Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
The only drug dealer mentioned here is Tweed....and they are at best the brown market....
oops there's that smell again....

Actually they are. The 1000+ lb that was confiscated in Kelowna wasn't being transferred properly so since they were bending/breaking the rules they were in fact drug dealing. If this was you and I we'd be in jail now but pretty funny how hush hush that story want. Haven't heard anything since then? Wodner why? Oh HC doesn't want to look bad at allowing drug dealing so they had it swept under the carpet.
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Tilrays been upto the same suit buying 2000 lbs of sketchy weed, shorting two wheeler deals , planting people on here to bring up be tilray name its underground marketing aka roach baiting the customers

Here's the article informing everyone that they will not be irradiating future batches.

So this whole thread is one large lie. Hippy im here to stay what are you going to do about it? Im here to make sure the greedy si called compassion clubs are put to rest for good. its was outta control and I hate dealing with criminals to get weed. So eat a dick and go back to your basement grow.

E="The Hippy, post: 10640634, member: 865401"]Get lost salesman..your not liked here..with your schill's

Well I guess ya told me for sure. Yes you are right about you being here. I can't do anything about that but feel regret.
Compassion clubs and criminals...okay...maybe you know more about that than I good luck with all that
You want me to eat a dick...nope not gonna happen. Is that your fantasy to watch men blow each other...keep that private will ya.
My basement grow??? do I have one of you are just assuming that?
I've now addressed all your points okay. Now you can address this fact. Even though you are in business and will no doubt sell some your products, you will never sell them to me....Not one fuckin cent of my money WILL ever be yours. And that makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Are you? Is that as funny to you as it is to me. And here's another annoying fact for you. Thousands of other's feel just the same way. Some people are stuck with your Schwagg. But most aren't...which is most humorous to a lot of us. That being the fact that a lot of us don't have to buy t. Those who do I feel very badly for. You'll get your share for a while, until your fellow LP's start to figure ways out and undercut ya. You will all get to fight each other for share. I'm gonna love that when it starts by the way. Watching you guys drop prices and still try make a gonna be fun......really it will. And if it goes legal well best of luck to you..honestly. Because you'll still not get any of my money. Because it my's his's her's the peoples plant. We don't need you ass hats for Cannabis. Ya stupid fool. That's part of what makes you people so disgusting is that you think your gonna be dolling it out from now on. You think oh great now were gonna be rich and we will be the new source of MMJ. Wrong-o buddy. Anyone can grow it, (except you people apparently). That's the plan it has (MJ). You don't own it. Your just a dopey player in it's game wheel. It's worldwide man....are you too stupid too see that. Nobody really needs you guys.'s great. Your there.and were all someplace else.
Why don't you guys switch to making shoes or boots or something. We used to have a great shoe and boot industry in Canada. And we actually needed them...unlike your garbage. ..opps..let that one slip.
And by the way none of the swear words I can think of are low enough to use on you...schill
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Im glad to here from a real patient. Most people here are only trying to bash tweed because they want to continue to sell outta theur basements to sick people for a profit then they turn around and vash tweed for it. Believe me tweed management is not stupid and they have millions of dollars to find the right people for the job and they will. Its only been 2 months of selling and two crops and health canada has way higher standards placed on tweeds product.
What a piece of Sh&t you are
Im glad to here from a real patient. Most people here are only trying to bash tweed because they want to continue to sell outta theur basements to sick people for a profit then they turn around and vash tweed for it. Believe me tweed management is not stupid and they have millions of dollars to find the right people for the job and they will. Its only been 2 months of selling and two crops and health canada has way higher standards placed on tweeds product.

Why does anyone even bother with this moron?
Tweed, a medical marijuana suppler, at a Medical Marijuana Forum, bashing medical patients.

That otta go well with Google. Anyone who looks up "Tweed and Medical Marijuana" can read that now.

Where is your proof that they have mites? and health canada also irradiated their weed before tweed even exsisted.
I never bought HC's dried weed for that exact reason, However HC did make $60.00 off of seeds I bought, 30 seeds for $20.00, but found out on first crop they don't sex there seeds, 4 out of the 7 plants were male, 3 usable plants out of 7, luckly I realized early enough as to save the 3 Females, in other words HC has been screwing patients for years, now its the LP turn, the MMPR will be ruled un constitutional by next spring.
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As promised, pics of the chemdog. This was the large bud in the jar, it is pretty fluffy but it's heaps better than some of the shake that she's been sent.


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shake? :(

Oh boy! (sarcasm)

You should ask for your money back as they change less for trim as most LP's have advertised.
Take a picture. Show them the shwag they sent. DEMAND better product and count. Demand No Trim!. and when they cancel your script. You can go somewhere else.
Although where, is the real question.
Demand No Trim!. and when they cancel your script. You can go somewhere else.
Although where, is the real question.
That's the problem, she was already "fired" as a patient from pnp for voicing her dissatisfaction with their product and service. If there were other viable options right now id switch her immediately.
Grow your own or find a friend. The mere fact the LPs can cancel anybody for voicing concern over their medicine is complete bullshit to begin with and in no way "reasonable access". Most LPs have been shady to say the least and clearly have no concern for patients, the ones this whole program is supposedly for. The MMPR is nothing but a farce and will be found unconstitutional eventually, don't suffer in the mean time.
That's the problem, she was already "fired" as a patient from pnp for voicing her dissatisfaction with their product and service. If there were other viable options right now id switch her immediately.

Wait, am I reading this correctly? Your wife(who is a patient) was essentially "banned/dropped" as a PNP customer for voicing her dissatisfaction about a product they provided her as medicine? Which she already had to overpay for due to lack of options available to her as a patient in this program.

Holy shit! That's bloody absurd. Could you imagine if Doctors took this approach? "Hey Doc, that last script you gave me isn't working very well at minimizing my symptoms, can we try something else?" Next thing ya know he drops you as a patient for voicing concerns about the efficacy of your previous treatment. This isn't the bloody black market. Who brushes off patients for voicing opinions you don't agree with? And for what? To not tarnish the brand image?
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Actually they are. The 1000+ lb that was confiscated in Kelowna wasn't being transferred properly so since they were bending/breaking the rules they were in fact drug dealing. If this was you and I we'd be in jail now but pretty funny how hush hush that story want. Haven't heard anything since then? Wodner why? Oh HC doesn't want to look bad at allowing drug dealing so they had it swept under the carpet.

Not to mention the fact that on other forums there's talk of Tweed being fronted that shipment................which has still not been paid for.
That's the problem, she was already "fired" as a patient from pnp for voicing her dissatisfaction with their product and service. If there were other viable options right now id switch her immediately.

I'd be growing her own.
Use PNP as your reason and proof.
It'll look good on them when people see that the LP's are making sick patients worse, by not supplying quality meds and taking money they need to live and cancelling them when they complain about it.
No court in Canada can put you in jail as things stand right now.
A nice summer garden grow. Put em in buckets so they can come inside for late season. Grow five. POUNDS!
Enough meds to cure a couple people of cancer! or keep a medical patient comfortable until their next crop.

what you are going through is criminal. :evil:
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I'd be growing her own.
Use PNP as your reason and proof.
It'll look good on them when people see that the LP's are making sick patients worse, by not supplying quality meds and taking money they need to live and cancelling them when they complain about it.
No court in Canada can put you in jail as things stand right now.
A nice summer garden grow. Put em in buckets so they can come inside for late season. Grow five. POUNDS!
Enough meds to cure a couple people of cancer! or keep a medical patient comfortable until their next crop.

what you are going through is criminal. :evil: