Twisted leaves on bud sites???


Can someone please tell me what my problem is and how to resolve it.The plants are 4 weeks into flower and i have noticed some really weird looking twisted leaves at the top of the bud sites and they dont look as if filling the cola propperly also some ov the laeves are yellowing with bits of brown on them.thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Going by the vast amount of info you provided I would it has 'twisty leaf' syndrome. LOL Pics and more info. Complete questions get complete answers.


Unable to post pics as i dont have a camera yet.the strain is blue cheese, i hav 24 plants under 2 600w lights on a running rail in a 2.4 by 1.2 tent.temps are around 25.the feed is canna coco a+b with cannazym and boost going by their feeding schedule and they are just about to go on pk.thanks for the reply cowboy


Well-Known Member
Without pics its hard to say for sure. I do know Bluecheese can stand alot of food. And with the canna nutes you may want to add some CalMag+, probaly a bit short on magnesium.


Well-Known Member
Hi Smiddy :)

I think what my brother Cowboy is saying is ... It's more or less impossible to tell you whats wrong if we can't see it .

when a bud site strarts to take action ,You will get a load of bunched up leaf all rammed together , This can make them look twisted and out of shape ... Could just be that .

Try finding a pic with the same kind of layout as you can see ... that might help us ..Help you :)


Well-Known Member
twisted leaves can be a symptom of high PH
but without pics....?

Good luck
let us know if the cal mag worked


Active Member
im running the same nutes i always have a defishincy of some sort i use Miricale grow all purpose plant food and i clears up just fine evey time, never hade twisty leave sindrome onmore thn 1 or 2 sites they always went straight in a day or 2 sometimes they come out upside down wierd ass fuckers there just plants not very smart.