Twister trim extraction


Well-Known Member
I have a T4 twister that i trim with, in the past ive tried using it for butane extractions, but it has always been very dark and never stable/sticky and gooey.
Is there anyway to extract with this stuff? I have several pounds of it sitting around.
What about an alcohol extraction?

What about a dry sift tumbler to make Keif then use it how you like from there.

Post 17 of this thread:

I have a T4 twister that i trim with, in the past ive tried using it for butane extractions, but it has always been very dark and never stable/sticky and gooey.
Is there anyway to extract with this stuff? I have several pounds of it sitting around.
What about an alcohol extraction?

From my experience I think an alcohol extraction would likely be darker then the butane when using trim machine material.
Get the 151 micron screen with it. Grind your material in a food processor. Add a couple pounds to it with a few pounds of dry ice pellets or broken up dry ice. Crank a few times, let sit a few minutes, crank again. sit. crank. repeat as many times as you feel you need to. This will give you dry ice hash which can be smoked on its on or processed farther. Personally I like using alcohol if i do an extraction.
Is that tumbler for trimming bud or just getting keef off? I usually trim 15-20lbs of bud so need something heavy duty
Get the 151 micron screen with it. Grind your material in a food processor. Add a couple pounds to it with a few pounds of dry ice pellets or broken up dry ice. Crank a few times, let sit a few minutes, crank again. sit. crank. repeat as many times as you feel you need to. This will give you dry ice hash which can be smoked on its on or processed farther. Personally I like using alcohol if i do an extraction.
Anyone use those to trim bud? I remember that cool video with the liquid co2 on youtube
Anyone use those to trim bud? I remember that cool video with the liquid co2 on youtube
I use it. Its ok. Beats your buds up pretty good but i smoke them all so i dont care. Works better on big dense buds doesnt work great on fluffy popcorn. Works AMAZING for dry ice keef.

Is that tumbler for trimming bud or just getting keef off? I usually trim 15-20lbs of bud so need something heavy duty
Both and they have several different sizes but they are pretty rough on your buds.

The dry sift tumbler that I use is only for sifting trim (or bud) to get the trichome heads separated from the trim.

I use the 150 g tumbler but you can get 1.5 kg tumblers for large harvests. It takes about 45 minutes to do 2 runs on my trim.

Great sale on


Your an idiot. Please do a little more homework before you spew bs out your mouth you have ZERO idea about.

Lol no I’m not. I’ve watch crc get made, along with many many other extractions in person.

The CRC process is used to polish turds . Good material doesn’t need to get CRC’d and anyone doing that is the idiot. CRC strips terps if used on good material and good material won’t have a color that needs to be messed with.

yeah i got some stuff from a dude which was really good and decided to microscope shot it. It is big rocky crystal stuff
what do u think that blue-ish spec is?