Twitter hides Trump tweet for 'glorifying violence

shut twitter down.....silence trump. then lock him up
Keep him raving and publicly fucking up on twitter, the warning are a leash on a toddler. If he were to go silent he would rise to dangerous levels in the polls, many would be quick to forgive and forget Donald, we've seen it happen many times before. Shove a hot poker up the pricks ass and make him dance and howl about oversight hearings and impeachment investigations. Make the GOP carry this assholes water over this fiasco while the folks back home in the red states are dying like flies! By all means keep him on twitter where he will vent his hurt and rage at the public, who are sick of the whining. They are also sick of the death, the fear, of the ineptness of Trump's non response, of confusion, of chaos, the constant hate, of silencing the only people who can help, the scientists and experts. They are also sick of being led to their deaths and sacrificed on the altar of Wall St. for the greater glory of King Clorox and his "numbers" (TV ratings, the dead and the damage done).
shut twitter down.....silence trump. then lock him up
Just imagine if America selected its representatives like the spartans, the old men who performed well in combat for the most part, so as you might imagine it was a pretty mixed bag, depending a lot on luck and circumstances for selection. Today you would have Forrest Gump instead of someone like Louie Gohmert from Texas, about as smart as Forrest, but Forrest had a good heart, Louie is an asshole! America would have been a better place with a better class of mormon running the show. Forrest was one of McNamara's morons and he was the best and brightest in the government, or so they said... ;)
Just imagine if America selected its representatives like the spartans, the old men who performed well in combat for the most part, so as you might imagine it was a pretty mixed bag, depending a lot on luck and circumstances for selection. Today you would have Forrest Gump instead of someone like Louie Gohmert from Texas, about as smart as Forrest, but Forrest had a good heart, Louie is an asshole! America would have been a better place with a better class of mormon running the show. Forrest was one of McNamara's morons and he was the best and brightest in the government, or so they said... ;)
there were quite a few "Forrest Gump's" in the infantry in Vietnam and they had an exceptionally high mortality rate. :cry:
Just imagine if America selected its representatives like the spartans, the old men who performed well in combat for the most part, so as you might imagine it was a pretty mixed bag, depending a lot on luck and circumstances for selection. Today you would have Forrest Gump instead of someone like Louie Gohmert from Texas, about as smart as Forrest, but Forrest had a good heart, Louie is an asshole! America would have been a better place with a better class of mormon running the show. Forrest was one of McNamara's morons and he was the best and brightest in the government, or so they said... ;)
Are you trying to say Forrest Gump would be a better president than Trump?

“I’m not a smart man, Jenny. But I know what law is”

yeah, he would be better. 8)
like i mentioned

i say some thing ..and get sworn at and no data..typical..

so glad the Prez mentioned antifa and violent left

,pathertic..but that ok huh?

we have known this for years..those paid fkrs need to be disassembled..this is a good start

protest over wrong police action is a good way to bring about change..i am for is my buddy Trump

and bro..looting is looting..and those thugs don't care..they tried to steal their bros safe..yeh the community sticks together

and burns down their part of town

you should read stats ..whitey gets killed by police more..but who cares huh?

washington protest was not a "protest" was organized attempt to incite violence...they only had one agenda,,start trouble

and watch msm, 18yr old popstars,and moviestars run with it

DIYHP..sorry i cannot answer your post

the tolerant left has deemed i do not have sufficient privileges to post[been on the site 10yrs]......but if i was a trump hater i would have full reign

do you see the irony?

gotta go
I didn't even call you a name.

It was just some helpful advice to bring on a better world.

Like "kill yourself". msm/left are bored of cv19..and" Trump kills 100'000"..for closing the border when biden, pelosi, and fauci did not even want him too

and now its

"construct race riot time"........

ok social media slaves .......REACT

never mind 85% black on black and black on white deaths are more the norm

but it doesn't fit the sick lefty pc stupido socialism agenda

hint ..this stuff doesn't work in a real think China cares about anything?

the world is a jungle..that is reality ...not this dumbass twitter purple haired moronic social drivel like this politcs forum

***ps. that cop did a bad thing and deserves to see justice served***

all the rest of whats going on is lefty disruptive.."we lost the 2016 election "

that "mother's march" was pre arranged [ george soros] just like the antifa bully cowards..

......drain the swamp
Last edited: msm/left are bored of cv19..and" Trump kills 100'000"..for closing the border when biden, pelosi, and fauci did not even want him too

and now its

"construct race riot time"........

ok social media slaves .......REACT

never mind 85% black on black and black on white deaths are more the norm

but it doesn't fit the sick lefty pc stupido socialism agenda

hint ..this stuff doesn't work in a real think China cares about anything?

the world is a jungle..that is reality ...not this dumbass twitter purple haired moronic social drivel like this politcs forum

***ps. that cop did a bad thing and deserves to see justice served***

all the rest of whats going on is lefty disruptive.."we lost the 2016 election "

that "mother's march" was pre arranged [ george soros] just like the antifa bully cowards..

......drain the swamp
your brain is broken and your shits all retarded
your brain is broken and your shits all retarded
I ain't even gonna bother, it's like one of Donald's shit show briefings where he goes on about Clorox, I figure were dealing with someone a bit like that, only he's not rich, or POTUS. The word salad is pretty much the same though, as is the level of emotional intelligence, clarity and empathy. I can see why he thinks the sunshines outta Donald's arsehole.
there were quite a few "Forrest Gump's" in the infantry in Vietnam and they had an exceptionally high mortality rate. :cry:
This might interest you, but you most likely already know, more is available online, including a wikipedia entry. He figured he could train them with videos, if ya repeat something enough it sinks in, kinda like Trump deals with his base. Some guys who had them in their units, killed them or arranged it, for survival, others took care of them, all were a hazard in the area of operation and a target behind the lines. It took more resources than it was worth just to take care of them in an operational zone and they were useless even for manual labor in some cases. It lowered moral and was an insult to those serving, it made their burden heavier and increased suffering for no gain, but at a loss, both material and human. Best and the brightest eh? Mc Narma was a fucking moron himself, if only a moral moron!

A failed experiment
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