and this guys bud is just good good good, it's not his grown, i think he ust get's it for me as a favour rather than being a dealer, but he waits for me in his car not 25 meters away from my front door, which absolutely kicks some arse. i mean 35 minute round trip for an 8th of mids, or 25 seconds for a slightly smaller bag of highs woop woop, it get's me tingly!!
time to rock in there with some big bud and spice things up for the girl
awesome! yeah i love it when folks treat the business end with respect. no messin around waiting on a call for days just you got? yeah ! when? right. done. no messin. i had a wicked connect a while back would pick me up bottom of the street we'd drive round the street and he'd drop me at the door. too easy...
toking is neeeeeeeeeeeeded. just finnished up overtime after my normal shift with a lovely stock check, woooooooooooo, yay for sweat and smells showaaaaaaaaar
well Big Bud seems to give it a real good kick in the bum, after first usage there was a push at some growing from her woke up to see white hairs everywhere and lots of bud sites getting a-ready
unless i am being silly, those are not quite what i want growing there eh? this seed came from a weed that was masssssively seeded, early on, could be a very unstable strain or sommat
yup, seems like it might be a bit of a doomed plant. if it is, oh well, it'll still be a smoke of sorts i guess, and the white widow is still growing in her little pint cup
yup, and the widow is for shits and giggles, and if a nanna pops, she's a goner too beans arrive on firday i assume, so i'll have 3 potted up by saturday
all fems, i read about how you were seeing a lot of hermmie in the newer femmed strains, so i opted for some that i've read around here a lot, and that are from good breeders, or so i hope, so all things going as planned, i should have some more girls flowering in the next 2 weeks (gonna short veg these, grab a clone off each, and then propperly veg out the clones, build up the perpetual into fullscale in good time, no need to try rushing it all)
huzah! almost finished at work, first day as manager. short story is i didn't get a pay rise, i got my work massively increased, i nomw have the owner, the boss and the manager asking me to do different things, so i told the manager i hated the place, that it was a dump, you name it, told him that he was not a manager as far as a single employee was concerend, he nearly killed me slamming the door on the way out of my office
wow man sound like they fed you a massive line sorry to hear that man. good on you for sticking to your guns but watch your back higher ups are twats when they know they have power over you.