TWEEKERS!!!!roll call....

lucie lou

New Member
:hug:YO WHERE THA FUCK MY TWEEKERZ AT???? :confused::hump:



WUTEVAH!:arrow: IM BOUT TO BLAZE UP SOME MORE OF THIS FAT SACK OF ICE :hump:!!!!!!:hug::arrow::arrow:


Well-Known Member
Well, with this kinda trash on the forums, I'm really starting to ponder the future of RIU... hey let's open up forums for all the hard drugs, maybe some sex trafficking forums, money laundering sections, how-to get away with murder and murder confessions section, and can't forget about the child-pr0n forums... rolli needs to get to work, and soon, if we are to have all these wonderful sub-sections with which to discuss all matters!

^Severe sarcasm for those who are too tweeked to get it.


Well-Known Member


i will now make it my personal mission in life to rate with 1 star every thread you ever start.

ya dont wanna fuck wit tweekerz cuz we crazy n we dont sleep n ill monitor this fuckin website 24/7 365 if i have to.
Oh what have I done? Heavens to mergatroid! A meth addict is mad at me. Whatever shall I do?

'Bitch' is high praise coming from someone who would suck on a dick for his next flash.

Go on with your bad self. Rate my threads one star and break my heart.

Hey Tweaker. I'm making fun of you now. :dunce:


But I imagine I'm wasting my time because you are a cop who got tired of playing solitaire on duty and now you're out of donuts.

In your tiny pig brain all drugs are bad. To you, cannabis is no different from the trash sold on the streets.

Have a nice shift, troll cop.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Overdosed on herb? caught AIDS from sharing used herb? Thanks for the good laugh.

Seriously though, overdoses and aids are REAL problems for REAL drug users. Quit that shit. I never did meth, but i did some hard drugs in my day, they are no good. You know, i know, everyone here knows it, quit that shit.


Well-Known Member

I had planned to go find a few funny pictures and be a wise ass.

Not to make fun of the OP, but to make sport of meth users as a whole.

Google meth and select images.

I didn't see anything funny.

That stuff is poison. An unintended consequence of the War on Drugs.

All I'll say is don't do it.
ur right i jus looked it up on google and that faces of meth shit it damn sad