Trying to recreate euphoria

So I have depression(actually diagnosed).

Anyways I'm going to cut it to the point here.

I have found that physibin fungi have created a new found sense of euphoria for me and I'd like to be one of the few people who get over depression if it's even possible.

Waking up to me feels like infinite melancholy. Breathing and existence is pain. I need to fix that.

I believe I should take a t-break from THC again, and try DMT or ketamine or even mescaline.

Which would the psychonauts here recommend?
If I were you I would try DMT mescaline and ketamine but I wouldn't count on medicating with them, I would begin microdosing mushrooms or lsd, do some research on how to dose. I microdosed last year for 2 weeks and it felt great.

I microd LSD for a while towards the beginning of year.. havent even wanted to touch the rest of my sheet now. Not because I'm turned off but just havent felt compelled to cut another piece lol.. It's a good feeling. good luck!

I microd LSD for a while towards the beginning of year.. havent even wanted to touch the rest of my sheet now. Not because I'm turned off but just havent felt compelled to cut another piece lol.. It's a good feeling. good luck!
LSD is good I just have trouble finding the legit tabs out here. I tried it twice as a teen funny enough.

Always gotta use those ehrlich test strips cause you never what kinda shit they put on the tab before hand. I once got bum tabs with literally nothing on them. So I said fuck those tabs and shitty plugs and didn't try LSD again but want to.

Thank fuck I didn't get some untested research chemical bullshit though.

Although I may be able to find real tabs from a guy I knew in high school's fam.
LSD is good I just have trouble finding the legit tabs out here. I tried it twice as a teen funny enough.

Always gotta use those ehrlich test strips cause you never what kinda shit they put on the tab before hand. I once got bum tabs with literally nothing on them. So I said fuck those tabs and shitty plugs and didn't try LSD again but want to.

Thank fuck I didn't get some untested research chemical bullshit though.

Although I may be able to find real tabs from a guy I knew in high school's fam.

It's all about the source.. old school dead heads or people who have been to 10+ phish shows (I'm a hiphop head but have met life long partners at phish shows.. hoping to make it to another one this summer when they come through) usually have zip-tight connections. Bonus is they are usually down to trade for something and when you build a relationship you can get great deals.. Talk to the guys selling strips as opposed to the individual tabs. People who sell bunk strips will usually find trouble quicker than people who are selling half-n-half bunks tabs or RC's.

Kratom is my shit though and I can't say enough good things about it.. If you have any Q's just hit my box. I havent been on too regularly but hate to see people not feeling well ya dig?
You have come to the right place, @AnotherAnonymousToker .

I suggest looking into and experimenting with MDMA and ketamine.
Cannabis has always helped aid My pain / suffering. MDMA and ketamine seem to take it to a next level.
And seeing as It's a next level...
There are some precautions One must take before diving deep into MDMA and ketamine.
There is many positive psychological benefits from low - moderate use of ketamine and MDMA.

Especially in relation to 'euphoria', getting over depression, or medicine.
Shroom's have helped me through some tough times. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy the destructive thoughts are just that a thought if you can squash those with positive affirmations as soon as the pop in the thought process it helps a lot. It's not easy but practice it, live it it will get better..
So I have depression(actually diagnosed).

Anyways I'm going to cut it to the point here.

I have found that physibin fungi have created a new found sense of euphoria for me and I'd like to be one of the few people who get over depression if it's even possible.

Waking up to me feels like infinite melancholy. Breathing and existence is pain. I need to fix that.

I believe I should take a t-break from THC again, and try DMT or ketamine or even mescaline.

Which would the psychonauts here recommend?

IDK if this is what you’re looking for as it’s more involved/pricey but hey I like to help....

As far as i know ketamine is being used off-label for various conditions (treatment-resistant depression, severe anxiety, neuropathic pain) at ‘ketamine clinics.’ Depending on where you live, you can set up an appointment and undergo treatment (Infusion/IV of sub-anesthetic low dose ketamine). The sessions are like 1-2 hours and there’s like 12 sessions. After the initial 12 or so are done you come back once a month for a maintenance dose. ketamine supposedly elicits anti-depressant effects in hours after a session and can last days to a week.

There are many studies online on this subject if you would like to learn more!

I’m interested in this treatment as i’m in the same boat as you OP. (antidepressant induced depression, how ironic :evil:)
I hope I helped as i know how it feels, keep your head up man
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Cannabis seems to be the culprit to get rid of all of Your pain, suffering, depression...
Smoke enough of it You will start floating.

Once in a meditation circle, I smoked nearly a whole half eighth to Meself and saw Myself from above.
Held each hit in for at least 5-7 seconds; did not force it. The session was about 45 minutes to a whole hour. About 15 minutes in I started getting some psychedelia. Around 35 minutes in, I was getting Level 2 closed eye visuals and was going in and out consciousness every few minutes.

I am experienced in meditation but I'm sure anyone could get similar types of experiences to help get rid of depression and recreate euphoria.
Thanks for the food for thought, OP.
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I feel a bit lost. It's maybe because of the fact I have no one but myself to blame.

