Turkey invades Syria

“I am not partisan!”

“pikachu is not my racist trump loving sock puppet!”

“golly I love the taste of trumps dick”

author known (you)
Hey buddy, how are you?
It appears you are drunk as usual, and spending your day here. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Unless you have an ex-wife, caring for a child, hoping you will sober up. And get a job. Any job.

Tomorrow you will wake up and regret today, like you do everyday.
Hey buddy, how are you?
It appears you are drunk as usual, and spending your day here. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Unless you have an ex-wife, caring for a child, hoping you will sober up. And get a job. Any job.

Tomorrow you will wake up and regret today, like you do everyday.
Gee Pablo, that sounds more like Character assassination than support for Buck's struggles, as all good men do. You've got issues too, you can't form meaningful relations with others, you're a failure with women, and have serious character defects like racism. Seriously ya support Donald Trump and here you are questioning the character of an American patriot and upstanding citizen. You don't speak of your personal life, are you ashamed of it? Next you'll be calling him a republican, or some other form of low life and scumbag,

If Buck is drunk today, tomorrow he might be sober, you'll always be an asshole, no cure fur that, Buck just has to stop drinking, yer brain damaged.
Figure Buck doesn't drink too much, he might have been a legend in his salad days, as were we all, but time slows a man down, drinking too.
And CheapFuck CHEETOLINI strikes again .....

Trump Threatens to Sue After Being Asked to Pay Security Costs for His Rally

The Trump campaign is indignant that it is being expected to help cover the cost of extra security for a rally planned in Minneapolis Thursday. According to the campaign, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is “attempting to extort President Trump’s re-election campaign by conjuring up a phony and outlandish bill for security.”

Let us pause here to acknowledge two facts. One: the Trump campaign reported it has raised, in the third quarter of this year alone, $125 million. And two: the Trump campaign has a left a trail of bad debts, some several years old at this point, in cities around the country.

According to a June report from the Center for Public Integrity, the campaign has stuck at least ten cities with security bills that reach almost $1 million dollars combined in the last three years. The costs range from a $16,191 invoice from the tiny 20,000-person Lebanon City, Ohio, to a whopping $570,000 owed to the city of El Paso since February. (That figure includes a 21% late fee assessed when the Trump campaign failed to settle up six months after the fact.)

With the Trump campaign poised to descend on his city Thursday — and with Minneapolis Police Department cancelling days off and calling for back-up from around the state — Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey came up with a plan to make sure the campaign paid for any costs associated with the event in advance.
That plan, as recounted by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale in an righteous email to supporters Monday night: “Frey’s city government preemptively informed the Target Center that it would be responsible for $530,000 in security and other costs related to the event. The Target Center then attempted to pass the costs on to the Trump campaign under threat of withholding use of the arena.”

A representative for AEG declined to comment on the president’s threat or to confirm whether the event would take place as scheduled, but preparations for the rally appear to be going ahead. On Tuesday afternoon Vice President Mike Pence announced he was planning to join Trump at the Target Center on Thursday.

Good to know the chief FAT FUCK is busy stiffing cities , security personnel...
all while sending Kurds to their death.

Originally I was banking on a “ Big Beautiful ” brain aneurism but now I’m thinking spontaneous combustion.
And CheapFuck CHEETOLINI strikes again .....

Trump Threatens to Sue After Being Asked to Pay Security Costs for His Rally

The Trump campaign is indignant that it is being expected to help cover the cost of extra security for a rally planned in Minneapolis Thursday. According to the campaign, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is “attempting to extort President Trump’s re-election campaign by conjuring up a phony and outlandish bill for security.”

Let us pause here to acknowledge two facts. One: the Trump campaign reported it has raised, in the third quarter of this year alone, $125 million. And two: the Trump campaign has a left a trail of bad debts, some several years old at this point, in cities around the country.

According to a June report from the Center for Public Integrity, the campaign has stuck at least ten cities with security bills that reach almost $1 million dollars combined in the last three years. The costs range from a $16,191 invoice from the tiny 20,000-person Lebanon City, Ohio, to a whopping $570,000 owed to the city of El Paso since February. (That figure includes a 21% late fee assessed when the Trump campaign failed to settle up six months after the fact.)

