go 12/12 from seed. your not looking for height or bushy plants as you dont have the area for it so just go for 1 single cola plants.


Active Member
I agree with smokinrav u will be measuring in grams not ounces. that being said there are a couple things u can do to improve the grow. first thing I would do is to nix the foil and paint flat white. flat white is arguably the most reflective thing on the planet, remember art class? white is the presence of ALL COLORS therefore the most reflective. I would also look for sun gods 200 watt cfl or at least a 105 watt cfl. The 200 watt cfl is claimed 1k equivalent, but keep in mind cfl is nowhere close to a 1k hps or mh for slamming photons to the ground.

good luck,



Well-Known Member
super excited on the feedback guys. thank alot a few things though, why go to 12-12 cycle right away and if i switched to a 400 or 1000 high pressure sodium light would my yeild be alot more ? you guys are saying id get less then 28gs a plant right ? i would like to get something like 2 oz from it, i realize its a very small space but i expected to get at least and ounce out of her. any ideas how to get more out of harvest? im open to anything.


Well-Known Member
A 400 is way too much for that space. Make it 4x4x2 and you've hit the minimum space I would use a 400 in. And then only with TONS of ventilation, maybe even an air cooled hood.

The yield amounts I was referring too would have been flowering with your fluoros. HID's will yeild you WAY more, all things being equal.

Just so you know, the standard way for referring to a space goes length x width x height. Your height should be your last number, not first. It may confuse some people. It should read 4x2x4. For future reference :)


Well-Known Member
If i were to stay with the 2 40w clfs, theres even room for a third and had a 2x2x4 box going in your opinion do you think i could get one big plant going in there? with a temp of around 75 F and a light cycle of 18-6 until flowering


Well-Known Member
Sure you could, as long as you can control the temps. Even cfl's put out a lot of heat when strung up next to each other.

18/6 is my favorite veg cycle. Remember the plant will double in size, at least, when you switch to flowering. Leave enough room in veg for this expantion.

oh and smokinrav thanks for the tips on numbers!
No problem. Feel free to PM me if you need to.


Active Member
light light light, that is what makes plants grow big buds. If u need a lot of bud get a space where u can run a big light. I can give u some advice that will save u a lot of money if u decide to go with an HID system. Don't buy a 400, buy a 1k because u will end up there anyway. I started in a 3X3X3 box 20 years ago with a 175 watt hps i made from a yard light from home depot. I thought I was a big fellow when i jumped to a 400 but found there is no love like the love of a 1k hps and the more the merrier.



Active Member
i started with a 2X2X2. it was all 4 pieces of wood. i made a floor and 3 sides. then i took some other wood and made a U shape but upside down. That held the light up. over time the plant got so big i had to expand. And for me it worked best to just put book and other shit underneart to raise that U shape. Its not practical but it worked for me


Well-Known Member
He wants to grow in a box. Forget the 1000 watter. That is for professionals or semi- pros with large spaces or rooms dedicated just to growing for profit or meds. You have plenty of time to get there. Use a 400 or 250 till you get used to HID growing and temp control.


Active Member

he probably told u to go 12/12 from seed in small pots to give u a mini sea of green. basically budsicles or buds on sticks, given the space you are growing in you may want to try a scrog. Either way it will be a great learning experience. I hope you are running bagseed or something that did not cost much, as we sometimes get lucky, but more often than not we don't, it would suck to spend big $$$ of beans and then kill them off by accident before you get to taste the fruits of your labor.



Well-Known Member
A 400 is way too much for that space. Make it 4x4x2 and you've hit the minimum space I would use a 400 in. And then only with TONS of ventilation, maybe even an air cooled hood.

The yield amounts I was referring too would have been flowering with your fluoros. HID's will yeild you WAY more, all things being equal.

Just so you know, the standard way for referring to a space goes length x width x height. Your height should be your last number, not first. It may confuse some people. It should read 4x2x4. For future reference :)
You are wrong my friend,a 400 watt is optimal for 3x3x4 and my designated space i have for 8 flowering plants 12/12 from seed is 30x16x30.I do agree with HID being better for yield tho.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong my friend,a 400 watt is optimal for 3x3x4 and my designated space i have for 8 flowering plants 12/12 from seed is 30x16x30.I do agree with HID being better for yield tho.
No, not wrong. You're not reading this properly. I said in the quote above this 8 sqf is the minimum I would use. You counter with 9 sqf and tell me I'm wrong? lol


Well-Known Member
wow, thanks for all the info guys really helping me out here.

ill be going with 3 40w clfs on a 18/6 veg cycle until plants are around 20" or half the space of my box then switch to 12/12 for flowering

im also trying to get my hands on a 400w hps light any tips on where i havent really went out and looked but knowing where to look will help.

and 2b2s i am just using seeds i found in some good bud i bought to smoke so no moneys being spent on seeds at all yet.