trying to get rid of algae....


... hello again. I have a reservoir that's 18 gallons. A light grey colored plastic storage bin that i got at walmart. I am doing a bubble system (not top-fed). I change the reservoir water every week. Ive been noticing algae gathering on the air tubing. I think its green algae. I rubbed it between my thumb and fore-finger it was slimy. I was wondering is this because of light mixing with nutrients in the res. So should I spray paint the outside of my reservoir black? will that help me get rid of the algae?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Spraying it black will increase it's ability to absorb heat. You want a cool reservoir ideally. Buy yourself a roll of aluminium tape. stuff works wonders :)


Well-Known Member
Light-proof = no algae. Light-proof = cooler reservoir. Cooler reservoir = more dissolved oxygen. More dissolved oxygen = less problems with any pathogens and better plant growth. Insulate and light-proof your reservoir, too many benefits in doing so and too many problems if you don't.