TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

Sure I would like it lol . I'm sure I can't afford it 2400w bet that sum bitch like 10k lol ... I started with a led before I my hid came in and for two weeks these plants I had were just stout heavy thangs ... Like honestly for a eArly outdoor start if a guy wanted I tbink a led would suit that mayb better . I had branches I hAd heavy stalks I had
Heavy leaf coverage ,... So on ur post before bout ak seeds when u stressed em due to light , is a mostly female seed population expected on a herm plant or u just get lucky ... I just put my tut in a 7 gal smart pot , the cheese is next working a lil one the training more before I get her in a 7 ... Still got a couple weeks left before the smalls can hit the 7 but I'm looking for some heavy yeilds from these tuts ... On ur smart pots what is that watering schedule like , my first time using them so imma lill ahhhhhhhh hope I Dnt fuck up over due it ..
Hard to tell but there kinda rolled and small ... What should roots smell like just rotten or something that's like sniff sniff ohhhhh shit blat ...
Slowly getting em tied down little by lil , got another toppin completled , super cheese is doin good now she was so thick the inners was weak didn't wanna let it go that far but she was sick for a week didn't wanna pull and bend on her and snap something and make it worse or add more stress so she lil behind on the train in but we got all summer BO . Super cheese on the right ... That tut I was doin some super croppin and folding fan leaves my hands were just sticky awful , shit stunk so damn bad whoo gonna be some dank image.jpeg
Great lookin stuff Shady....healthy.

I Put in an order at Herbies seeds on March 17 and I received the shipment yesterday the 26th....very nice....never been disappointed by them.
Hoping mine show this week .like a lil kid waiting for Christmas lol ... And thanks hope they stay healthy i keep em close and try to use knowledge from everyone on here as I know a lot but always someone better with a lil trick or advice can't wait to see some bud and if all the hard work pays off
just ordered up some more of those Critical Super Silver Haze seeds yesterday! Got a free Critical Jack Herer and of course those damn Afghani regulars, and 1 Dinafem OG Kush
On these smart pots I got 7 gal for outside , using one right now others be ready for them in the coming days ... Been using bout 2 gal of water , does that sound right or I'm gettin water out the bottom and side side but I'm just hoping I'm watering throughly enough plant isn't showing any drought signs ... I Dnt just dump it on em I use a gallon jug with a hose coming out the cap to evenly add water just seems kinda hard to get good saturation around the edges cause the water comes out the sides , I did take a pump sprayer thou and sprayed the sides down heavy mayb to get any dry spots ... Hope these damn things ain't a battle all summer . I Dnt plan on barring them in ground just plan on setting them up off ground 6 inchs or so from animals and ECT , should I wrap them in trash bags on the side when I water and take them off after to keep water better or what is ur method ,,, might just Have to get one them water sprinkler cans idk
Using smart pots outside do have a downside. They dry out super easy. So leaving them for more than a day or two in heat will be sure to cause death. Using plastic around the pot will retain moisture but defeat the root pruning process. They are great for establishing a serious root system. They don't necessarily increase the speed of root development, but cause roots to fill the entire medium space. If you do a grow in two pots of equal size, one being a smart pot and one being a plastic container you will see the major difference. The plastic pot has roots fill the sides and bottom, spiraling if needed. The smart pot fills the middle and you won't see spiraling because it nips the tips of roots, except if you have a wet bottom of the container and then the roots will make it out because there is no light or air under it. Some people raise them up with netting, hardware cloth, or whatever else can provide a space of air, maybe even set on top of gravel or expanded clay rocks.

I have used them for tomatoes outside and this is what made me decide not to use them outside. I had to water every day in 80-90F weather.

As for watering. I just water them with as much water as the size of the pot or at minimal half of that. Then once in awhile I place them in a bucket of water until it drowns in water and then let it drain out until I can place it on a saucer.

I am in the NorthEast so I won't be placing my plants out until the first week of June. I will upload a picture of last years grow when I find it tomorrow on my other computer. I can tell you that my Critical Super Silver Haze plants reached 6ft tall and about 6 ft wide. I topped them once and I yielded 1 pound per plant. I started them in March from seed and they were about 1 foot tall when I put them outside. I used 33 gallon contractor garbage bags and filled them 80% full of Pro-Mix and some lime. I was watering every other day by the middle of August. I used Miracle grow grow 24-8-16 then when I saw flowers beginning I switched to their Bloom. I always soaked them full of water because they were just drinking up sooooo much water and whatever else was evaporating. I Feed, water, water, Feed when I am outdoors.
Depending on where you are and your length of growing season and available light will depend on your size. I have from June-Sept31st. As soon as October hits, our nights are too cold.
If your placing them out now or even in June, with full sunlight, you will need at least 33 gallons of soil. Just get some pro-mix. They sell it nearly everywhere. Plus you won't get fungus gnats from it when it's outside. They just won't survive.

