It's a little tricky cos I've got the 2 halves of the tent at different stages...shit yeah forgot about the thrips, saw that on insta. tricky in flower - what ya thinking?
Thanks for the words dude, I appreciate itThrips are out in force this year. Easy to kill though in a very non-toxic manner. They die with spinosad exposure, which is super low toxicity, and rinses off even. Probably the best thing for killing thrips as far as I know. I did one treatment and fixed the problem. Week 2 flower happened, ran a week before I identified and remedied. Week five flower now and I'm not seeing any bad effects of the attack or treatment. Plants were noticeably happier with bugs gone.. Probably triggered an immune response.
I've seen people kill em with cinnamon water (seep it overnight and sift drain then spray), but it literally tortures those bugs to death.. They violently wrack until death.. Seemed like bad karma route..
$20 solution:
Enjoying thread btw. Great small grow. But why do 6' plants?! Scrog!
Nice! I plan to do preventative through veg with the neem in the future (was intending to do that this run, but just got too busy with moving house etc) and hopefully that will act as a good deterrent like your peppermint oil. The Spinosad worked wonders and I, like others, seemed to have wiped out the entire population with one spray! And yeah the girls are definitely bouncing back despite the high temps heretheyll be fiiiiiine man
i use an essential oil peppermint foliar i make myself as a preventative, and sooooo far soooooo good...its cheap as hell, smells amazing and bugs apparently hate it! 10 drops in 1 litre of water and done. ill probably now get an infestation tmrw!
Hey manHey Twist. Good luck ridding the Thrips. Last run I had a full infestation of them n didn't realize it till late, right before flower. Knew I needed to bomb after that but hadn't cuz I was in flower.
Now I just found the beginning stages again. Caught em early this time.
Spinosyn is all that I could find to rid them. So you know, it's my understanding that it does not kill them on contact but starves them to death & effects their nervous system killing them within a few days. They love Neem n other oils though.
Spraying now & all last night.
When I used Spinosym last time, it cured the whole infestation In One shot (spraying thoroughly). Guessing when the eggs do hatch, they have nothing to eat n die right away. So, I don't think you need to worry about the life cycle like you would a mite. But maybe. Just sharing my experience.
Well, back to work. It's a nightmare spraying plants this big. Going through 3/4 gall a plant.
Hope all works out.
Thnx! It's the blue stickies you'd want. The yellow are for flys n fungus Knats. You should be good though. I bought a bunch of them blues last time & hung them everywhere around the plants n didn't catch one thrip. The Spinosyn works.Hey man
Yeah my findings suggest that you're right. I treated once with Spinosad and made sure I sprayed down everything really thoroughly. My Dark Plasma are pretty big too, so I definitely used a lot more of the spray than I expected. It seemed like most thrips died immediately, but some were still wiggling around after, so maybe you're right about the nerve gas. I was expecting to have to spray again, but I've been monitoring with yellow sticky traps and they seem like they're all gone. I too was a bit late diagnosing the problem, and then it took me a few days to get hold of the Spinosad so they really had a good hold on my tent, and I can see my yield is gonna suffer a bit. But with that said I am also really impressed with how well the plants have bounced back since I got rid of them. Definitely not as catastrophic as a spider mite infestation... I had that once years ago and still remember how bad that was.
Anyway good luck with your battle - I'm sure you'll banish them with the spray. Cheers
Cheers yeah it's all always a learning experience and that part of the fun!Thnx! It's the blue stickies you'd want. The yellow are for flys n fungus Knats. You should be good though. I bought a bunch of them blues last time & hung them everywhere around the plants n didn't catch one thrip. The Spinosyn works.
Takes the thrips awhile to grow wings n some don't even. But they can do damage by sucking the plant n laying eggs.
I found them this time early. After hrs. Of inspection, only one adult & 5 larva in the veg room.
Nothing but a few slime trails in the flower room so I got that one plant n the 2 next to it. The silvery spots are a sure tell tail sighn. Knowing this will allow you to catch them early.
Still can't get where these fuckers come from though? I keep a super clean opp.
Some say soil but I'm not to sure that's where mine came from.
Time for the seasonal Pyrenthium bomb anyways.
You'll be fine now that you Spinosynd them.