Trying to think of how nature interacts with the plant


Well-Known Member
so when trying to put myself in a plants roots so to speak. i was thinking of how to fuck with plants the way mother nature does. some obvious and some not so obvious. just wondering opinions and or if someone else has an idea that is different or wants to change one of mine.

oh, for right now this is basically research for me. i want to collect a list of at least 20-30 things to do to a plant (and/or the plants offspring, and or the offspring's offspring, and so on and so forth.

idea 1: basic concept
wind doe not blow in one direction, setup contradicting fan directions to blow on timers that rotate. giving that natural sway ability. if you wanted to get real anal you could get timers that switch by the minute and maybe some that do 30 sec or so increments. so to make the plant sway more. this is a natural process of trees going back and forth. but just one fan doesn't provide the full strengthening of the stem. or think of it like abs on people. you do crunches to get better healthier ab muscles. well plants stems don't neccessarily have a back so thier abs circle 360 degrees around thier stem. giving opposing fans should give stronger stems. plus like i said mother nature does this naturally.

idea 2, a little out there
when pollenating a plant to harvest its seeds, put a dead bee in the pistol. i try to think of the history of the planet on this one. think in long term years like decades and or centuries. see along all this time, bugs do thier work and have done it well. but bugs have diseases and get sick or have aging signs. so if a bug were to die in the middle of pollenation is not to be so ridiculous. i mean people die everyday doing just about everything imaginable, some even while they are at work (pollenating, hint hint). then take those seeds and plant them and see if there are any abnormailties with the offspring of the dead bee seeds.

idea 3 way fucking stoner stupid
way out there, and probably would ever happen in nature, but is possible with the right conditions is to grow two roots from one plant. take a cutting from a mother plant but cut it twice on the stem giving a few inches above and below the brach that you want to grow. by cutting this way you might be able to put both ends into root hormone and plant them. the plant thinks it has no roots so it grows new ones and does it at both ends. now even if this one worked, which it probably won't, then there is the posssiblitiy that the roots would only grow to 50% of thier potential. thus really only giving you one root just split wierd. now it would be interesting to see if that would change how the offspring of that clone would grow, but it might not?

idea 4/5, not only a stupid idea but a waste of weed
burn the plant to the ground! but don't burn 100% of it leave smoldered pieces and little bits of green and what not. but burn it after it has started producing offsping and you have pollenated it. now i don't even know what i want to accomplish out of this but mother nature does this all the time. and i guess to make it a good science expierement then take those seeds from the burnt plant after it burned down (make sure the burn isn't out of control like a wild fire and you don't burn all the seeds, remember trying to fuck with the plant in a controled environment.) and keep doing that and inbreeding the seeds. sounds stupid but if you want something to instigate a change on its own evolution then the only way to do it is repetitive and to the same genes. at least for me just because i don't have a degree in biology or horticulture or evolution or anything. oh idea five would be to freeze the plant and keep freezing each set of seeds you get from it and let them inbreed. you might be able to force the marijuana plant to grow in colder climates by instigating a freeze for each succession of inbreeding the plant does. but technically you don't even have to consider just heat or cold at this point and just start instigating the extreems from each season to generations of inbred plants, perferbly instigating the same extreem season as did with it's parents to help force evolution of the plant.

idea 6, oh shit just bang your head against the wall until your ears bleed after you hear this one
super stupid and actually mother nature may be able to do it but no one knows how, but people do as they splice dna of plants all the time i see on the news. i would like marijuana to be split and mixed with an actual weed. one that grows as tall as possible and absorbs as many nurtrients as possible. why like i just said they can grow tall and overly steal nutrients from soil. more nutes it uptakes possible better bud? and one weed i had in mind that i have seen grow 10 ft tall is thistle. i have also seen a group of 4 of these 10 ft's kill small trees because of how many nutes they steal from the ground. those greedy bastards. but it was a really stupid idea, that i though was funny cuz then marijuana would actually be a weed on a dna level basis of what we define weeds as. i think right now it has strongest ties to hops?

and that is it for now. if i think of any more i wil write them down. but remember i want to fuck with it's evolution, so some results may be years of growing and inbreeding before i could even start to see the slightest change.


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I read it all...

And only one and 6 are half way decent... 6 i have pondered before, and one is founded, but rather than all the bs about all the fans and shit- you could just rotate the pot... (thats what I and others do, for light for wind, for bending towards the light).

I think just having the goal of replicating nature in and of itself is really stupid. Cause nature also floods and earthquakes and scorches to the ground, and except for the rare jack pine who's seeds pop in the fire and benefit from such destruction, most other plants- ganja included- arent benefited.

The idea with indoor growing is not at all to replicate nature, but to be nature. Its not so far as a god complex- but very much a mother nature complex. We may not have the lummenes the sun puts out no matter how many lights we have (true fact) but we have 12 direct hours, temperature controlled rooms, humidity as we see fit, and the ability to dose them with whatever nutriet we see fit, not to mention the ability to control medium from coca to soil to hydro. Then lets talk clones, and mothering.

The bennefits of indoor growing are not at all founded in replicating nature, something I learned very on.

Whats curious, and i have learned on RIU, is that in nature their are natural hydroponics and aeroponics. Rice to some degree is hydroponic, sea weed and lilly pad like things. And in jungles and around water falls roots expand out for miles to reach out to capture the mist (aeroponics). So to some degree people have replicated that with their hydro and aero systems.

But in almost every way that we aim to bennefit our plants indoors we are doing something above and beyond what mother nature can do herself.

Thats the goal
You made me read it, had to pay you back.


Well-Known Member
I grew a single plant indoors during a cold winter once. Temps in the grow room barely got to 60, and dropped to about 40 at night. The plant came out all twisted and weird, and male. I doubt the temp has anything to do with the sex, but still.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
reintvent budz you make us read all your shit, then read all my shit, then you dont respond!!!


this thread represents lost time I cant get back on this site, usually i dont care- cuz it was fun and responded- but i feel like i am talking to my self....

you suck!


New Member
oh grasshopper, you must become one with the

Sorry couldn't help myself!

Lost me with the whole fan on a rotation something....just turn the pot every so often!