Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Why did it close?

You know I asked. The building is falling apart- the roof beam is split! Apparently lots of other problems. Business has been off for the past year, due they think to increased restaurant competition in the area.

This was the first location, it's now a mini chain of 6 or 8 locations. All the rest are in ritzy locales between here and Denver, so this one became the exception to the concept.

Fuckers lost a customer, though; can't get a growler filled at any of them along with a meal.

...DA FUK?!

These guys helped pioneer the brewpub restaurant concept in the same town as New Belgium and O'Dell's!

Coopersmith's is still doing it right.
Britney can go fuck herself if I got Jilly hanging about, she doesnt even come close

She smells even better than she looks, eyewateringly potent sweet pine sharpness!

Newcomers to the thread will note that these trellises are all 6' tall by 4' across, with 4" squares, I mention this to help the reader discern scale. Yes, they're even bigger than they look in these postage stamp snapshots.
I could see that! They're hangin all the way to the floor :P

I meant
Wall/Screen/Wire Squares to top of colas distance
Basically, how long are those shlongs

Newcomers to the thread will note that these trellises are all 6' tall by 4' across, with 4" squares, I mention this to help the reader discern scale. Yes, they're even bigger than they look in these postage stamp snapshots.
what's your opinion on the max production per given area? I ask because I wonder what is the highest density of plant growth a limited area can contain?

I'm thinking that air quality maybe become the most difficult to control, before plant mass does. I'm looking at 4x4 or 4x8 spaces not commercial areas.