Trying to start a grow box


Well-Known Member
Here's my basic blueprint. The ducting leads to my AC.

My main question is how much lighting would I need for Veg and Flower, for just one plant? Like how many watts would be good for each? Thanks :)

Also, it's a 12x12 box, you think that's big enough?


Well-Known Member
After doin' some more readin, it seems the 12x12 isn't big enough of a size, even for one lil plant. How about 18x18 or 22x22? I just want one plant, that'll yield maybe an oz or a lil less.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
How's this one look, should i change the Wattages or would this be good?



Well-Known Member
Your not gonna get an OZ from that.
Thanks for the input, I've seen people get 1-2 oz, but not sure if it was in a 12x12 box or if it was bigger xD Like I said, what would help? More light? Bigger box? I mean of course those two factors would help, but what amount to get around an oz? Like a 22x22 box with another 2-4 lights?


Active Member
Thanks for the input, I've seen people get 1-2 oz, but not sure if it was in a 12x12 box or if it was bigger xD Like I said, what would help? More light? Bigger box? I mean of course those two factors would help, but what amount to get around an oz? Like a 22x22 box with another 2-4 lights?
A lot more lights, if you are trying to pull an OZ I recommend making full use of your box. Got the biggest pot you possibly can fit and LST hard and keep the lights close.


Well-Known Member
Shit i cnt see the flippen screen zoneing owt
I'm doing the wine method. Mix water, fruit concentrate, sugar and yeast into a mason jar, and use a twin bubble air lock on the lid to let out the co2, and make wine in the process :P There's a thread on here about it, pretty interesting. Some say it barely provides any co2, but some is better than none xD


Well-Known Member
what kind of fruit concentrate and is there any other methods that create mor Co2
Well in my method taste is a factor. If you just wanted to create co2 you could remove the fruit and add more yeast/sugar. And the kind of fruit concentrate I use is the kind that's like in the freezer section, the Welch's can things.


Active Member
If you Lst I do not see why not. Just time will be the factor. Also the Duct will be hooked up to your AC unit? Umm well watch your temps. Also, what about exhaust?


Well-Known Member
If you Lst I do not see why not. Just time will be the factor. Also the Duct will be hooked up to your AC unit? Umm well watch your temps. Also, what about exhaust?
I will be LSTing, and I was gonna watch my temps and just have it hooked to the ac if it got too warm. I didn't figure an exhaust would be necessary for such a small grow, the duct will be just sittin there chillin when the ac isn't running through it, that should do it xD