Tubing too small to fit my micro-pore air stone, what's a girl to do?

I'm doing an aeroponics "project" and recently bought a micro-pore air diffuser to give the aeroponics a boost, however, the "nipple" that attaches to the diffuser is too big to stick the tube running from my air pump to it.

I found tubing that will fit the nipple, but then it's too big to fit on the pump. arghhhh. . .is there an adapter out there somewhere that I can get at home depot?
Should I heat the tubing running from the pump and stretch it over the nipple? (I know this works with repairing lawn furniture)

What do you think?



Well-Known Member
Big box hardware stores (Home Depot and Lowes) usually have a decent selection of adapters and widgets in the irrigation supplies aisle. Bring in the appropriate pieces so they can select the right parts for your work.

If you're in a rush, there's no reason you couldn't heat-stretch the parts. Unless you're using gonzo air pressure, it should work.
Thanks for the reply YThor, I'll get over there tomorrow and bring my parts with me to see what they can help me come up with.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
heat the tube with bic lighter on end you want to put on stone, jus for a second!! it will melt a little letting you put it over the barb on the stone.
jus my 2 cent


so many girls today express that same complaint.
yet there are so many tubes on the market that
you're sure to find just the right one heehee.