Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

I don't understand what you said. I said the Christian right god damn well do hate on gay people.

Did you just say they don't and I simply confuse when they condemn them to hell, hound them on earth and look the other way when a gay person is beaten to death with hate when they are just showing their love for gay men and women?
scrape away their distortion and look at their scripture as it is. So their god and their depiction of that god do not resemble one another. I wasn’t very clear.

So yeah, their practices are undiluted hateful. But if there really is a final encounter, they won’t recognize their judge.

(edit) ~slaps forehead~ you used god as adverb, not noun. Forget I said a thing (blush emoji)
Perhaps in your view, which seems somewaht extrem
Hate is a powerful motivator, whether you approve of its use or not. Hate is a useful tool, when properly applied to a situation.
People don't get off of their couches and march in the street because they find a situation mildly distasteful, they march in the streets because they HATE...They hate fascists, they hate bigots, they hate terrorist white nationalist militia members coming to their home and trying to cause hate among neighbors, threatening their neighbors, spewing their hate...
you can hold whatever views you like, and you can do that because America hates not having freedom of speech.
Hate is a powerful motivator, whether you approve of its use or not. Hate is a useful tool, when properly applied to a situation.
People don't get off of their couches and march in the street because they find a situation mildly distasteful, they march in the streets because they HATE...They hate fascists, they hate bigots, they hate terrorist white nationalist militia members coming to their home and trying to cause hate among neighbors, threatening their neighbors, spewing their hate...
you can hold whatever views you like, and you can do that because America hates not having freedom of speech.
I think these people are confusing a rational, cold blooded hatred of a person for what they do to others with an irrational hatred that is based on fear, prejudice intolerance or ignorance. The irrational hatred doesn't require their object of hate to do any harm to others, they are hated for what they are, and need not have done anything to harm anybody.

I said it earlier. I could forgive Tucker Carlson if he actively tried to make amends. Mine is a rational hatred of a person for what he has done.

I think we are in agreement. That bit about "hate their acts, don't hate the person". That's just a way to excuse avoiding confronting the evil doer for what they have done.
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I think these people are confusing a rational, cold blooded hatred of a person for what they do to others with an irrational hatred that is based on fear, prejudice or ignorance. The irrational hatred doesn't require their object of hate to do any harm to others, they are hated for what they are, not what they do to others.

I said it earlier. I could forgive Tucker Carlson if he actively tried to make amends. Mine is a rational hatred of a person for what he has done.

I think we are in agreement. That bit about "hate their acts, don't hate the person". That's just a way to excuse avoiding confronting the evil doer for what they have done.
Denying hate is a denial of what we are, hate is a part of us, there is no way to remove it, the best you can do is channel it, use it constructively, and don't let it take control of your life.
Hate energizes, use that energy against those that are causing the hate to begin with, bigots, racist, sexists, fascists....
Denying hate is a denial of what we are, hate is a part of us, there is no way to remove it, the best you can do is channel it, use it constructively, and don't let it take control of your life.
Hate energizes, use that energy against those that are causing the hate to begin with, bigots, racist, sexists, fascists....
I agree, but always be careful letting hate “energize” you, as it can be a very slippery slope.
Like Yoda said, “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side.”
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy—who has embraced dubious claims about the safety of the covid vaccine—said.

"Carlson's breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV's two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless," Kennedy tweeted Monday. "For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma."

How much of a scumbag, douchebag asshole does one have to be? They took a $700 Million dollar loss to get rid of this guy.
That says something about a person.
Imo it says something about the corruption of the blackrock/big pharm owned network, couldn't have someone out there telling the truth about J6 and the dumbfuck left...

Now Don Lemon, theres a real misogynistic pos trash failure of a human being whos career is over, tucker could start a podcast tomorrow and be one of the largest overnight
Imo it says something about the corruption of the blackrock/big pharm owned network, couldn't have someone out there telling the truth about J6 and the dumbfuck left...

Now Don Lemon, theres a real misogynistic pos trash failure of a human being whos career is over, tucker could start a podcast tomorrow and be one of the largest overnight

Imo it says something about the corruption of the blackrock/big pharm owned network, couldn't have someone out there telling the truth about J6 and the dumbfuck left...

Now Don Lemon, theres a real misogynistic pos trash failure of a human being whos career is over, tucker could start a podcast tomorrow and be one of the largest overnight
Just exactly when did carlson tell the truth about anything? Ever?
Lemon? meh..on a scale of one to tucker, he was a 2.5 at best...