I'm able to get a hold of really good dabs it helps but, nature trips are working the best.

Shrooms n dabs n nature.
So I have depression(actually diagnosed).

Anyways I'm going to cut it to the point here.

I have found that physibin fungi have created a new found sense of euphoria for me and I'd like to be one of the few people who get over depression if it's even possible.

Waking up to me feels like infinite melancholy. Breathing and existence is pain. I need to fix that.

I believe I should take a t-break from THC again, and try DMT or ketamine or even mescaline.

Which would the psychonauts here recommend?
I recommend stocking your medicine cabinet with a variety. However, growing your own mushrooms is easy and therapeutic and would be a good start. Lots of studies on psilocybin being very effective and safe.

"Researchers have been using psilocybin to successfully treat both depression and addiction in clinical trials over the past few years. In a 2016 study, the same team of Johns Hopkins University researchers administered magic mushrooms to terminal cancer patients with the goal of alleviating their end-of-life anxiety and depression.

“Studies showed that psilocybin caused significantly and clinically significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety lasting at least six months after psilocybin administration,” the newly published study explained."

Johns Hopkins University:

Thread on Medical Mushrooms:
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So I have depression(actually diagnosed).

Anyways I'm going to cut it to the point here.

I have found that physibin fungi have created a new found sense of euphoria for me and I'd like to be one of the few people who get over depression if it's even possible.

Waking up to me feels like infinite melancholy. Breathing and existence is pain. I need to fix that.

I believe I should take a t-break from THC again, and try DMT or ketamine or even mescaline.

Which would the psychonauts here recommend?
Try kratom
It's all about the source.. old school dead heads or people who have been to 10+ phish shows (I'm a hiphop head but have met life long partners at phish shows.. hoping to make it to another one this summer when they come through) usually have zip-tight connections. Bonus is they are usually down to trade for something and when you build a relationship you can get great deals.. Talk to the guys selling strips as opposed to the individual tabs. People who sell bunk strips will usually find trouble quicker than people who are selling half-n-half bunks tabs or RC's.

Kratom is my shit though and I can't say enough good things about it.. If you have any Q's just hit my box. I havent been on too regularly but hate to see people not feeling well ya dig?
I love kratom
Public radio just did a piece on magic mushrooms and depression as some States are thinking of or already have decriminalized it and as one of the posters above pointed out, it was suggested the benefits lasted weeks.
I have MDD myself so I know of the pain you are going through and have a little experience of my own trying to use entheogens to treat an otherwise treatment resistant depression.

Shrooms and LSD imo are best start microdosing with. Use a full dose only when you are ready, having an ok day (which is rare) and have a friend or 2 nearby ... aka do something, don't just sit at home trying to trip and learn something.

1P-LSD is a functional analog of LSD and it can be purchased from grey market (research chemical) suppliers. It is metabolized into LSD so it's effects are that of LSD it is just much less potent then pure LSD.

Kratom has been a great friend in my struggle to do things (any things) because it gives you the energy and motivation to get through a day (or a shift at work). It won't help treat depression other then it will let you get stuff done. It is definitely wonderful stuff.

Ketamine and MXE imo don't offer much at recreational doses to treat depression. There are new ketamine treatments available that have shown great promise in treating depression but those are at much lower then the 'recreational' (eg. k-hole inducing) doses.
4g dried of McKennaii Psilocybe magic mushrooms will sort you right out I tell you lol.

Holllly shit I was not ready for that. Careful meow with the dosage , 17g fresh in a tea wasnt much for me and my buddy , just over 4g dried (must have been way stronger anyway , wayyyy stronger , crazy blue veins pumping under the stalks of the second flush from a supagro kit) absolutely obliterated us

I could barely hold on for a true first psychedelic experience......but I can say now it is both the most terrifying and beautiful thing I have ever experienced , 4g was enough for me and my buddy to fight it a little , which we were because we just couldnt believe what was happening , next time itll be McKenners full 5g........of his mushrooms lolol (the whole McKenna thing could be a marketing trick.....but almost everyone reports they are stronger than the Hawaii copelandias) depending on what we get from the next flush.....whewwww , 5-6g would be enough for us to be unable to fight it , which I feel would be a good thing lol

I felt MDMA was a good step up experience before the mushrooms , if you can survive a good dose of molly and roll through it all and the comedown , as long as you are mentally STRONG , the mushrooms are just.....wonderful.......cant even put in into words you can only show someone by having them eat the fucking mushrooms lolol

Nothing I ever read or heard prepared me for that didnt even put a dent in it.

Much love and just be careful , dont go overboard with the psychedelics off the bat , if me and my buddy werent so close and in control of our own shit , that 4g first real trip could have gone whoopsy daisy in a heartbeat , but it didnt! Mind Powerrrrr!
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i git euphoria from holding in my breathe as long as i can until i get light headed like holding in oxygen instead of hits of weed getting high on life bros