Trying to weed out males as early as possible (pics)


Well-Known Member
id say male also but as biggie says keep a close eye and if the sacks multiply disgard it ;)


Active Member
male male male ,last one i think is a female ,, i done the same 2 months ago, you know weeding out females from loads of bagseed:clap: get me a better pic of the last yin and i'll have another look , best a luck wae it anyhoo


Thanks people yeah thats what I was worried about. The first two pics are of 1 plant and the second 2 pics are of a second plant. Shoulda been clear about that yea Its just 2 plants. I'll wait and see what happens...


Well-Known Member
do u have any other plants in your grow area? Even if u dont i would cut them down because if those balls pop open it will pollinate your grow area so if u do another grow in there u could get your females making seeds instead of nice buds


do u have any other plants in your grow area? Even if u dont i would cut them down because if those balls pop open it will pollinate your grow area so if u do another grow in there u could get your females making seeds instead of nice buds
Think its thats guaranteed those are male? I have one other plant in the area that is showing nothing still as of yet... I have no qualms about choppin them down but I really wanna be 100% sure... I am new though and if thats the consensus I'll take the advice. Although there will not be another grow in this area so the space being pollinated isn't a big deal. I will remember that in the future for sure

By the way those sacks are currently still smaller than about the size of a sesame seed


Active Member
I agree, only seen it once, but 6 out of 8 plants were male and looked just like that. The longwr they grow the more sacs they'll grow. I say let them grow another day, they change so much in a day that u may be able to tell better.


yea I took those pics yesterday actually and could start to see tiny little green bubble structures around that with my magnoscope... did what had to be done.