Trying True Aeroponics/ High Pressure Aero


Hi I have been wanting to try growing with a high pressure low volume Aeroponics system. I have been looking into this kit as the mister for my 60 site garden.

I will obviously expand the nozzle amount and up the pump size for 60 sites. The nozzle have a .09 orifice and are rated at 50 microns which is what NASA uses. I will stager the nozzle every 10 in between the plants. I am planning on watering for 5 second on 5 min off.

I was just curious if anyone is actually using a true aero setup not a low pressure high volume system.

I am planning on using 10" irrigating tubing for the site rails, and spacing the plants 1sq/ft. my plant site space is 4ft wide by 13ft long. I am running 4 1000 hps and have individually air/water cooled lights. The room temp is 72 and the res temp is 65. I also have Co2 in the room.

I am planning on yielding my normal 2.5 to 3oz/per plant but I have been doing a lot of research and the True Aero seems to build a much better root base in 30% less time. I believe also that your yield can harvest a greater amount with a better root system. I also will be saving on the nutes by 75% because the system have almost 0 waste because the low amount of water usage.

I was just hoping to start a discussion and see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
I'm working on something similar. I'm using schedule 40 10" sewer pipe for plant holders. As far as I know more roots more yield. You should run this past fatman on here he does hp aero and I think he mixes his own nutes.


Well-Known Member
Subbed. I've always wondered about testimonials on this topic. If I'm not mistaken, hp is how NASA does their aero:leaf:


Well-Known Member
NASA does hp with 50 micron emmitors. I've read that is the ideal droplet size you need to get true aero.


Thank you so far for your replies. I am planning to use 12" sewer Drain and either the mister I but a link to in the beginning or two Shurflo Bypass demand hp/low volume pump at 100 psi and 50 micron misters. I just cant figure out how we are supposed to have 3 second burst the line cannot even pressurize that quickly. Any experience regarding this?
No experience personally but I've got 2 suggestions:

1) Bleed the line for the duration of the breathing time
2) Measure how long it takes the lines to pressurize on average and add lead time to the on/off timing

Also, at that particle size, the mist must be damn close to a fog... Could you blow the mist into the root chamber with a high powered fan? Effectively diluting the mist with air? You may have to change your growing chamber for this one of my crazy suggestions...

Again, no experience... Just suggestions! Good luck!

Subbed too =)


Well-Known Member
one of my crazy suggestions...
Indeed. High powered fan in a root chamber sounds like a bad idea. I wouldn't worry too much about the necessity for oxygen within a mist because it does, after all, make up the majority within that combination.


Well-Known Member
I've read that is the ideal droplet size you need to get true aero.
More than likely true. Using a basic water pump along with PVC and misters attached is really just NFT on Steroids when you think about it. Nevertheless, my NFT on steroids has given me some exceptional flowers...



Well-Known Member
As far as I know most people have a compressor hooked up to keep the lines pressurized so the mist will be ready as soon as needed. Then when the pressure goes down compressor fires back up and keeps the lines rolling.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i have some experience with tag systems. If you want to keep your pressure even you should add an accumulator tank in conjunction with your pump. There are a few more threads on here that are very helpful and can explain how to hook your tank and pump up giving you the right psi.


Well-Known Member
that is low pressure aero i dont know the microns on those but its no way near what we are talking about


Active Member
I use a 3666gph sump pump for 112 sprayers, I think its about as close to HP as you can get without a compressor setup. spraying times are 7 seconds on/20 minutes off and in that 7 seconds 3-4 gallons are sprayed out. Works amazing for me, but some might think this is not true HP aero, but my plants have been growing at least 30% faster than my old LP aero setup with 4- 550gph pumps



ive been doing exactly what you are doing for a year now works great!!! i have a 125 small psi pump runs continously no problems accept im in 8" PVC same concept!!! keep the feed ppm low in the nfirst week or so dont need as much as you think


Awesome, thank for the input and suggestions.

Does anyone have a picture of there TAP system. I want to get an accumulator tank and I have a air compressor, how should I set it up? I would also like to know where you bought your 8 in pvc.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
For anyone interested check out they have some really affordable pumps and they look pretty decent.


Active Member
Really late to this thread, and I don't mean to detract from anyone's opinions on the matter, but the facts are Richard Stoner invented Aeroponics with his company that built the Genesis machine in the 80s, one of his many aeroponic companies is the one that NASA tapped for their biocontrol experiement. The thing with this aim of high pressure seems a little silly to me considering the guy that has been doing this for thirty years doesn't use an accumulator or solenoids, if you watch his videos on youtube he is using what appear to be micro sprayer jets, just like they use on Bontanicare/American Agritechs Aerojet, which only uses a single 550 GPH pump (brand unspecified as far as my search goes). Many people have touted advantages of HPA that appeal to me such as succession accumulators, connected to a dry cell trickle charging, so that they could last for weeks while away if needed, but other than lack of hands on time, what benefits does this method have over what the professionals appear to be doing?

Another interesting thing to note is Mr. Stoner got a patent for a low pressure device using a centerfuge to rip the liquid stream into smaller atomized droplets, I've read many times about the Rainforest from General Hydroponics, and if I'm correct the larger models past the 66 all claim to actively use this principle to deliver aeroponic mist.

Well some food for thought, hope whoever's project this was had a better time than this second thread seems to indicate.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Really late to this thread, and I don't mean to detract from anyone's opinions on the matter, but the facts are Richard Stoner invented Aeroponics with his company that built the Genesis machine in the 80s, one of his many aeroponic companies is the one that NASA tapped for their biocontrol experiement. The thing with this aim of high pressure seems a little silly to me considering the guy that has been doing this for thirty years doesn't use an accumulator or solenoids, if you watch his videos on youtube he is using what appear to be micro sprayer jets, just like they use on Bontanicare/American Agritechs Aerojet, which only uses a single 550 GPH pump (brand unspecified as far as my search goes). Many people have touted advantages of HPA that appeal to me such as succession accumulators, connected to a dry cell trickle charging, so that they could last for weeks while away if needed, but other than lack of hands on time, what benefits does this method have over what the professionals appear to be doing?

Another interesting thing to note is Mr. Stoner got a patent for a low pressure device using a centerfuge to rip the liquid stream into smaller atomized droplets, I've read many times about the Rainforest from General Hydroponics, and if I'm correct the larger models past the 66 all claim to actively use this principle to deliver aeroponic mist.

Well some food for thought, hope whoever's project this was had a better time than this second thread seems to indicate.
Sounds to me like a spokesman for growcults atomizing dremel. Thanks, but no thanks. : )


Active Member
Sounds to me like you're paranoid Mike, I know no growcult, and know of no dremel based system, maybe you can enlighten the class on that one. It's an atomizing method in industry, here's a link to a PDF explaining it for you, it's on page 10.

Please use ganjadigger and find the other posts, as they have valuable information for you there :)


Active Member
I use a 3666gph sump pump for 112 sprayers, I think its about as close to HP as you can get without a compressor setup. spraying times are 7 seconds on/20 minutes off and in that 7 seconds 3-4 gallons are sprayed out. Works amazing for me, but some might think this is not true HP aero, but my plants have been growing at least 30% faster than my old LP aero setup with 4- 550gph pumps
It isn't true aero, but it's hydroponics with increased oxygen, and this is where you're seeing your growth acceleration from.