David Cop-A-Feel
Hello y'all. Im new to the forum and I am experiencing a very peculiar problem with a strain im growing(bubble gum to be specific). It sprouted two tap roots in germination, popped two completely separate plants from the same seed, and one of those two plants is also a siamese twin that is conjoined at the main stalk below the first node. They seem to be growing extremely slowly and I am not sure if it is even worth it to procede with these plants. I can only grow 12 plants and im debating on if its worth taking up the space seeings how i am sure they both count as separate plants even though they came from the same seed and thinking of maybe hacking them down and am hoping to find the voice of reason lurking around here somewhere to kind of mull this over with. I am as rookie as it gets... for now. Any advice or anyone else ever grow twins before? I have included a few photos showing the progress over the course of the past 8 weeks or so.