Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

Does that post in any way, suggest even, that He was?
For damn sure tho, He was/is The Christ, which started a whole new movement, agreed?
no...that implies divinity, and jesus was just a guy with an idea that ended up getting him killed, and his idea has gotten more people killed to this day than any other idea, ever...
no...that implies divinity, and jesus was just a guy with an idea that ended up getting him killed, and his idea has gotten more people killed to this day than any other idea, ever...
The ancient world of polytheism was even nuttier than Christianity and ancient Greek women wore veils like Muslims.
well yes actually. You spoke of him practicing Christianity.
I said he grew up in the synagogue, but nothing about His Christian practicing.
But then since He was Christ, then how couldn't He practice Christianity? It's like you're
cannabineer, so you'd practice "cannabineerinity".
I dunno what the stats are on which religion got how many ppl killed. They all manage to
grow idiot zealots who kill for the sake of their religion, or is it just the one that you blame?
Nobody does hate as well as Christians.
I basically said that the ones doing the hate call themselves, Christians, but what I
implied was that they're not, or they wouldn't hate. I mean the Bible tells us to love, and not
to hate.
I said he grew up in the synagogue, but nothing about His Christian practicing.
But then since He was Christ, then how couldn't He practice Christianity? It's like you're
cannabineer, so you'd practice "cannabineerinity".
jesus was a jew, and what they call christianity now is not a damn thing like what he taught while he was alive...
and no one called him christ while while he was alive.

Ancient Jews usually had only one name, and, when greater specificity was needed, it was customary to add the father’s name or the place of origin. Thus, in his lifetime Jesus was called Jesus son of Joseph (Luke 4:22; John 1:45, 6:42), Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 10:38), or Jesus the Nazarene (Mark 1:24; Luke 24:19). After his death he came to be called Jesus Christ. Christ was not originally a name but a title derived from the Greek word christos, which translates the Hebrew term meshiah (Messiah), meaning “the anointed one.” This title indicates that Jesus’ followers believed him to be the anointed son of King David, whom some Jews expected to restore the fortunes of Israel. Passages such as Acts of the Apostles 2:36 show that some early Christian writers knew that the Christ was properly a title, but in many passages of the New Testament, including those in the letters of the Apostle Paul, the name and title are combined and used together as Jesus’ name: Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus (Romans 1:1; 3:24). Paul sometimes simply used Christ as Jesus’ name (e.g., Romans 5:6).

From this
So originally, they didn't think he was the son of god, they thought he was the son of king david...who died 1000 years before jesus was born...
but that didn't work for the "christians" , so they just changed it...
I dunno what the stats are on which religion got how many ppl killed. They all manage to
grow idiot zealots who kill for the sake of their religion, or is it just the one that you blame?
I basically said that the ones doing the hate call themselves, Christians, but what I
implied was that they're not, or they wouldn't hate. I mean the Bible tells us to love, and not
to hate.
yeah, the bible is full of shit...
No war in human history has killed more, percentage wise, than the crusades did...They killed so many people that it effected the genetic makeup of the entire known to them world.
I dunno what you mean there, cuz i never saw his links, and all i can go on is this pic,

that i guess was posted by poopie, whomever. But there for sure is such a thing as Messianic Judaism, or basically, Jews who're Christians.
Which, I dunno, if you're gonna be a Christian, wouldn't the best way to practice your "Christianity" be the way Jesus
practiced His? He grew up in the synagogue.
He posted a link to Tumbler, this was an ad to the right of the video he wanted us to see. The additional videos were of the same ilk, ones that would apeal to people who felt Judiism is a failed religion and only Christianity is the same path.

Does that post in any way, suggest even, that He was?
For damn sure tho, He was/is The Christ, which started a whole new movement, agreed?
But what was he, a normal man running a scam or truly the son of God? Sadly Jeasus did not write down his words when he was alive, the people that did write it down years later were invested in keeping their jobs. Also these writings were edited by a bunch of men in power, at the Council of Nicea, 300 years after Christ walked the earth.
No war in human history has killed more, percentage wise, than the crusades did...They killed so many people that it effected the genetic makeup of the entire known to them world.
I'd really have to see something more than such an opinion.
But we're high jacking hell outta this thread, and it's all gonna be my fault.
I mean the Bible tells us to love, and not
to hate.
Then why do men use the bible as justification to hate? As an example, Putin says that Russia is the protector of the faith.