With the Trump campaign poised to descend on his city Thursday — and with Minneapolis Police Department cancelling days off and calling for back-up from around the state — Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey came up with a plan to make sure the campaign paid for any costs associated with the event in advance.
That plan, as recounted by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale in an righteous email to supporters Monday night: “Frey’s city government preemptively informed the Target Center that it would be responsible for $530,000 in security and other costs related to the event. The Target Center then attempted to pass the costs on to the Trump campaign under threat of withholding use of the arena.”

A representative for AEG declined to comment on the president’s threat or to confirm whether the event would take place as scheduled, but preparations for the rally appear to be going ahead. On Tuesday afternoon Vice President Mike Pence announced he was planning to join Trump at the Target Center on Thursday.

Good to know the chief FAT FUCK is busy stiffing cities , security personnel...
all while sending Kurds to their death.

Originally I was banking on a “ Big Beautiful ” brain aneurism but now I’m thinking spontaneous combustion.

why should he pay it?? Did Obama pick up the bill for his security needed while campaigning for Hillary while president? This sounds like vindictive provocation..
why should he pay it?? Did Obama pick up the bill for his security needed while campaigning for Hillary while president? This sounds like vindictive provocation..
Yes, cabage breath, Obama has a much better track record when it comes to paying bills compared to trump, who actually managed to bankrupt two casinos, ran a fraudulent University and who's charity was shut down after it was discovered to be nothing more than a personal piggy bank.
And CheapFuck CHEETOLINI strikes again .....

Trump Threatens to Sue After Being Asked to Pay Security Costs for His Rally

The Trump campaign is indignant that it is being expected to help cover the cost of extra security for a rally planned in Minneapolis Thursday. According to the campaign, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is “attempting to extort President Trump’s re-election campaign by conjuring up a phony and outlandish bill for security.”

Let us pause here to acknowledge two facts. One: the Trump campaign reported it has raised, in the third quarter of this year alone, $125 million. And two: the Trump campaign has a left a trail of bad debts, some several years old at this point, in cities around the country.

According to a June report from the Center for Public Integrity, the campaign has stuck at least ten cities with security bills that reach almost $1 million dollars combined in the last three years. The costs range from a $16,191 invoice from the tiny 20,000-person Lebanon City, Ohio, to a whopping $570,000 owed to the city of El Paso since February. (That figure includes a 21% late fee assessed when the Trump campaign failed to settle up six months after the fact.)

With the Trump campaign poised to descend on his city Thursday — and with Minneapolis Police Department cancelling days off and calling for back-up from around the state — Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey came up with a plan to make sure the campaign paid for any costs associated with the event in advance.
That plan, as recounted by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale in an righteous email to supporters Monday night: “Frey’s city government preemptively informed the Target Center that it would be responsible for $530,000 in security and other costs related to the event. The Target Center then attempted to pass the costs on to the Trump campaign under threat of withholding use of the arena.”

A representative for AEG declined to comment on the president’s threat or to confirm whether the event would take place as scheduled, but preparations for the rally appear to be going ahead. On Tuesday afternoon Vice President Mike Pence announced he was planning to join Trump at the Target Center on Thursday.

Good to know the chief FAT FUCK is busy stiffing cities , security personnel...
all while sending Kurds to their death.

Originally I was banking on a “ Big Beautiful ” brain aneurism but now I’m thinking spontaneous combustion.
thats what he does well, fuck people over...for decades.
How many Allied soldiers did Turkey kill during WW1 when they were aligned with Germany, if you want to talk crazy shit?
A lot.
If that's a measure for aid and/or protection afforded the Kurds in his mind in 2019, well, what can one say?
Holy fuck, the shit that comes out of that imbecile's mouth is mind-boggling, that's what I say
Impeach the SOB, like really, really quickly, so the Earth can regain it's axis.
I would just like to point out that no member of the Trump family has ever helped us in any war. They didn't help us in Belleau Wood, they didn't help us in Normandy, they didn't help us at the Chosin Reservoir, they didn't help us during Tet, they didn't help us in Desert Storm.


The Republicans may end up pulling their support from the Orange Manchurian Candidate. Never forget. Vote Republicans out!
I would just like to point out that no member of the Trump family has ever helped us in any war. They didn't help us in Belleau Wood, they didn't help us in Normandy, they didn't help us at the Chosin Reservoir, they didn't help us during Tet, they didn't help us in Desert Storm.


