Turn a Closet into a gold mine Growset up, plan, I am detrimed

Hey ya guy i am have been and reading alot lately.
First i will say i am very new to this, have olny played around once before and it was okay. I have a good location, safe and all that jazz.

I have a closet, or even possible a 10 by 8 ft room
but i wanna try to stick to the closet
i am going to try to upload a picture i drew of it
But it is 5 ft wide 2 ft dp, and about 12 ft high
thier is a slant in the ceiling, and a shelf about 1-3 ft below it, it can be removed.

From my reading
1.I have decided i am deffinalty doing BubblePonics I will make my own, tommorrow i am going to the store in a few hours to measure rubbermaids.
2. I have Clones, forget the name , but was said to be dank and 2oz ruffly per plant harvert
3. What i would like to do from reading on hear, is harvest, maybe 4-6 plants or more if possible plants every 3-4 wks.
4. I want to have clones going, and plants in veg and flower after the first round, so thier no turn over.

Grow room
Gunna line it with Mylar,
I need to do a bit of work, like installing a extra outlet, and creating hole in the ceiling to run duct work , striaght to my AC vent (Let me know what you think about that )
I will have C02 going in also through a plastic pipe( Sugar + yeast = Co2) Just fill up a jug!

Lights- Open to opinions, thats why i am posting :)
I wanted to use Cfls for the veg
Maybe but 6 or 8 of the 26 sprial watt cfls

and maybe like 250 or 400 watt hsp

My Major concern i think is going to be the size of the grow room.
Now my budget isn't huge. I am good with DIY
I could use possibly two closets, or a room, but I would perfer to keep it to one closet. If i could harvest 10 oz every 3 wks thatd be amazing

I would be following Rosemans steps for the bubbleponics system,

I might need to scale back on it not sure
I want ideas, and comments and throughts on lights and set up

I would have it all contained inside one area, and it be 3 sections 1 clone chamber up top,
bottom left Flower
bottom right Veg

And i wanna build a small Pvc Stand going up the almost to the ceiling of the closet to help support things, or hang fans , i think it will come in handle in the long run

Thanks guyss

If you guys havent invested in a Volcano yet, you should



Active Member
Hey ya guy i am have been and reading alot lately.
First i will say i am very new to this, have olny played around once before and it was okay. I have a good location, safe and all that jazz.

I have a closet, or even possible a 10 by 8 ft room
but i wanna try to stick to the closet
i am going to try to upload a picture i drew of it
But it is 5 ft wide 2 ft dp, and about 12 ft high
thier is a slant in the ceiling, and a shelf about 1-3 ft below it, it can be removed.

From my reading
1.I have decided i am deffinalty doing BubblePonics I will make my own, tommorrow i am going to the store in a few hours to measure rubbermaids.
2. I have Clones, forget the name , but was said to be dank and 2oz ruffly per plant harvert
3. What i would like to do from reading on hear, is harvest, maybe 4-6 plants or more if possible plants every 3-4 wks.
4. I want to have clones going, and plants in veg and flower after the first round, so thier no turn over.

Grow room
Gunna line it with Mylar,
I need to do a bit of work, like installing a extra outlet, and creating hole in the ceiling to run duct work , striaght to my AC vent (Let me know what you think about that )
I will have C02 going in also through a plastic pipe( Sugar + yeast = Co2) Just fill up a jug!

Lights- Open to opinions, thats why i am posting :)
I wanted to use Cfls for the veg
Maybe but 6 or 8 of the 26 sprial watt cfls

and maybe like 250 or 400 watt hsp

My Major concern i think is going to be the size of the grow room.
Now my budget isn't huge. I am good with DIY
I could use possibly two closets, or a room, but I would perfer to keep it to one closet. If i could harvest 10 oz every 3 wks thatd be amazing

I would be following Rosemans steps for the bubbleponics system,

I might need to scale back on it not sure
I want ideas, and comments and throughts on lights and set up

I would have it all contained inside one area, and it be 3 sections 1 clone chamber up top,
bottom left Flower
bottom right Veg

And i wanna build a small Pvc Stand going up the almost to the ceiling of the closet to help support things, or hang fans , i think it will come in handle in the long run

Thanks guyss

If you guys havent invested in a Volcano yet, you should

http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=47981 u should look at this light 4 ur first grow then after ur first crop pik up a second and sme fluros for the clones :bigjoint:
That seems like a pretty good deal, that would almost be enough to cover the whole area,

But my idea is, and if this is too crazy please let me know
but i wanna have two rubbermaid bubbleponic systems, and clones in the top shelf, the closet will be serperate but a makeshift wall,

i know MH is better then CFL but from what i have read/hear MH produces a ton of heat, and with the HSP going to i dont want to run into heat issues.

