Very funny leaf!Wow...I've got to apologize to Tweed. I take it all back after hearing their latest news release.
" We are very pleased to announce that Tweed will be investing two million dollars into patient / strain research. Tweed will be selecting three hundred patients with a variety of ailments to participate in an ongoing research program designed to identify what strains work best for what ailments. The selected patients will have their medication provided at no charge in return for detailed feedback on different strains. A preference will be given to patients with low family incomes that find it a struggle to pay for their medication.
We believe this is a win win situation. Now it's time to wake up, you're dreaming."
You should show a little more respect to people here.I already posted the facts numb nuts so you pay scientists to research cannabis ?
I already posted the facts numb nuts so you pay scientists to research cannabis ?
I know you both probably sold medicine before this at any time did you pay millions of dollars in research to help sick people? I didn't think so. Oh but you care more about the patients you said????
"The first experiments on how environment can affect the health and productivity of cannabis plants are already underway. "We know that there are a huge number of environmental factors that can influence the quality of medical marijuana, and our goal is to narrow down on some of those key success factors," said Dr. Lesley Campbell, Assistant Professor in the Ryerson Department of Chemistry and Biology."
Uh....this first experiment is to increase production and make more money.
C'mon now don't give them tips. We had to learn through trial and error. Minus the MASSIVE investments in the millions. LOLMaybe their research will tell them to move their damn T-5's closer already.....