trying to perfect my drying/curing process. Tips? Tricks?

haha this is funny... like i said the room should be 60 deggrees . if you r going to use that closet you mite as well buy a bud drying machine. my point is you cant let it dry that fast or it wont be as good. air conditioning? celler. cold shed. bud can be dryed basically any where. if it drys 2 fast just stick part of a pice of bread in your jar and take the bread out when it gets dry. and then re seal it with moisture and keep jar closed for a week and then reopen it.=cured weed. how cold is it under your house? make a window screen coverd box with shelves and slide it under the house lol good luck sorry for all the post. ive just had succes in the drying and cureing side of growing as i searched for the correct way 2 do it and followed step by step and it really works good luck.

you say it like im intentionally drying my bud too fast. and you're rambling, so I cant even form a coherent sentence out of your run on sentences and spelling errors.

I get what you're saying, but i think I already got some better advice already.:roll::roll:
Its probably that your room is too hot,plus with the fan, its drying them too fast,I don't use a fan, I have totes I put my nugs in,I just hang em, put the lid on,and keep them in a room that is 78-80 degrees,I let them dry in there for bout 5 days,then I stick them in jars for another 7 days or so sometimes longer.
Its probably that your room is too hot,plus with the fan, its drying them too fast,I don't use a fan, I have totes I put my nugs in,I just hang em, put the lid on,and keep them in a room that is 78-80 degrees,I let them dry in there for bout 5 days,then I stick them in jars for another 7 days or so sometimes longer.

Have you read any of the prior posts? The closet is to cold if anything not to hot.
Have you read any of the prior posts? The closet is to cold if anything not to hot.

I doubt its too cold,if that were the case believe me those buds wouldn't dry so fast.Have you ever had buds dry too fast because it's too cold huh??????Not me.I seen that superhighme mentioned that but it makes no sense.The only times that buds dried too fast on me was because I accidentally left my containers open and got too much airflow or it was too hot,or both but never when it's too cold,it takes longer.
I doubt its too cold,if that were the case believe me those buds wouldn't dry so fast.Have you ever had buds dry too fast because it's too cold huh??????Not me.I seen that superhighme mentioned that but it makes no sense.The only times that buds dried too fast on me was because I accidentally left my containers open and got too much airflow or it was too hot,or both but never when it's too cold,it takes longer.

are you talking about curing or drying because curing is in containers....drying is hanging. Just wondering cause the last sentence didn't make any sense at all.

its definitely not too hot. its actually not hot at all. I didn't mean cold like as in ICE. don't take it so literal. I meant it as in... not warm enough and probably not enough humidity. Not as in.....hanging it in my walk in freezer to dry.
thanks.... yeah man i would think so heat make things sweat i would think hot air goes up with the moisture into the clouds haha i think we dont want it any hotter.
you want 2 save some of the moisture for curing other wize you will be re moistening all the weed but sometimes when you got so much you have 2 any way.peace.
are you talking about curing or drying because curing is in containers....drying is hanging. Just wondering cause the last sentence didn't make any sense at all.

its definitely not too hot. its actually not hot at all. I didn't mean cold like as in ICE. don't take it so literal. I meant it as in... not warm enough and probably not enough humidity. Not as in.....hanging it in my walk in freezer to dry.

Let me clarify, drying in colder temps. takes longer than drying in warmer temps.,just trying to get the point across to MP377T.Since you say heat is not the prob. I'm sure it's that you need to keep some moisture in you drying area that's why I used me as an example with my totes and no need of a fan,I simply keep the lid on the tote and every other day I check and I simply remove the lid to remove excessive moisture if needed.
Here what most people i know do..
They Dont water it for 3 days at the end. Kinda let it dry out. They cut it from the stalk one plant at a time. CLip it. Put them on coat hangers for a day and a half. clip them off the stalk. Get a screen put on the bud on the screen for a day. Have a fan underneath the screen.
Next step is.. Take all your bud and put it in a black garbage bag and let it sweat for 6 hours. Put the bud back on the screens for 12 hours and then give them 3 more hours of sweat time. put them on screens for 24 more hours and now you got some good curied buds.
Light is bad for drying buds. Fans are good for drying buds. I just grow them clip them and dry them all in the same room. Filters and what not :)
nice tip more4u2c.... i kinda have same prob as superhighme does... my nugs dries to a crips in 4 days.. i used one of those portable closets thats a material that air passes thru easly tho... and i did have my ceiling fan on most of the time... and i do live in 80+ weather and i cut of main stem and i think i did almost everything u said not to do... lol.... hmm maybe i should rethink all that next time huh... lol

DUDE!!! I LOVE THE SIG MAN!!! hahaha that shit made me laugh so hard!!!!:bigjoint:
sometimes the brittle fast weed will actually feel moister when then starting the mason jars.... burp em, burp em and burp em some more, the longer the medicine cures, the better the tastes and effects for me...