I'd really have to see something more than such an opinion.
But we're high jacking hell outta this thread, and it's all gonna be my fault.

We will hang you on a cross. But just think, two thousand years from now you could be famous.

OK, back to our regularly scheduled program.
He posted a link to Tumbler, this was an ad to the right of the video he wanted us to see. The additional videos were of the same ilk, ones that would apeal to people who felt Judiism is a failed religion and only Christianity is the same path.

But what was he, a normal man running a scam or truly the son of God? Sadly Jeasus did not write down his words when he was alive, the people that did write it down years later were invested in keeping their jobs. Also these writings were edited by a bunch of men in power, at the Council of Nicea, 300 years after Christ walked the earth.
look up the councils of clermont, ephesus, chalcedon, constantinople, the first thru fifth latern councils, the council of trent, the first and second vatican councils....the "bible" has been edited so much it bears hardly any similarity to the original documents, and what little dubious "divinity" it may have once claimed has been tainted irreparably by men.
Back on track, do you think maybe Fucker will get a soft landing somewhere?

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Well, senator tubbashit would certainly recognize a crime when he sees one, having committed so many against humanity, himself.
Rudi should just shut his fucking mouth, he can't keep from either sticking his own foot in it, or attaching it to the closest asshole that has more prestige than he does...Which would be almost anyone...But, why would a news service "moving to the middle" be a bad thing? that's where news services should be...
the only thing in that screed that may hold even a small clue is the story from skynews that says carlson thought he was bigger than fox...
i don't think it was ever about the truth, or about hiding anything...i think murdoch never like carlson, but tolerated him because of the money he brought in, but once carlson started being abusive in the workplace, resisting directions, and posting emails that ended up being very damning evidence, murdoch finally said fuck this asshole...
I hope fox DOES have an EXTENSIVE fuck you file on carlson, and i hope they use it to choke him into silence. Forever...
I dunno what the stats are on which religion got how many ppl killed. They all manage to
grow idiot zealots who kill for the sake of their religion, or is it just the one that you blame?
I basically said that the ones doing the hate call themselves, Christians, but what I
implied was that they're not, or they wouldn't hate. I mean the Bible tells us to love, and not
to hate.
I blame them all. Anyway this thread is about Tucker Carlson, the antichrist.

Well, senator tubbashit would certainly recognize a crime when he sees one, having committed so many against humanity, himself.
Rudi should just shut his fucking mouth, he can't keep from either sticking his own foot in it, or attaching it to the closest asshole that has more prestige than he does...Which would be almost anyone...But, why would a news service "moving to the middle" be a bad thing? that's where news services should be...
the only thing in that screed that may hold even a small clue is the story from skynews that says carlson thought he was bigger than fox...
i don't think it was ever about the truth, or about hiding anything...i think murdoch never like carlson, but tolerated him because of the money he brought in, but once carlson started being abusive in the workplace, resisting directions, and posting emails that ended up being very damning evidence, murdoch finally said fuck this asshole...
I hope fox DOES have an EXTENSIVE fuck you file on carlson, and i hope they use it to choke him into silence. Forever...
You can tell they felt losing Tucker was a major blow for their "cause", isn't Newsmax only on the internet now? Aren't they being sued also, along with OAN? I guess his fans can go online to find Tucker, but Tucker is still under contract with foxnews for another year@ $20 million a year, no way would he make that much on his own. Foxnews would tell him to stop making YouTube video's since he still works for them and will be getting paid for the next year until his contract expires. They will want Tucker memory holed.
You can tell they felt losing Tucker was a major blow for their "cause", isn't Newsmax only on the internet now? Aren't they being sued also, along with OAN? I guess his fans can go online to find Tucker, but Tucker is still under contract with foxnews for another year@ $20 million a year, no way would he make that much on his own. Foxnews would tell him to stop making YouTube video's since he still works for them and will be getting paid for the next year until his contract expires. They will want Tucker memory holed.
The have a cable channel. I listened for about two minutes once, all I could stomach.