So any recomendations on my throughs, please i need them
I wanna do CFL for Veg, then next to it Hsp on top of one of the systems,
My goal is to harvert, flower, veg, clone, repeat lol, no stoping, and also have a couple nug jars laying around for a rainy day lol

please guys
any help would be AWESOME


Elite Rolling Society
To decide on lights is simple.

do you wnat HIDs and vent the heat out? HID light IS best.


CFLS and no HEAT issues? Enough of them work great.
To decide on lights is simple.

do you wnat HIDs and vent the heat out? HID light IS best.


CFLS and no HEAT issues? Enough of them work great.

I am gunnna be CFL all the way for veg,
then have hsp on the other

Do you guys this its possible for my set up to have 5 /6 plants per system pet side, so two bubble units, and 6 in flower and 6 plants in veg

Also if might have been answered roseman, but with the bubble system, what size rubbermaid cont did you use?


Elite Rolling Society
8 gallon tank, with 6 gallons of water.

For sure do not get over a ten gallon tank.


Well-Known Member
What's your plan to keep light separate if you have it all in one closet? Gotta keep that light away from your flowering plants during their dark periods.

I'm wrestling with the same idea of trying to do a perpetual in one closet. Considering doing a tent on the bottom for my veg/clone space so that part will be nice and light-tight so I don't have to worry so much about light getting to the flowering plants . Trying to find a tent the right size for me (like 3x3x3 or so)

The other option (and maybe the better one because the light/heat issues are greater for flowering) would be to put the flowering ones in a tent and therefore be able to vent better, but this would be more complicated for sure and I don't like it as much.

Good luck!
What's your plan to keep light separate if you have it all in one closet? Gotta keep that light away from your flowering plants during their dark periods.

I'm wrestling with the same idea of trying to do a perpetual in one closet. Considering doing a tent on the bottom for my veg/clone space so that part will be nice and light-tight so I don't have to worry so much about light getting to the flowering plants . Trying to find a tent the right size for me (like 3x3x3 or so)

The other option (and maybe the better one because the light/heat issues are greater for flowering) would be to put the flowering ones in a tent and therefore be able to vent better, but this would be more complicated for sure and I don't like it as much.

Good luck!

Thanks bud, not a bad idea,
My through to seperate the light and to create 2/3 rooms in one
is to constrused like a 1/2 thick pvc system, a tall rectangle to go inside my closet,
it will also help with hangs the cfls , fans, anything lol
but in the middle i set up a cross section.

I am going to buy alot of mylar so i will line the entire closet top to botoom, then divide the room with mylar on some type of pvc frame, thrus creating 2 growing areas

Am i am trying to load it up to much?
I am mainly worry about yield/ quality but i firgure even if my grow is a lil crowed, i could alway snip off some of the bottom nodes that wont have to much bud production, cause i think with a 400 watt hsp in that tiny space,,

Well i think and hope they turn into fat girls lol


Elite Rolling Society
I do one grow a year, two reservoir tanks, and get a pound of dried manicured buds. Twice a year would be very easy, without doing VEG and BLOOM at the same time.


Active Member
i started with one closet, then another for budding, now im gonna build a 3rd for seed propagation, sry, im a dirt farmer so im of no help with your hydro


Well-Known Member
do you have a tutorial or a jounal or something for this grow? After seeing this pic, I have some questions, just dont wanna ask if they have been answered.
If this is the grow from your sig i found it, if not i still have some ????


Well-Known Member
hey i just ordered a super closet besides the cost anyone knows how well they work? super closet, b.c. northern lights, homegrown hydro,etc. although it'll take 4-6 weeks for me to get it i wanna start my seedlings in a plastic tub put the silver ?milan? in it mount a cfl put a small osulating fan and wait it out for the 4-6 weeks is that cool?


you may need a small exhaust fan as well, just do some test runs with it before you sprout your seeds


Are you just going to have them in a tub with no lid, or inside a rubbermaid with lid? If in a closed rubbermaid, yes you may need a small exhaust fan.