Tv sucks....thats why we are here

actaully im watching a killer old episode of southpark... about to light up this bowl of pineapple express (lol idk if its really even a real strain) but im satisfied lol
I like to have my tv on usually... I don't watch it, but I'm addicted to the background noise and electronic frequencies it puts out...... or something. plus sometimes I'll randomly look up at it once in a while and have a temporary moment of entertainment

or sometimes when I'm trippin balls something about nature is cool. like last night I looked up and saw an oasis full of camels having a ball. it was beautiful.
Finally. All my friends give me shit for it, I havent watched a TV show in years, hate the news. I have several game consoles and games, Netflix, some other thing like it and a good sized 3d TV.. For when guests come over.
Its not even about the content most of the time, I can't sit and watch TV for entertainment . I've seen the occasional documentary in the past decade.

And I guess we all thought it said ty, I was curious