Twisteds grow

Have you ever considered doing autos where you are? Some like the transsiberian,ak,and widow are very short and easy to hide. I actually grew some autos right on the same property as my local cop shop....officers walked within 10' of them daily
Have you ever considered doing autos where you are? Some like the transsiberian,ak,and widow are very short and easy to hide. I actually grew some autos right on the same property as my local cop shop....officers walked within 10' of them daily

I started growing on 14th November 2013 after a 20 year delay - due to being married.
So I'm defo a 'newby' which limits what I have considered, however, over the last week I have been weighing up the positives and negatives of Auto's.

Biggest negative is I cannot start 3 or 4 seed in January, indoors, to act has Clone Mothers and allow me to prepare a few dozen cuttings, of verified females,
and get them started indoors, then under glass. Then transplant them outdoors as 9" healthy and vigorous plants.
Which is also a COST issue.

20 years ago, on our way home from a weekend in Amsterdam, two friends and I used up the last of our Dutch Guilders on 10 Durban Poison Seeds.
Of the 3 I started, 2 died and the 3rd was male.
My two friends had equally miserable results but it was a window ledge start, followed by outdoor spots that (I now know) were totally unsuited.
We didn't even prepare the ground!

What Auto Fem seeds would you suggest?
Durban Poisons???
Auto seeds i recommend are
transsiberian of my favorites
blue mazar
auto blueberry
ive grown each of these multiple times and loved the results. Indoor I use a 600hps and have gotten 30gr minimum and up to 115g.
outdoor I've had just as much success. The key to autos is the right container size according to the breeder rec.
Autos aren't meant to be messed with, cloned, transplanted..... I start and finish the seeds in the same container. They don't have time to readjust from change. The ones I listed above have been no more than 65 days from seed to harvest
i haven't but I could do one this season. Would be fun...
coming soon-Twisteds wicked Tree grow

It would be more than fun....
There are so many new growing technique books and 'How To Brew Marijuana Cider'....
Most are pure gimmicks and 99% of the book is filler that consists of the basics we've all read five hundred times.

To document a new technique and system that is REALLY A NEW WAY TO GROW (and not just an advertising novelty bulked up with the same old stuff)
would be the cannabis talking point of 2014 (or whichever year it came out).

It could be used as the vehicle to launch lots of Up in the Trees growing equipment.
Which would be, of course, slightly modified old stuff with a memorable name and eye-catching brand.

I'm getting ahead of things but, just to make sure you know, I would personally love to read a full journal about this type of grow.

How are the plants started?
When do they go up?
How do they go up?
How are they fed/watered?
Pest control?
Avoiding discovery?
And many, many more questions litter my mind.
It would be more than fun....
There are so many new growing technique books and 'How To Brew Marijuana Cider'....
Most are pure gimmicks and 99% of the book is filler that consists of the basics we've all read five hundred times.

To document a new technique and system that is REALLY A NEW WAY TO GROW (and not just an advertising novelty bulked up with the same old stuff)
would be the cannabis talking point of 2014 (or whichever year it came out).

It could be used as the vehicle to launch lots of Up in the Trees growing equipment.
Which would be, of course, slightly modified old stuff with a memorable name and eye-catching brand.

I'm getting ahead of things but, just to make sure you know, I would personally love to read a full journal about this type of grow.

How are the plants started?
When do they go up?
How do they go up?
How are they fed/watered?
Pest control?
Avoiding discovery?
And many, many more questions litter my mind.
i couldn't claim being original to it since I know of quite a few tree peeps but here's a few answers as to how I do it
seeds are started in little starter trays. After two weeks they go into a backpack. The grow bags I use are potatoe sacks. Load about 100 lbs of soil on the bag of a go kart along with some water. At location the tree is climbed and the sack with soil is hoisted up on a rope and secured to a branch. For watering in the future, a few water collection spots are set up and covered. Pest control has never been an issue. Discovery......I go far enough into the woods that only the squirrels and deer know what I'm up
for tree grow equipment, when I've known I was 100% safe! I've used portable hunting tree stands. They work great.
Sorry they are hps pics
lmao, and upside down


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Look healthy,I guess cant really see with HPS.

Hey all! Things are going pretty good on the grow. All are adjusted to the new pots and I'm on day 4 of flower. This morning confirmed my first two ladies with pertty little hairs starting. Lol, after all my years of growing I still can't get a good indoor grow water system down. Constant signs of under or over watering. The other practice not present this time around is misting the plants.....and a daily sesh with them. Might be time to build a room under the house since getting up to the attic isn't as easy as it used to be....lmao
puff puff >>>>>>>>>>
O another note, I scouted out a new outdoor tree grow spot. I'm really excited about this location. Full sun and should be pretty simple to get to them when needed. This spot will be for my g13 haze beans. I'll do a thread once I start getting things ready.
Put up a calander. Water more frequently with less water. Every third day unless they seem dry before that. Works well for me(though I tend to forget the calander exists and skip watering while high) lol.

There may even be an app for that. Haha. Best of luck to ya.

Hey all! Things are going pretty good on the grow. All are adjusted to the new pots and I'm on day 4 of flower. This morning confirmed my first two ladies with pertty little hairs starting. Lol, after all my years of growing I still can't get a good indoor grow water system down. Constant signs of under or over watering. The other practice not present this time around is misting the plants.....and a daily sesh with them. Might be time to build a room under the house since getting up to the attic isn't as easy as it used to be....lmao
puff puff >>>>>>>>>>
O another note, I scouted out a new outdoor tree grow spot. I'm really excited about this location. Full sun and should be pretty simple to get to them when needed. This spot will be for my g13 haze beans. I'll do a thread once I start getting things ready.

I'll be sure to sub up to that too. ;)
Hey all! Things are going pretty good on the grow. All are adjusted to the new pots and I'm on day 4 of flower. This morning confirmed my first two ladies with pertty little hairs starting. Lol, after all my years of growing I still can't get a good indoor grow water system down. Constant signs of under or over watering. The other practice not present this time around is misting the plants.....and a daily sesh with them. Might be time to build a room under the house since getting up to the attic isn't as easy as it used to be....lmao
puff puff >>>>>>>>>>
Hitn that sweet spot on the cation exchange is very rewarding....;-) LOL
Hitn that sweet spot on the cation exchange is very rewarding....;-) LOL

sure is! I haven't been this stoked over a spot in a while. All my spots are good but have something that makes it tough. Like cutting a 100' tunnel through dense stickers to get to a great group of trees. Not that I mind but figured Ida found that sweet spot a while ago...lmao. This is the One. The breeze will be great for keeping them strong and they will get sun from rise to set. Bugs will be very minimum and the area is infested with lady bugs. There is a lake within an easy walk if I need water. What even better. No one goes back there. Why? Pretty much landlocked by marshes. It's a real bitch getting back there unless you knew the area before it got overgrown. As a kid I used to run out there for adventure lol. This thread isn't just gonna be a grow, it's gonna be a nature experience. I'm anxious to get started.

yeah, calendars........they work great, I have a few hanging up with watering days.....shame I never remember to look at