Trying to set up, But lights not working??


Well-Known Member
I got everything set up, But when i plug in my 1000w light it turns on for a a second then turns back off. Anybody know why? Is it overloading the socket? But my protable AC is 1100w and it never does that.

Help Pleaseeee :roll:


Well-Known Member
do you mean when you plug the ballast into the wall the light turns off?

how old is the ballast? and if you were drawing too much current you would most likely flip a breaker or blow a fuse. so the issue is more than likely the ballast..


Well-Known Member
Brand new digital lumitek balast
Yea when i plug in the balast the lights turn on then off =(


Well-Known Member
try a few wall sockets 1st then call the place you bought it... i would have to believe theres something up with the ballast.....

sorry to hear it, what a pain in the butt!!!


Active Member
Sounds overloaded to me. try plugging it in without other thngs on and see if it fires. If not your ballast may need adjusting.



Well-Known Member
Ok I just had everything running, and it worked for about 5 min then everything shut off, So it must be a overload.
What do i do now? Do i have to run extensions from other rooms?

Thanks for all you help guys


Active Member
It does sound like an overload issue. You can either run more wires off of the box, or run extension cords. Whatever you do, do NOT replace the breaker with a larger one. It WILL cause a fire and you'll lose everything. Does the bulb run constantly when you dont share the load with other items?


Well-Known Member
if u happen to use an extension chord, buy a good one with a breaker in it... a 10 gauge or better.... thats a heavy load..... u should be able to find an outlet in the house that will work....

good luck caligirl


Well-Known Member
extension cords are bad to use with hid light. make it a giant gauge and dont coil up the cord, have it all layed out straight. Make sure you have a 1000w ballasts and bulb(they may have sent you the wrong thing)


Well-Known Member
You probably just need to isolate that light, give it its own circuit. First thing to check would be your primary service, it should be 100amp, to meet code, I installed 200amp for mine because it was only 60 amp, and the difference in cost was minimal. Assuming you have adequate service, look in your breaker box and see if the circuits are identified, ie 2 Kitchen, 3 Dining room etc. If not its time to find out which switch is which. This is best done with some helpers, turn them all off, then on one at a time. You have to have at least one 110volt that is 10 wire or bigger that goes to your kitchen, maybe its accessible? There are options to look at, I installed all of mine from the post in the ground that the meter is on to final inspection, you can do what needs to be done. Its easy as abc, black white green. VV


Active Member
Not one time did she say that the power in the whole room went out, which leads me to believe that something is wrong with the ballast. Like Pro8008 said "make sure your bulb matches your ballast".
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Well-Known Member
Yeah the entire circuit would trip and all power to the room wouldnt work.

She did also say she has a 1100watt air conditioner.

and in one room that would be enough to trip the breaker with the 1100 watt HPS light


Digital ballasts are always having problems right out of the box...


Well-Known Member
Acutally the whole room did go black, I poped a circuit. I just ran a extention cord into the living room to give it it's own socket. Seems to be working fine now.

Thanks eveyrone for your help ^ ^


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem I have two 400 watt lights and the fans and what not and I have to run them off a circuit from a different room or when I have both of them running and turn on my A/C it blows the circuit. Since running the a/c and lights on different circuits I haven't had any problems.


Well-Known Member
callgirl, make sure the gauge of the extension cord is very thick, if not the cord will resist current and get warm. Do not let this happen, also dont coil up the cord at all. let it lay straight so the lengths of cord dont help heat each other up.