I use a box of moth balls around my grow and piss everywhere, also I have a few milk jugs hanging from tree branches near by that have piss in them. I just hang with a bungie cord. All this keeps the deer, groundhogs, turkeys, porcupines, and ruffed grouse away. Thats the only animals besides coyotes I have seen cross my land or tracks I have seen. Fuck the moth balls stink. They are great because they last all season.
damn thems nice .. See I Dnt get that long branchy big huge fan leaves , do I just keep my lights to close or what lol
Yes, I would have to say that your lights are too close to get branching like mine. I have noticed this effect when I have lights too close. I have read about it and it makes sense, but I try to follow the guideline of keeping the lights the farthest away that I can and let the plants grow into them. (you do need to lower them into the zone but most people are already in the zone if they raise their lights to the ceiling, also depending on wattage) A 400 watt can be as close as 1 ft away without issue, but better at 2 -3 ft. 600 at 2 ft better at 3-4, and 1000 at 3 ft better at 4-5.
Some may argue this but look at all the major growers on youtube like Medigrower or GrowerMD, look at the distance of their lights. They yield a lot and do this for a pure living. They do it right.

If you see burning then your too close. Your leaves should be praying to the light, the leaves will reach to the light. If they droop, it's because their too close. Don't mistake this for recently watered or a plant issue.
oh and you will notice I have insulation board on the floor. Well the ground gets cold and I need it to keep them in their optimal range. I had just repotted 4 plants
Come 420 is when our light hits over 12
Hours of daylight , like 13 hours come that date . Our summers are hot 85 to 95 sometimes over 100 in the Midwest , I was afraid of this being a issue with the smart pots... I got the reserve and the ability to water everyday forsure but the amount of ph down will pronly be Crazy , I got 7 gal plastic containers and plenty of soil I may do some smart and majority plastic kinda get the feel for the smart pots and see instead of trying to keep up with everytbing in them , I got 3 lbs of fox farm marine cruisine , I plan on using that for the veg part of outdoor grow then change it clearly , these will all be close in my veggie garden 10'plants silvers tuts and the cheese , I Dnt want them huge tall for many reasons , so plan on keeping them
Low and what not ...
As for the light I got crazy close nodes like less then half inch on most ... So u think 2 foot would be idea to get good branching and height... Im adding another 400 when the outdoors go out and I start my autos so imma have 2x400 a 270w of led , planing on keepin everytbing bout 3 foot at start only runnin the 400 for first week then kickin everytbing on , tryin to maintain 2 to 2-1/2 foot see what happens also gonna run mh
And hps along with the leds full grow have heard that the last two weeks to just got full mh to increase uv which in turn makes more tric and resin , have read a couple articles bout this Dnt feel it would hurt anytbing so mayb something imma try one run and see what happens ..
As for the light I got crazy close nodes like less then half inch on most ... So u think 2 foot would be idea to get good branching and height... Im adding another 400 when the outdoors go out and I start my autos so imma have 2x400 a 270w of led , planing on keepin everytbing bout 3 foot at start only runnin the 400 for first week then kickin everytbing on , tryin to maintain 2 to 2-1/2 foot see what happens also gonna run mh
And hps along with the leds full grow have heard that the last two weeks to just got full mh to increase uv which in turn makes more tric and resin , have read a couple articles bout this Dnt feel it would hurt anytbing so mayb something imma try one run and see what happens ..

I have read the same things about UV but never incorporated it. I do believe IMO that the density of trichomes are directly related to the percentage that THC tests out at. Considering they dry it to 5% and below before mixing the sample. Also, I have always noticed the stronger it is the more sugary it is. Sound stupid to mention but I haven't heard anyone point that out. They are just like damn that's gotta be some good shit it looks like a Christmas tree with lights on.
Oh, which reminds me, good song...
Joel Ortiz Marijuana Man. You tube it.