Tryophan Nap


Well-Known Member
Is it just me, or is the nap after thanksgiving dinner the absolute bomb! Nothing beats some L-tryptophan doing the huckle buck on pornotube.


Well-Known Member
i thought that whole tripophan = sleep thing was proven false?
II do think that the amount of Tryptophan the average person consumes during thanksgiving dinner is enough to be active. There is 0.24g of tryptophan per 100g of turkey. I usually eat 300g of turkey. This would be 720mg of tryptophan. You can purchase 500mg L-tryptophan gel caps at health food stores that are nicely active @ 1g for me. I take them when I feel restless and need to sleep. I napped out hardcore 20 min or so after eating tonight.. it was so restful and I had kids runnin all around making noise. 30 min felt like 3hrs.