Turmel's Godstars

i wouldn't post personal stuff here.
check out the website and see if you like it & want to file. there's about 400 of us now & the more the merrier...the louder our voices, the more they have to listen.
if you have other questions, please PM me & I will be glad to help anyone who wants to file.
if you need amendments to your site or ATP, fill out the ammenders motion but that means $20 and some walking around
How do you pm?
Click on the members avatar and then click " start conversation "
You will be able to send that member a private message..hope that helps
Yes that's what i did. If you open his blueish green instruction sheet in a new window, you'll find it's step by step really. His steps follow exactly what the gov website is asking for. Just make sure you have your PDf copy of your claim ready to download to the gov site. Did you do the calculation to determine your claim ?
The download his clain pdf and fill in your numbers. You can use his link to fill it in. hope this helps.
Thx hippy I thought that was it but wasn't sure. So do u just fill those forms out online
Yes. The math formula is easy and the big giant number is repeated several times so remember it. If you file in person rather than online you must make 4 copy's of your statement and they cant be back to back must be all single sided. If there's a problem for some reason you can't pay the $2 by phone or can't make it to the federal court offices to pay in cash pm me. I'll pay your $2 fee. No jokes. We need as many people filling goldstars as possible and if I can help,a fellow patient out for less then the cost of a extra large coffee I'll gladly do so.
Yes plenty of folks here willing to help Marty. Do one thing at a time and see how it goes.
That offer goes for anyone who needs help. I know $2 isn't a lot of money but if you can't pay by phone and can't make it into the court house don't let that stop people from signing up. $2 is insignificant if we're successful. Ill be so happy if we get the tempory relief for the duration of the trial. That would be tits.
Wow that number is high!! Thank u all
You'll never see a dime. So don't look at it like that. The dollar value is just to put a dollar value on the cost of your life. They will have no choice but to let us grow if we win. I can't see the scoc saying hc must make reasonable access to mmj and then saying the mmpr is what they had in mind and is fair. They will rip it apart. The concerns about the mmar abuse are largely unfounded. Yes abuse happened but most played with in the rules. The real medical users I'll say played with in the rules or grew enough for them selves and others who have medical needs but can't grow themselves. I say take out the profiteers and the system we need is in place with the mmar. If they allowed coop style grows or club grows where many people grow small numbers and trade strains and concentrates amongst themselves would be fair. Let the lp's stay in business but loosen the rules for them for qa. If someone needs sterile pot then take steps to provide that service.
You'll never see a dime. So don't look at it like that. The dollar value is just to put a dollar value on the cost of your life. They will have no choice but to let us grow if we win. I can't see the scoc saying hc must make reasonable access to mmj and then saying the mmpr is what they had in mind and is fair. They will rip it apart. The concerns about the mmar abuse are largely unfounded. Yes abuse happened but most played with in the rules. The real medical users I'll say played with in the rules or grew enough for them selves and others who have medical needs but can't grow themselves. I say take out the profiteers and the system we need is in place with the mmar. If they allowed coop style grows or club grows where many people grow small numbers and trade strains and concentrates amongst themselves would be fair. Let the lp's stay in business but loosen the rules for them for qa. If someone needs sterile pot then take steps to provide that service.
I deff know I will never see a dime, but I never really figured out the cost over that many years. To be honest all that $ can't buy the quality of meds I grow for myself that I know.
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