tube extraction vs butane soak method

I never thought I would live this long either and given how hard I rode my body and the times that I put it away wet or crashed it into things, I am even more amazed.

We are the sum total of our past existences, and the long-term side effects of both age and crashing into things, has made me more appreciative of a good pain relieving topical. That was what sold me on cannabis as a medicine after being sold on its side effects in my 20's. Here are a couple that we developed that work in minutes:

The first was based on Holy Anointing Oil from Exodus in the Bible, with versions for oral and topical:

9.5.1 Holy Anointing Oil - GrayWolf's Lair (

Less messy and doesn't stain clothing is one I made by adding CBD isolate to an existing muscle and joint creme containing Glucosamine, Arnica, Boswella, and Devil’s Claw.

9.5.2 Graywolf’s EZ CBD Topical - GrayWolf's Lair (