Turn Tv to the BBC channel...Should i smoke dope is on


Well-Known Member
What's funny is how Marijuana is illegal, YET a doctor can prescribe you Marinol legally. Which is Pure THC. I've never seen anyone under the influence of marinol before, but after seeing her reaction it floors me that pharmaceutical companies are doing this to people. Let me have my Spliff, blunt, bowl, or Bong. I'll be alot safer and alot happier.


Well-Known Member
in the medical field in my state marinol is only given to a terminally ill patient...its cool lookin tho. Kinda like a little ball i wanted to take it hehe

it makes perfect sense though...a pharmaceutical company probably makes money a shit ton per dose. Where as if marijuana was legalized it would put those pharmaceutical companies out of business. Mj is in my eyes a Medicinal wonder just waiting to be tapped. Ive read journals that have even studied it to be an antibacterial agent in some intances. Its sad that our government is so money driven they cant see a good thing when its right in front of them. Look at our economy isnt mj a cash crop. Its possible to meet marijuana users in the middle on this. Legalize its use nationally but with strict rules regarding use. Decriminalize possesion but crack down on trafficking. Let us smoke it like they do in Amsterdam. I know a ton of people would pour money into our economy...and just think what it would do for the snack food industry lol


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah... I've read a few different sources point out that people who smoke daily decrease medical costs by 215 dollars annually on average. Which for me would save me on 4 annual visits to the doctor and prescription costs. It's a huge racket, and it should show people that this war isn't about the people and protecting them. But there own political interests.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
It's a real shame that government prohibition inhibits serious scientific research on this fascinating plant.
my neuroscience professor agrees, it has important implications in pain relief. Plus there are more g protein coupled canabinoid receptors than any other type of receptor in the brain.


Well-Known Member
you shoot much?
No. And that's not the National Rifle Assoc logo if that's what you were thinking.

my neuroscience professor agrees, it has important implications in pain relief. Plus there are more g protein coupled canabinoid receptors than any other type of receptor in the brain.
No shit. That's a real mind bender. How come we have receptors in our brains for chemicals that are only produced by the cannabis plant?

Is selective breeding a two way street?


its not bad they are showing an old woman that was growing in her house in the uk. they made her go to court for it. She was making cookies and lil cakes with it.She was using it for pain relief,... hehe
Its got 30 min left i wish i woulda recorded it.

dude the old woman knew she was being filmed, she also knew she would go to jail if she gave her that chocolate

so what does she say?/

"no i wont give you one but if you take one while im not looking, well i dont like stolen property in my house, excuse me im going to the loo"

ahaha thats funny


Well-Known Member
Are you guys kidding me? That was one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen. This program was like something you would see on Fox news. It's sensationalism and shallow reporting under the guise of a serious investigative documentary. Please tell me someone else sees how retarded this show was. It was somewhat entertaining, but that's about it...completely non substantial and unsatisfactory in every aspect one would expect from a good documentary.

Here's why it sucked:

-She (the reporter) implies that smoking a few spliffs of different kinds of marijuana gives her meaningful experience toward what marijuana is really like.

-She interviews a number of people who have had negative experiences with weed and questions them thoroughly about these negative experiences, yet when she interviews her only pro-marijuana user (who is an old lady who uses medicinally, the reporter never talks to an average smoker), she never asks her why she likes it or what her thoughts are, she simply asks about her experiences with the police.

- The people she interviews are idiots or are biased. In light of this, one might expect a balance of perspectives or choices of interviewees, but don't waste your time looking because this show doesn't deliver.

-The "facts" or whatever you want to call them that she gets from these interviews are usually only half truths, I could think of rebuttals to every supposed "fact" she uncovered and I am only somehwat educated on the subject, yet she as an investigative reporter never mentions them? No conflicting views? No rebuttals of obviously false/biased/half-truth claims?
I mean really people, this is the bottom line of any journalism, you choose and present the most up to date, relevant facts with their strong and weak points, points of contention, and varying perspectives/ideas about the subject. This show had NONE.

The only reason this was entertaining was because it was funny watching a noobie moron get stoned off her ass and then try to explain it...but then even that was dumb..and I know that we are all high here bored looking for entertainment, but doesn't it bother you all that the serious aspects of this documentary were so flawed? It's fun to be entertained, but what about the people who don't know better, who see this program and take to heart all of the bullshit included with the entertainment? That's what really bothers me.

If you actually want to try and understand the issues that surround marijuana then don't trust any main stream media shit heads, go straight to your local library and check out some books on marijuana and drug policy...that's a start.


Well-Known Member
It botherers me she is still confused about why she got different highs from different weed. No one explained to her the differences betweeen indica and sativa, I mean it's one of the first things you learn.