The Republicans may end up pulling their support from the Orange Manchurian Candidate. Never forget. Vote Republicans out!

Good point. It's not like Trump was with Hillary when she was facing sniper fire!
Trump is run by Putin
Can't blame Putin anymore, blame only the core evil/stupidity in Trumps heart and the complicity of the GOP in not addressing that fact.
Finally, I think the dam has broken now, in the sense that even those mindless fucks that have excused away all Trumps abhorrent behaviors are now finally becoming aware that Trump is an abombanantion.

It's just too bad that the Kurds, Syria and basically the entire ME (are u listening Israel?) are going back into a World of Shit.

Oh fucking well :)
Hey buddy, how are you?
It appears you are drunk as usual, and spending your day here. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Unless you have an ex-wife, caring for a child, hoping you will sober up. And get a job. Any job.

Tomorrow you will wake up and regret today, like you do everyday.
What the fuck is your OWN internal mental health problem?
Ever consider "real" therapy instead of attacking other individuals that you deem to be unfit on RIU to get yourself together?
Or is this is what simply gives you joy in life, to go out on RIU and bash the shit out of people you don't even really know?
I grow full time now and I am retired (paid my dues), like to smoke and drink to excess and spend my spare time here.
What may I ask that you do, that makes you feel so superior and/or enlightened, so that your hanging around here spewing shit makes it so different? I'm ready for your sure to be followed attack on me, so have fun at it and I'm hoping you use all your available wit (make it good)
Oh, also one more question.
Why is a homicidal, socopathic drug kingpin responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people your pseudonym?
Very telling in my opinion, and it's unsettleining.
What the fuck is your OWN internal mental health problem?
Ever consider "real" therapy instead of attacking other individuals that you deem to be unfit on RIU to get yourself together?
Or is this is what simply gives you joy in life, to go out on RIU and bash the shit out of people you don't even really know?
I grow full time now and I am retired (paid my dues), like to smoke and drink to excess and spend my spare time here.
What may I ask that you do, that makes you feel so superior and/or enlightened, so that your hanging around here spewing shit makes it so different? I'm ready for your sure to be followed attack on me, so have fun at it and I'm hoping you use all your available wit (make it good)
Oh, also one more question.
Why is a homicidal, socopathic drug kingpin responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people your pseudonym?
Very telling in my opinion, and it's unsettleining.

That's cool. I wasn't talking to you. But Buck thanks you for your support.

And if you think the few tame posts I have here are "bashing the shit out of people", well, look around. I can show you much worse from you and others, and you don't bat an eye. Please keep drinking.
Gee Pablo, that sounds more like Character assassination than support for Buck's struggles, as all good men do. You've got issues too, you can't form meaningful relations with others, you're a failure with women, and have serious character defects like racism. Seriously ya support Donald Trump and here you are questioning the character of an American patriot and upstanding citizen. You don't speak of your personal life, are you ashamed of it? Next you'll be calling him a republican, or some other form of low life and scumbag,

If Buck is drunk today, tomorrow he might be sober, you'll always be an asshole, no cure fur that, Buck just has to stop drinking, yer brain damaged.
Figure Buck doesn't drink too much, he might have been a legend in his salad days, as were we all, but time slows a man down, drinking too.
My old sofa loving friend. How are you? I have a bit more insight to Bucks struggles than you do. But I'm certain he appreciates you acknowledging his struggles here. It's helpful. Keep fighting the good fight here.
well, look around. I can show you much worse from you
Show me where I have attacked anyone personally on RIU, I pride myself on restraint in the hope of constructive dialogue.
If you consider my comment a personal malicious attack on you, so be it, but your personal assaults on other people whom you disagree with, like me or Buck, or DIY, are unacceptable to me, and I will call you out for them.
No free fucking rides.
Show me where I have attacked anyone personally on RIU, I pride myself on restraint in the hope of constructive dialogue.
If you consider my comment a personal malicious attack on you, so be it, but your personal assaults on other people whom you disagree with, like me or Buck, or DIY, are unacceptable to me, and I will call you out for them.
No free fucking rides.
Ok. lol.