TTT's Adventure Log

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm waiting for that day. i'm very proud of myself that i've learnt to take the "it'll come when it comes" route. in the past i'd have finished my harvest an just thought fuck it, i'll just go out buy some. this time i'm sticking with what i want, spending the money in the knowlege that it'll pay itse;f off etc, and waiting it out, in the past i'd also have blown the £60 for a grow light on 3 days of dope, so that in itself is a good thing to think about for me.

and as to the blues, not really happening, i'm kid of a study case of depression through each year of life, can't remember when exactly, but i'd say i've been pretty manically depressed since about 12. scars entering tripple digits, police busted into my house due to a tip off form someone somehow over a situation. pretty much anything i could ever not want happene within about 12 months. an my job ust seems to be the kicker in the bucket. i work to pay rent. i pay rent because being alive i have to live somewhere and eat. not that i do that these days. life is rather fucked.

it's looking to be rather a down and out month for me. i got to see my cat for a few ays though which really really helped me, hadher since i was about 6, she's my lifesource :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wow man hold up your not eating? dude, normally here i would spout some crap about how you need to get your head straight n blah blah blah. but i know from experience that the only thing that will bring you out of the dark place is yourself.

hope you get to a better place soon man hell if you need a care package holla!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, don't go offering me that option of hollering :D bad move :P

an yeah, i just have no apetite at all ever, i'll be up at 10, work through till aounrd 8 without food then probably have a banana before be and that's it. it's a bummer as i'm really trying to put on weight, just can't get the stuff in em.

and yeah again, i'm the one that's getting me out of this here spiral, not drugs and councelling as far far far too many people are ready to suggest upon the dropping of the D word. cop-out solutions like that bug me.

anyways, i gotta try and stay as posisite as i can and such :) else i'll end up a grouch and leave more condecending nites for the boss :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol wouldn't offer if i didn't mind man.

id have turned to drink by now but as you no doubt no its a depressant as is. drugs are my crutch. shit starts going badly i get wasted for a while, till i deal with whatever then repeat the cycle lol yeah its a total cop out procrastination but fuck what else are you gonna do tho i was thinking about volunteer work for a while you know visiting old geezers for an hour or two a week. bit hard when you've barely got time for yourself tho.

anyhoo chin up man it will work itself out or you'll go crazy but who's normal right!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just need to see that little veg box stuffe full, and i think that will probably be cause for smiles all around :)

ignore the colours, they're courtesy of your's truly and his magical picture box, they're all lucious green :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well it's a semi-good ay for once.

got stuck in the office laminating stuff, wheeeeey, and ended up having a big talk with the new owner about being paid for the work you do, and he's a former yank and is very unhappy about the concept of being paid by age (i have a supoervisor, so same title as me, who is 15 years older, heavily on the firing line due to being a lazy lazy girl, yet is paid a good bit more than me, doesn't figure :D) so basically there are some meetings to be had tomorrow, and hopefully a pay rise in the not too istant future. any extra money i earn can be weed money! as all my other noney is tied up with my plan list! :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, it's basically me, the owner, the accountants, the chefs, the butchers, the gardeners and the bosses wife, all against the boss and the mamager. shit is gonna change! :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, just read the imdb blurb, gonna have to give that a watch.

iu am very much the work rebel, i like to leave notes for the manager so got one back stating "STOP LEAVING SARCASTIC NITES, WE HAVE TO TALK!!" so i wrote underneath it "who's being sarcastic, you told me to kick some arse so i'm kicking yours" :D he then took this up into the office to complain about my attitude, they all burst out laughing and thought i was funny as fook :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

i didn't quite anticipate the CFL i was buying :(

it's even a 300w model. not teh 200w i ordered, but for the same price, just hope it's the right spectrum as well :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

a little concerned about heat from this thing, it was on for a few seconds and got rather warm. i'll get own and dirty with it this evening though. 5 minutes out of it's box and i'd already taken a pair of scissors to the reflector and shortened it by 4 inches. the thing is bigger than my cooltube....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah sweet man! i love the old passive aggressive notes thing, shared houses produce lots of these notes....

yeah ive got the 200w and mines pretty warm, enough to speed dry dope on no bother. and thats in a wardrobe 3 or 4 times bigger than your draws. your going to need some ventilation out the top n the smell might get a bit much. i doubt youll get a fan n filter small enough unless you build one the DIY section in the faq has plans

small carbon filter some duct and a pc fan would probably do ya! if youve got a thermometer that records the min and max temps id put it in there and let it run for 18 hours then check!

ttfn ttt

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, i ordered just a blue bulb, got my HPS for the flowers :D gonna have to heat test it and such, else i'll have to change my plans, could be that i can sneakily install a false wall at the back of the other wardrobe, shouldn't be too difficult so long as i make the effort :)

and they aren't notes for the guy in the flat, this is my boss i leave notes for, he's a dick :D i jsut got given a new office and computer etc, and a talks been had (apparently the boss genuinely believed i was 19 and earning more than i was, like fuck he did :D he had my pay slips all over his wall and i invited him to the pub for my 21st :P)

but new office, wooooooooooooooooooowooooooooooooooooooo, frank the tank! frank the tank! i'm getting hammmmmersmith hammered!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh, and should smell become a problem, i got plans! the main cab is literally 1foot to the left of the little thingy, i'll just run some small duct straight into the main cab through the hole in the wall i cut, and then the cooltube in there will suck out the smellies, might get a tad warmer, but that can do nothing but good right now, it's chilly!

plus i do carbon filters wrong anyways, or at least different from every other person i've seen with one. mine sits in the attic at the end of the ducting :D it works though!

next job is sorting out a watering system. gettin in and aorund thye plants with a 3 liter bucket is tricky. so i'm looking at hooking say 4 2 liter pop bottles onto the wall, hose from each, slow release system on the end of the hose, hose sits above the soil in each pot, fill each bottle up in the morning close door and walk off. i guess you could call it the hand done drip-irrigation system :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
neeeeeewwwwwwww veg room required :D had the light on for a few hours, it must have been 120 degrees in there or sommat, i coul feel the heat from about a foot away from the door :D

it's all good though, i'll just chop the 4 small ones, i don't particularly need em, i figure i've got a month to get the veg setup so it's all good :) bigger means bigger plants to flower with :D :D :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
congrats man! yeah bosses will snake out of anything if they think they can! good for ya man! i knew the notes were to your boss not your flatmate i was just mentioning my experiences lol

new veg room huh well bigger is better man fo shizzle!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, my bad :)

and i've decidded sodddd the carpentry super secret side of things, i'm hanging the lamp in my other cupboard with a black curtain surrounding it :D i do manual labour, why would i need hanging space for shirts and suits :P i've also gotten a bit who gives a damn, with the whole sneakiness, three plants sat on my desk atm, next to a spray bottle, ph down and a bottle called "grow!" :P